Friday, September 20, 2024


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: It’s only because the American people are generally clueless or willfully ignorant of the irrefutable and highly consequential history presented in the following exposé that this Republic is on the verge of total and irreversible collapse.
Of course, we are dealing with the most politically powerful and socially influential tribe of people in world history—the Khazarian Klan.  Their raw power and overwhelming influence has been systematically channeled into conducting the most effective social engineering and mind control programs of this entire era.  Which is why so many Americans are still so ‘blissfully’ unaware that “THE BARBARIANS ARE INSIDE THE GATE”.


from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:


Yellen: “More Bank Mergers Necessary” as Banks Lose Tens of $Billions in Deposits the Past Two Weeks

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

It appears that the Biden Administration is abandoning their rhetoric that “the banking system is fine.”

CNN reported today that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met with CEOs of large banks yesterday and told them that “more bank mergers may be necessary.”

New York (CNN) — During Thursday’s meeting with the CEOs of large banks, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told executives that more bank mergers may be necessary as the industry continues to navigate through a crisis, two people familiar with the matter told CNN.

The comments from Yellen provide further evidence that Biden officials are starting to warm up to the idea of bank mergers despite concerns from progressives and the administration’s own scrutiny of corporate concentration. (Source.)

Her statements killed a stock rally this week that saw the stocks of regional banks increase 10%, in one of their best weeks since 2020.

Bud Light Sales Continue to Crash After ‘Trans’ Marketing Fiasco

from 21st Century Wire:

The bottom just fell out of Bud Light’s business. 

We’re now a month into the “Bud Light Backlash” and sales numbers from the week ending May 6, show a sustained decline in beer sales compared to before Bud signed up the bizarre falmboyant ‘trans’ personality – with month on month sales volumes still down.

The Cult’s Focus On Food



The Numbers BlackRock Won’t Crunch

by Teddy Ogborn, Global Research:

As the planet’s biggest investor, with $9 trillion in assets under management and an army of tech-savvy analysts trained on the scent of easy money, numbers are BlackRock’s bread and butter. A giant with such an enormous appetite should find room for all kinds of facts and figures – but this one’s a bit of a picky eater.

The BlackRock Annual General Meeting is on May 24th, and resolutions submitted by shareholders will be going to a vote. The board advocates for or against those resolutions in a statement released last month. One resolution they unanimously recommend shareholders vote against is Item 7 – the ‘Impact Report for Climate-Related Human Risks of iShares U.S. Aerospace and Defense Exchange-Traded Fund’ resolution, submitted by CODEPINK.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Warmly Welcomed Back Into Arab League After 12-Year Ban

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

It’s over for US hegemony.

From Al Jazeera, “Assad gets warm reception as Syria welcomed back into Arab League”:

After more than a decade of isolation, Bashar al-Assad, the president of war-torn Syria, has been welcomed back into the Arab League.

BELLINGCAT—Who Funds the Favorite Outlet of NBC & the CIA? Plus: Media Pushes Pentagon Lies as Biden Drones More Innocents

from Glenn Greenwald:


Is Your State Protecting Financial Freedom? Get The Full Breakdown Here

by The Sharp Edge, Corey’s Digs:

As the national debt approaches 32 trillion, and the Biden regime commits billions to Ukraine despite reports of embezzled funds, the American financial system is failing.  Already, the 2023 banking collapse is bigger than 2008, with the combined assets of three big banks that failed in 2023 dwarfing the assets of 25 banks that failed in 2008.  Meanwhile, the public is strapped with historic levels of consumer debt and inflation, driven by federal spending, as Americans struggle to make ends meet.  Congress has, so far, failed to restrain the out-of-control federal budget, by passing trillion-dollar packages, continuing the money flow to weaponized agencies riddled with fraud, waste and abuse.  Though this financial debacle may appear on the surface to be a destructive combination of incompetence and circumstance, in reality, the controlled demolition of the financial system as we know it is all part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Financial Reset.

Deutsche Bank agrees to $75 million settlement with victims of Jeffrey Epstein to settle federal lawsuit

by JD Heyes, Natural News:

Deutsche Bank has agreed to a multimillion-dollar settlement in a federal lawsuit filed by victims of child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein to settle claims that the institution enabled his crimes by doing business with him.

As reported by CNBC, the $75 million “bombshell deal still leaves JPMorgan Chase to defend its own would-be class action lawsuit by Epstein accusers in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, which involves similar allegations.”

CYANIDE Found in Remdesivir: FLUORINE & CYANIDE In Remdesivir Cause DEADLY Organ FAILURE

from Stew Peters Network:


COMEX Gold Futures Explained Part 1: The Basics

by Jan Nieuwenhuijs, Gold Seek:

This is part one of a series on COMEX gold futures contracts, for those interested to reach a proper understanding on this section of the gold market. In this first part we will discuss the history of futures trading and the basics of COMEX gold futures.

The History of Futures Trading

According to various sources the first traces of futures trading have been found in ancient Greece, medieval Europe, and seventeenth-century Japan. Though futures markets as we know them today emerged from North American commodity trade in the nineteenth century.

New Democrat Bill Calls For A Federal Agency To Create “Behavioral Codes,” Introduce “Disinformation Experts”

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

On May 18, two US senators introduced the Digital Platform Commission Act of 2023, a bill that seeks to give powers to a new federal agency that will set up a council to regulate AI, in the context of social platforms.

More precisely, the new body – the Federal Digital Platform Commission – would “rule” on what’s termed as enforceable “behavioral codes,” and among those staffing it will be “disinformation experts.”

US Gov’t May FREEZE Bank Withdrawals to Halt Bank Runs, Warns Finance Guru

from Man in America:


The Bilderbergers meet in secret for the 69th time

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The 69th Bilderberg Meeting, a secretive conclave of global power brokers, kicked off yesterday in Lisbon, Portugal, with issues on the agenda including transnational threats, artificial intelligence, and America’s leadership in world affairs.

About 130 participants from 23 countries have confirmed their attendance.