Saturday, September 7, 2024

Episode 2917: Marxism In The Military; Bioweapons Being Made In California

from Bannons War Room:


The Federal Reserve has $910 billion in losses

by Simon Black, Sovereign Man:

The Federal Reserve– the most critically important central bank in the world– is completely, hopelessly insolvent.

This isn’t some wild conspiracy theory or overly dramatic interpretation of the facts; we’re extremely data-focused in this organization and base our conclusions on indisputable, open-source figures.

And the facts in this case are crystal clear: the Fed’s own financial statements show that their unrealized losses amount to over $910 billion. Given that the Fed only has $42 billion in capital, this means that America’s central bank has a net financial position of MINUS $868 billion on a mark-to-market basis.

Why is WHO “One Health” Scheme Dominated by Veterinarians?

from Conversations That Matter:


‘Facebook Files’ Reveal Despicable Disregard for the Constitution

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

Last week’s revelation that Facebook took orders from the Biden Administration to censor even accurate information about Covid is the latest example of the US government’s disregard for our Constitution. Thanks to Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, we now know the extent to which the Biden Administration went in its proxy war against the First Amendment.

Getting the information wasn’t easy. It was only after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was threatened with being held in contempt of Congress that he relented and shared information with the Judiciary Committee about Biden Administration pressure to censor Americans on Facebook who disagreed with White House policy on Covid.

Hundreds Of ULEZ Cameras DESTROYED: Growing Group Of Blade Runners Vow To Destroy EVERY CAMERA

from Tim Truth:


UK Training Ukrainian Soldiers to Invade Crimea

by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, Global Research:

Kiev continues planning to invade Russian demilitarized territories. An article recently published by an important Western media outlet reports that Ukrainian special troops are being trained on British soil to attack the Crimean oblast, thus fulfilling the regime’s goal of recovering the reintegrated Russian oblast. The operation will be carried out with the mobilization of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, in addition to advanced [NATO-supplied] military equipment.

The information was shared by Express UK on the 29th of July. Sources told journalists that around 2,000 Ukrainian special troops are being trained in the Dartmoor region. There is a program of specialized exercises being operated to prepare the regime’s forces to launch an incursion on Crimea “before Christmas”. The data were confirmed by Kiev’s own intelligence chief, Kyrill Budanov, who said on the same day that news attacks on Crimea will take place “soon”.

“THEY’RE A POISONED CARTEL”: Vandana Shiva EXPOSES Bill Gates & the Elites!

from Russell Brand:


Elon Musk: ‘They Are Openly Pushing for Genocide of White People in South Africa’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Monday expressed outrage over a South African black party “openly pushing for genocide of white people” during a giant rally at a sports stadium over the weekend in Johannesburg.

“They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa,” Musk said. [South African President Cyril Ramaphosa], why do you say nothing?”

Obama Knew (Ep. 2057)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


You won’t believe what the CDC’s new director has in store for you

from WND:

The CDC will soon recommend annual COVID shots, much like the current annual flu shots, said Dr. Mandy Cohen, the embattled federal health agency’s new director, in an interview Thursday.

President Biden picked Cohen, the former head of North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services, to replace the controversy-prone Rochelle Walensky to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost a month ago despite Republicans’ objections.

Liberal Doctor Finally Admits the Vax Causes Myocarditis

from The New American:


New Files Show Biden Admin Forced Facebook To Censor “True Information” On Vaccine Side Effects

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Facebook employees were pissed off about it

Facebook employees were pissed off about it

Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma to Loot Medicare

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Earlier this month I reported that my Medicare account has been billed by three separate labs for expired Covid tests sent to me as “totally free, paid for by the Government. Please Do Not Return.” 

“Paid for by Government” means paid for by Medicare.  I now have 24 expired Covid tests for which Medicare has paid.

Since reporting this a few days ago I have now received Medicare notices that FIVE more labs have sent me AT MEDICARE’S EXPENSE Covid test kits.  These kits have not year arrived, but the bill to Medicare has.  

France prepares airstrikes, Niger. EU ready to seize Russia assets. Blinken, threat to humanity. U/1

from Alex Christoforou:


CCP DATA LEAK: Project Veritas exposes 8GB of documents revealing China’s 5-year plan for business, bio-engineering, military technology, AI and more

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

Project Veritas on July 25 disclosed that it was able to acquire nearly eight gigabytes (GB) of data from the Chinese government’s “five-year plan,” to become the sole global superpower. The non-profit investigative news organization got an alert that an exposed web server belonging to one of China’s state-sponsored enterprises can be accessed by the public. The team was able to download about 400 files without a password.

Project Veritas CEO Hannah Giles told the Gateway Pundit: “These are the business plans the Chinese government is utilizing to grow its technological and military infrastructure. Project Veritas released these internal Chinese Communist Party [CCP] plans to the public because transparency is the greatest weapon in pursuit of the truth.”