Monday, October 7, 2024

The Gold/Silver Ratio Says Silver’s Still Cheap

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

The silver price has dipped since December, from almost $26 per ounce to around $22 today. We reported on silver being a relative bargain at the time, and with lower spot prices and an even higher gold/silver ratio today, gold’s monetary sibling is looking like an even more attractive buy than it was late last year.

The gold/silver ratio refers to how many ounces of silver would buy a single ounce of gold, and at one point, the number was fixed by law. A lot has changed since then, with gold no longer backing the US dollar, and a whole array of precious metals-linked financial products like futures and ETFs adding to the complexity of the market.

“FBI Infiltrated Lockdown Protests!” | Max Blumenthal EXPOSES Deep State Covid Operations

from Russell Brand:


All Of The Elements Are In Place For An Economic Crisis Of Staggering Proportions

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

They were able to delay the U.S. economy’s day of reckoning, but they were not able to put it off indefinitely.  During the pandemic, the Federal Reserve pumped trillions of dollars into the financial system and our politicians borrowed and spent trillions of dollars that we did not have.  All of that money caused quite a bit of inflation, but it also created a “sugar rush” for the economy.  In other words, economic conditions were substantially better than they would have been otherwise.  Unfortunately, there will be a great price to be paid for such short-term thinking.  From the federal government on down, our entire society is absolutely drowning in debt, and now it appears that our economic problems are about to go to the next level.


from SGT Report:

Jim Willie is back and the quantifiable truth hurts. The hyperinflationary great depression has arrived and there is no way to hide it any longer. I can think of 34 TRILLION reasons to prepare NOW.

Protect Your Retirement W/ a Gold and/or Silver IRA:
or CALL( 877) 646-5347 – Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^

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The CBDC Indoctrination Has Begun

by Simon Black, Activist Post:

I imagine life can often feel pretty difficult for today’s high school students.

On top of dealing with classic teenage drama like homework, hormones, pimples, parents, driving, dating, university selection, and more, students these days have to contend with a host of new challenges.

They suffered long periods of brutal Covid lockdowns. Active shooter drills are a normal part of student life. And, of course, there’s the nonstop anxiety and peer pressure of social media.

Plus, on top of everything else, students today have also been force-fed some pretty bizarre ideas.

Zimbabwe Floats the Idea of Putting Its Currency on a Gold Standard

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

Could arguably the world’s worst currency become its best? 

If Zimbabwe follows through and embraces a plan to back the Zimbabwe dollar with gold, it just might.

Last week, Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa said officials were exploring ways to introduce a “structured currency,” but he didn’t explain what that meant. On Monday (Feb. 12), Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube shed some light on the plan, saying the goal was to “manage the growth of liquidity which has a high correlation to money supply growth and inflation.”

Inflation Won’t Die

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

The January inflation numbers came out this morning, and they weren’t good for Wall Street.

The consumer price index (CPI) rose 3.1% in January. That’s a decrease from December’s 3.4%, but it exceeded consensus estimates of 2.9%.

Core inflation, which excludes food and energy, rose 3.9% on an annualized basis, which is unchanged from December. But the consensus estimate was 3.7%. Core inflation also rose at its highest rate since April 2023.

Utah Legislature Passes Bill That Would Potentially Create Roadblocks to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

The Utah legislature overwhelmingly approved a bill that would expressly exclude a central bank digital currency (CBDC) from the state’s definition of money, creating potentially significant roadblocks to its use as such in the state.

Rep. Tyler Clancy was the primary sponsor of HB164. Sen. Michael Kennedy ran the bill on the Senate side.

The proposed law would specify that “a central bank digital currency is not specie legal tender and is not legal tender in the state,” effectively excluding CBDC from the state’s definition of money under the Utah Specie Legal Tender Act.

Five Wall Street Banks Hold $223 Trillion in Derivatives — 83 Percent of All Derivatives at 4,600 Banks

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

According to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC), derivatives played a major role in the financial crash of 2007 to 2010 in the United States, the worst financial crisis in the U.S. since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  The FCIC wrote in its final report: “…the existence of millions of derivatives contracts of all types between systemically important financial institutions — unseen and unknown in this unregulated market — added to uncertainty and escalated panic….”


from SGT Report:

Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report with the shocking truth about our food, and specfically, our kid’s food. The school lunch programs nationwide are almost 100% polluted and quite deadly, containing more toxins than nutrients. Please help us get the word out.

↑↑ Regain control over your body! ↑

GET the Graphene OUT OF YOUR BODY w/ MasterPeace:

Support Sofia, Get GROUNDED & More HERE:

Why Gold? Why Now?


by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

Despite the Wall Street happy talk about the Federal Reserve winning the battle against inflation, that battle has not been won.

Headline CPI (the kind Americans actually pay, not constructs like “core” and “super-core”) was 3.4% in December. That compares to 3.1% in November and 3.0% last June (the January numbers will come out tomorrow).

In other words, inflation is not gone and may even be on the rise with higher oil prices lately due to geopolitical concerns. The Fed will not raise rates, but they will not be quick to cut them given continued inflation.

Sorry, You Can’t Have Your Gold

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

In this publication, we warn regularly of the risk involved in storing wealth in banks. They’ve made the removal of your deposits increasingly difficult in addition to colluding with governments to allow them to legally freeze or confiscate your money. To add insult to injury, they’re creating reporting requirements with regard to the contents of  safe deposit boxes and restricting what can be stored in them – again, at risk of confiscation.

WHAT A SHAME: Hollywood Panics as Box Office Sales Plunge to ‘Alarming Lows’

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

It’s still very early in 2024 but woke Hollywood is having a very bad year already. Box office sales are way down and show no signs of improving in the near future.

Perhaps audiences are tired of political lectures from leftists who despise everything about traditional America. Or maybe no one wants to see another tired superhero movie. How many Marvels movies are there now, anyway? Who can keep track?

This is a simple case of people voting with their wallets.