Saturday, September 7, 2024

American Totalitarian “Crypto Dollar” May Come Before the Election

by Aaron Day, Brownstone:

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) threaten to replace the cash we use with programmable, trackable, and censorable tokens controlled by governments. Your financial choices could be suppressed, and privacy eliminated. Based on what I’ve learned and experienced directly, this could happen before the 2024 election. The best way to stop it is through direct action, not through politics.

World’s Largest Pension Fund To Diversify Into Bitcoin As BitMEX Sees Price Flash-Crash Below $9,000 Overnight

from ZeroHedge:

Crypto exchange BitMEX is currently investigating “unusual activity” involving large sell orders on its BTC-USDT spot market overnight that sparked a flash-crash dragging the price of BTC (in USDT) down below $9,000 (while the price remained above $66,000 on other exchanges)…

Doesn’t seem like a very smart move for the ‘rogue seller’ to dump over 400 BTC at that time of day into an illiquid market – why not wait until the US BTC ETF market is running its magic and sell into that liqudity?

Utah Legislature Passes Bill That Would Potentially Create Roadblocks to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

The Utah legislature overwhelmingly approved a bill that would expressly exclude a central bank digital currency (CBDC) from the state’s definition of money, creating potentially significant roadblocks to its use as such in the state.

Rep. Tyler Clancy was the primary sponsor of HB164. Sen. Michael Kennedy ran the bill on the Senate side.

The proposed law would specify that “a central bank digital currency is not specie legal tender and is not legal tender in the state,” effectively excluding CBDC from the state’s definition of money under the Utah Specie Legal Tender Act.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

If you’re following the development of pushback in the individual American states against the lunatic plans of Mr. Globalooney for central bank digital currencies, or for that matter, if you’ve been following the several American states initiating state bullion depositories and passing bullion-as-money laws, then you’ll want to pay very close attention to what just happened in my home state of South Dakota, and to what was just signed into law by its Governor, Mrs. Kristi Noem (this article courtesy of W.G.):

Bob Kudla – [CB]/[WEF] Has Failed, Market Crash Headed Our Way, Bitcoin Surge Coming

from X22 Report:


TJ Roberts Plans to Make Kentucky “the Crypto Capital of the World”

by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:

On February 6, 2024, TJ Roberts, a candidate running for Kentucky House of Representatives District 66, published a press release unveiling his plan to turn Kentucky into a hub for economic freedom.

He specifically cited the United States’ growing inflation as the main catalyst for his plan to make Kentucky “the Crypto Capital of the World.” He stated the following:

Will CBDCs destroy what’s left of freedom in the world?

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

We get the cold, hard facts from investment guru Catherine Austin Fitts

For all of my readers who have followed the advent of central bank digital currencies and maybe have read a few of my articles on the topic but aren’t quite sure what to believe, you will not want to miss what I’m about to reveal from a top-notch expert on the American and global banking system.

This is going to clear up a lot of your questions.

Russia announces creation of new blockchain-based digital currency separate from Western banking system: What does this mean for Americans and Westerners?

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

Russia, feeling spurned by the West, has decided to create an all new financial infrastructure that’s totally independent of Washington, New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Basel.

Russia officially announced on March 4 the creation of a new blockchain-based digital payment system, which will effectively empower the 10-member BRICS nations to use their own currencies, while avoiding the U.S. dollar and Western terminals controlled by the Swift banking system.


from Press For Truth:


NOW – Trump on cryptocurrencies: “There has been a lot of use of that and I’m not sure that I would want to take it away at this point.”

FBI Will “Neither Confirm Nor Deny” The Existence Of Bitcoin-Creator Satoshi’s Records

by Turner Wright, Activist Post:

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has reportedly responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from a journalist implying that Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto was a “third party individual” for whom it could neither confirm nor deny it had records.

According to an Aug. 13 X post by investigative journalist Dave Troy, the FBI issued a “Glomar response” to his request for information on Satoshi —- neither confirming nor denying the law enforcement agency had records identifying the pseudonymous Bitcoin creator.

Bitcoin surges beyond $60,000 mark

from RT:

The leading cryptocurrency has reached a two-year high after several consecutive days of gains

The price of Bitcoin, the world’s highest-valued cryptocurrency, surged past the $60,000 mark on Wednesday, according to CoinDesk.

The token rose above $60,600 at 14:55 GMT, its highest level since November 2021, marking a gain of over 6% over the past 24 hours.


from Brother Nathanael:


How high will GOLD and BITCOIN go?

from Health Ranger Report:


If you don’t think the Fed is pursuing a CBDC, think again.