Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mike Adams interviewed by Uncle Vigilante about Epic Cash, DeFi, Bitcoin and PRIVATE MONEY

from Health Ranger Report:

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Bitcoin Will Save Democracy From The Oligarchy Says RFK Jr!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:

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from Computing Forever:

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by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

This article comes from one of our regular article-sifters-and-sharers, and it’s more grist for the mill as you consider what is behind the moves of so many states to pass various currency laws.  Last week, for example, I offered a cautionary caveat on Texas’s recent bills regarding the “backing” of digital “currencies” with gold or silver, and their apparent “convertibility.” My caveat remains what it was: if you’re going to have truly convertible digital currency with silver and gold backing, then certificates of deposit that one can carry in one’s wallet – we know them as gold and silver certificates – must be issued and useable as currency.  Otherwise, I smell a plot simply to hook people on digital and cashlessness via the hook of “bullion backed.” Colour me a curmudgeon, because I’m not buying.


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Matt is back to cover all of the TREASON and REAL NEWS that’s fit print and that the mainstream CIA mockingbird media tries to coverup or ignore. Thanks for tuning in.

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from The Duran:

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GREAT RESET: Burger King FAILS! – They’re PREPARING For Government Food Rations!

from World Alternative Media:

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PROGRAMMABLE CURRENCIES — The Pathway To Your Enslavement

by TheDarkMan, The Duran:

Cheques (or checks in American parlance) have been with us a long time. Although they take a while to clear, they are safer to use than cash, especially for large purchases. At one time, ordinary people, especially women, would not be issued with chequebooks by their banks. Cheques have two big advantages over cash. If you sign a cheque for a thousand dollars then lose it or it is stolen, you simply put a stop on it with your bank whereas if you lose cash, it’s usually gone forever. Cheque payments can also be traced, so again, they are safer than cash.

CBDC – The Real Target

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

A lot of people somehow think that the move to Digital Currency is a completely new monetary system, It is targeted to eliminate cash transactions so everything is taxable and nothing can be hidden from our overlords. If we look at commerce in the United States during 2022, 82% of all transactions were digital – Debit cards (20 percent), credit cards (30 percent), and digital wallets 32 percent. That was e-commerce.


from Geopolitics & Empire:

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Elizabeth Warren Wants The Police At Your Door In 2024 If You Have A Crypto-Wallet

from Great Game India:

In 2022, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren authored a bill that would require cryptocurrency wallet providers to comply with bank Anti-Money Laundering rules. Not crypto exchanges, mind you, but the wallets themselves. Kansas Senator Roger Marshall joined her on the proposal as a co-sponsor.

Unicoin: “Universal Monetary Unit” Paves the Way to Global Currency

by Marie Hawthorne, Activist Post:

In March, Daisy wrote about FedNow, the instant payment system currently in the works. The American banking and government systems expect to start using it in July.  As Daisy discussed, FedNow isn’t a central bank digital currency (CBDC), but it provides the framework for one.

I encourage you to read Daisy’s FedNow article.  It will give you a good idea of how digital payments will be initially billed as a convenience, then something we can’t do business without.  Read the article, and then imagine digital currency on a global scale.

This is in the works, too.