Saturday, February 1, 2025

CDC Warns Everybody Over The Age Of 65 To Rush Out To Get The New Booster, Ignoring The Growing Mounds Of Evidence Vaxxes Are Causing Horrific Cancers & Deaths Worldwide

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Nobody Will Ever Be Held Accountable For This Pre-planned Genocide

According to the CDC in a newly released warning, Americans 65 years old and older should be rushing out to get the latest COVID vax booster shots, with the CDC reporting more than half of COVID-19 hospitalizations during October 2023 to December 2023 occurred in this age group.”

Warning that as of February 23rd, only 22% of American adults have gotten their updated boosters, including 41.8% of those over the age of 65, as this Zero Hedge story touching on that CDC warning reports, even the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel, which put out the recent advisory, had a difference of opinion on the actual ‘wording’ of the announcement.

Mitch McConnell Gives Google a “Secret Weapon” On His Way Out the Door

from Revolver News:

Mitch McConnell might be on his way out, but he has one last parting gift for the American public up his sleeve.

McConnell is supporting Melissa Holyoak, a Joe Biden nominee for the Federal Trade Commissioner. It should come as no surprise that Holyoak is a consummate RINO that would be a key ally for Google on the FTC, one of our nation’s most important regulatory bodies.


from The Salty Cracker:


Federal Reserve Responsibility for Consumer and Government Debt Crises

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

According to the Federal Reserve, credit card delinquencies increased by 50 percent in 2023, while consumer debt grew to 17.5 trillion dollars. A recent survey by Clever Real Estate found that three in five Americans have credit card debt and that 23 percent of Americans increase their credit card debt every month. The survey also found that 48 percent of Americans (including 59 percent of millennials) use credit cards for essential living expenses.


from State Of The Nation:

Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

BE AWARE! These are the two primary drivers of
the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution.

Germany preparing for war with Russia – Medvedev

from RT:

The German military could instigate a conflict, the former president has warned, commenting on a leaked conversation about a possible attack on the Crimean Bridge

A recently leaked recording of senior German officers discussing a potential attack on the Crimean Bridge leaves no doubt that Berlin is preparing for a military conflict with Moscow, the former Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, warned on his Telegram channel on Sunday.

The ‘Food Transition’ Is a War on Food, Farmers and Everybody Worldwide

by Colin Todhunter, Global Research:

This article begins with a short video based on an interview with researcher Sandi Adams, who describes the plans for agriculture in the rural county of Somerset in south-west England and the UK in general. It’s an important clip because what she describes appears to be part of a wider United Nations agenda handed down by an extremely wealthy unaccountable, unelected elite. 

This elite thinks it can do a better job than nature by changing the essence of food and the genetic core of the food supply (via synthetic biology and genetic engineering).

The plan also involves removing farmers from the land (AI-driven farmerless farms) and filling much of the countryside with wind farms and solar panels. Although the food system has problems that need addressing, this misguided agenda is a recipe for food insecurity that no one voted for.

Maria Zeee: Why Are People Glowing?

from The Alex Jones Show:


Steve Bannon tells CPAC audience it’s time to “lock them up,” referring to “illegitimate” Biden regime

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

At the recent Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) gathering in Washington, D.C., War Room host Steve Bannon led the crowd in a few resurrected chants from Donald Trump’s first political campaign.

One of the most notable was the “lock her up” chant – or in this case, “lock them up” – that rallied conservatives around the former president and his failed promise to imprison two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton. Bannon got the room to chant “lock them up” this time around in reference to the Joe Biden regime,” which he called “illegitimate.”

The CFTC’s Response

by Ted Butler, Silver Seek:

The long-awaited response from the CFTC to my congressman’s office about my concerns of the possible double-counting of publicly reported silver inventories, originally sent to the agency in mid-November was received by me Friday morning, March 1. To refresh you with the issue, I asked the CFTC (along with the S.E.C.) to make clear whether the 103 million oz reported in the I-Shares Silver Trust, SLV, and being held in New York by JPMorgan on behalf of the trust, was also being reported in the JPMorgan COMEX warehouse or whether these were two separate silver inventories. Here’s an article I made public at the time, which included my original letter, as well as some commentary.

Neil Oliver Warns ‘A Storm Is Coming’ for the Guilty

from Vigilant News Network:


Pennsylvania Collaborates With DHS and CISA To Monitor Online Election-Related Speech

by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

A new controversial speech-monitoring collaboration.

Pennsylvania’s Democratic Governor, Josh Shapiro, announced last week that, in an effort to address perceived “threats” to electoral procedures, the state is launching an initiative in partnership with various state and federal agencies.

These partners include the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and, notably, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), an organization long accused of aiding online censorship to impede freewheeling online speech.

585 million killed or injured and massive harm to pregnant women by covid injections, doctor says placing American medical organisations on notice

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In a bold move to protect patient health, Dr. James Thorp, a prominent obstetrician and maternal foetal medicine specialist, has issued a stark warning to leading medical organisations regarding the administration of covid-19 vaccines to pregnant women.

Dr. Thorp, with over four decades of experience in obstetrics, issued a formal notice to the American College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (“ACOG”), the American Board of ObGyn (“ABOG”), and the Society for Maternal Foetal Medicine (“SMFM”), demanding an immediate cessation of covid vaccine usage in pregnancy.