Wednesday, January 29, 2025

From Enlightenment to Ignorance: Society’s Dangerous Embrace of Stupidity

by Anthony Esolen, American Greatness:

You are stupid when you gape indifferently at something excellent that you have the power to understand but without understanding it and without caring to.

What would be the state of a society in which a will to stupidity were united with a will to power?

When I first decided to study and teach literature as my life’s vocation, I foresaw the work ahead of me—to learn as much as I could about English letters. Was I still unread in the Victorian novel? That would have to change. Had I a blank area in early American? It would have to be filled. The idea, though, was not simply to cover this and check off that. It was to gain a broad view of the whole, to see the relations of one area to another, to hear Melville in conversation with Milton, to set Jay Gatsby off against Tom Jones, to hear the American strains of confidence and rule-breaking in Walt Whitman, and the no less American strains of reserve and fence-setting in Robert Frost.

Watch: Denver Official Caught On Tape Begging Illegals To Leave The City

from ZeroHedge:

A top Denver official was caught on tape in a local migrant shelter begging illegals to go to other cities, as Denver – a so-called ‘sanctuary city,’ can’t support them.

“The opportunities are over,” said Mayor Mike Johnson’s political director Andres Carrera, who also serves as the city’s Newcomer Communications Liaison, in an exchange with newly arrived migrants.

New York gives you more. Chicago gives you more. So I suggest you go there where there is longer-term shelter. There are also more job opportunities there,” Carrera continues in the video obtained by 9News.


from The Salty Cracker:


YouTube’s Latest Election Interference Scheme Unveiled: Impact on the 2024 Race

from RAIR Foundation:

YouTube’s recent attempt to manipulate algorithms ahead of the 2024 election, masquerading as a commitment to “responsibility,” is yet another left-wing strategy to suppress diverse opinions. Johanna Voolich, YouTube’s newly appointed chief product officer, has introduced a new approach emphasizing “remove, raise, reward, reduce” content tactics. This approach ostensibly prioritizes so-called “authoritative” sources, which are nothing more than left-wing viewpoints.”

What Was COVID Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. “Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy”?

by Colin Todhunter, Global Research:

Covid, Capitalism, Friedrich Engels and Boris Johnson

“And thus it renders more and more evident the great central fact that the cause of the miserable condition of the working class is to be sought, not in these minor grievances, but in the capitalistic system itself.” Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) (preface to the English Edition, p.36)  

The IMF and World Bank have for decades pushed a policy agenda based on cuts to public services, increases in taxes paid by the poorest and moves to undermine labour rights and protections.

The POTUS Imposter Proves That He’s Also A Flaming Arsehole

from State Of The Nation:

When no one thought it was possible, Joe Biden just
outdid himself by proving to the whole world that he’s
really a:

Exactly, how did Biden just do that? Read on.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Obviously it’s not Joe Biden who is continuously and irreparably tearing the fabric of American society. The super fool is simply too drug addled, demented and daffy to carry out the wholesale destruction of the American Republic. However, he was carefully selected by his Khazarian masters because of being the most corruptible and criminal political reprobate in modern US history.

The Day America Was Sold to China

from Man in America:


TransDay of Visbility It Is Then

by Kevin McCullough, Townhall:

A Trans-formational Day of Visibility!

Not going to argue here. The millions of people deeply offended by the profoundly hostile and arrogant actions of the President and Governors of several states is warranted.

If history is any teacher the Bidens will be hosting activities on the White House grounds that will range from grotesquely out of the normal, to near Satanic-like intentionally offensive spitting in the face of what today truly means.

Karen Kingston & Dr. Sansone – Gov. DeSantis Officially Served: Immediately Cease COVID Injections

from mariazeee:


Corey’s Digs Library Catalog: Volume 11

by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

Below is a library catalog with direct links to over 220 of Corey’s Digs investigative reports, solutions, and inspirational articles, plus a plethora of resources, all listed under convenient categories! This catalog is updated quarterly and is available in pdf downloaded for Free in The Bookshop, along with dozens of investigative reports also available for download, plus Corey’s paperback book on the ‘Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports.’

The Termination of Christian Celebration

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

I remember when Easter was a major religious holiday. Today it is “Transgender Day of Visibility.” President Biden told us that “Today” this Easter Sunday, “we send a message to all transgender Americans You are America, and my entire administration and I have your back.”

The Resurrection of Christ has been replaced with a celebration of sexual perversion that includes “all LGBTQI+ Americans,” declared President Biden.

US Treasury Dept Says, “We’re on a Fiscally Unsustainable Path”

from Peak Prosperity:


SHOCKING: USA has recorded over 1 Million Excess Deaths among the over 65’s since the FDA “approved” the COVID-19 Vaccine

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Shocking statistics, quietly published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal over one million excess deaths have been recorded among people aged 65 and over ever since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccine to be offered to the public.

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – Episode 16

from Vigilant News Network:


Javier Milei Drains the Swamp

from Moonbattery:

The USA is coming to a fork in the road. We can see where one path goes by looking to the north, where authorities warn of societal collapse under squishy soft liberal tyrant Justin Trudeau. All the way in the opposite direction, Javier Milei presents the other option:

Argentine President Javier Milei announced his plans to slash 70,000 government jobs in an effort to shrink government expenditure and reduce the national deficit to zero. …

Over 50,000 of Argentina’s approximately 3.5 million public sector employees have already been dismissed, but more cuts were on the way.

Even in Argentina, upon which government hypertrophy has inflicted pointless misery for decades, pushback will be ferocious: