Thursday, October 17, 2024

Planet Earth Just One ‘False Flag’ Or ‘Accident’ Away From A Nightmare – With America’s Foreign Policy Driven By Globalist Psychopaths, All Of These Signs Hint Of World War 3 Dead Ahead

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Taking a look at 3 new stories over at Zero Hedge, one might think we’re closing in on WW3. With the most recent one reporting Russia’s Navy Port At Sevastopol Is On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack, after a major overnight and early morning attack on one of Russia’s key Black Sea naval ports, with multiple social media videos showing massive blazes at the Sevastopol shipyard, leaving numerous people dead and at least 24 people injured, the two other’s were titled “NATO Baltic War Games Simulate Article 5 Collective Defense War With Russia” and “NATO Prepares For Biggest Military Exercise Since Cold War, And Close To Russia,” leaving the world one accident away from a nightmare.

Putin: Trump Indictments are Very Good for Russia

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

When asked about the impeachment of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin said that it is “very good” for Russia insofar as it shows America is deteriorating from within. Putin and Trump once had a mutual respect for one another, acknowledging that each leader consistently put their nation first. Everyone besides the far-left can see that Trump’s indictments are a politically motivated attempt by the current administration to deny the people a fair election. “It shows the rottenness of the US political system that can’t claim to teach others democracy,” Putin stated. “What happened to Trump is a motivated prosecution of a political rival.”

The Antisemitic COVID Lockdown Psyop

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

I’m thinking we do this one in New York.

I thought we were going for Chicago.

Yeah, but we don’t want to disrupt the flow of drugs in and out of there.

Right. So New York. We spray a toxic chemical with limited dispersion?

No. This time it’s all theater. We pick out 15 recently arrived migrants, pay them each a couple of thousand bucks, and transport them to some island in the South Pacific. They never enter the system.

Klaus Schwab Openly Worries About “Revolution Against The Elites!”

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


“Silver Isn’t Scarce” and Other Myths

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

A commenter on the SchiffGold Facebook page recently asserted that silver coins are “junk.” Why? Because as he put it, “silver is not rare,” and, “The silver/gold ratio investment premise is obsolete in this industrial, computerized and AI world.”

What should we make of these assertions?

We’ll start with his first statement – silver isn’t rare.

But it is.

WATCH: Charges Dropped For 2 of 3 TSA Agents Caught on Video Stealing From Passengers at Miami International Airport

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Charges were dropped for 2 of the 3 Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents caught on surveillance video stealing from passengers at Miami International Airport.

In early July Josue Gonzalez, 20, Elizabeth Fuster, 22, and Labarrius Williams, 33 were arrested and charged for stealing money from passengers’ luggage at MIA.


from The Salty Cracker:


Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho

by Emma-Jo Morris, Breitbart:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation and prosecution of CEFC China Energy Co. boss and Biden family associate Patrick Ho displayed “irregularities,” including concealing known connections between the Chinese Communist Party-linked entity and the Bidens, and communication between Hunter Biden and the FBI agents involved in Ho’s case, according to a memo by the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project.

Ho, infamously referred to as “the fucking spy chief of China” by Hunter Biden, was arrested in November, 2017, and convicted in December, 2018, in the Southern District of New York and sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money laundering. Ho’s first phone call upon his arrest was to Hunter Biden, who was allegedly providing legal services to him at the time.

Fear Mongering Ramps Up: “Pirola” Variant is Rapidly Spreading Across The U.S.

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Apparently, the new scariant “Pirola” is rapidly spreading across the United States. The fear-mongering appears to have stepped up a notch as new “vaccines” were approved for use.

The high number of mutations could mean the variant can evade the body’s immune responses, triggered either by infection or vaccination, the mainstream media says as they fear monger. Not to worry. The ruling class, along with Big Pharma, have conveniently (and not coincidentally at all) come out with new “vaccines.”


from Arcadia Economics:


UN Cybercrime Treaty Talks End Without Consensus on Scope And Deep Divides About Surveillance Powers

by Karen Gullo, Activist Post:

As the latest negotiating session on the proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty wrapped up in New York earlier this month, one thing was clear: with time running out to finalize the text, little progress and consensus was reached on crucial points, such as the treaty’s overall scope of application and the reach of its criminal procedure mandates and international cooperation measures.

Instead, a plethora of proposed word changes was added, further complicated by additional amendments published in informal reports well after the two-week session ended September 2. We saw many of the same highly dangerous criminal offenses and surveillance measures that had not made it into the zero draft reintroduced back into the text. The original zero draft, as well as the last set of amendments discussed in behind-closed doors negotiations, turned into a sea of redlines.


from We Are Change:


Let’s Talk About The Ancient Three-Fingered “Alien Corpses” That Were Just Shown To Lawmakers In Mexico…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Did we just witness the unveiling of the most amazing “alien discovery” in history, or was it all a hoax?  2023 has been a really weird year, and it just got even weirder.  On Tuesday, an independent researcher named Jamie Maussan brought two small mummified specimens with him when he testified at a congressional hearing in Mexico about UFOs.  The mummified specimens were contained in two glass display cases, and so they could be very clearly seen.  By now, you have probably come across photos or videos of these creatures on social media.  But are they actually real?  According to Maussan, carbon-14 dating that was conducted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico has “determined the remains were 700 and 1,800 years old”


from The New American:


JFK & MARILYN MONROE: When the true story is far stranger than Khazarian-fabricated fiction

from State Of The Nation:

Here’s how JFK totally tricked the Khazarian Mafia and why they really killed him.

SOTN Editor’s Note: As the following exposé clearly indicates, President John F. Kennedy knew that he would be the most monitored POTUS in history.  Especially after his older brother, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., was assassinated by the Khazarian Mafia to terminate his presidential ambitions, JFK knew that his every move would be scrutinized by the White House Khazarian overlords who made his election win possible.  With the Khazarian-installed Allen Dulles as CIA Director, Kennedy was also well aware that he would be subjected to the most sophisticated and technologically advanced spying and surveillance apparatus in world history.  And so he was.