Monday, September 16, 2024

Blood Commodities: BlackRock’s Role in the Ukraine Carnage


by Phil Butler, New Eastern Outlook:

Ukraine has become a symbol for all those who understand the war; there is money for blood. And there has been no negotiation to end hostilities because the money is and will continue to flow by the tanker load. Let’s briefly examine who stands to gain from the death of hundreds of thousands.

BlackRock and JPMorgan top a list of banking pirates raking in profits because of the shifted economics of the Ukraine conflict. Prices for commodities tied to Ukraine and Russia are making investors in these and other firms ecstatic. However, real profit is on the horizon when government and public sector investments in the war-torn country have soaked up all the financial losses. Financial Times writer Brooke Masters says BlackRock, JPMorgan, and others will step in and take a privileged deal based on their “donation” of advising services. This is how Masters framed the current situation:


from AlexandraBruce:


Your Kid’s School Went ‘Woke’? Consider Homeschool.


by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

“Woke” culture has become so prominent in the American education system that it would not be surprising to learn that schools were replacing the once popular rhyme “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” with “sticks and stones may break my bones but opinions I disagree with can make me feel unsafe so they must be silenced.”

Episode 2901: Time Will Prove That America’s Frontline Doctors Were Right

from Bannons War Room:


The real failure of “trickle down economics”

by Claudio Grass, Claudio Grass:

Part I of II

For decades already, one of the most popular and commonly employed attacks of Keynesians and other left-leaning economists was the one against the idea of “trickle down economics”. They ridiculed the notion that a rising tide lifts all boats or plainly put, the obvious fact that when job creators thrive, so do the people that hold those jobs and sustain themselves and their families thanks to them.

BREAKING: MRNA MEAT TASK FORCE! – Cattlemen’s Association Concerned Over “Vaccine Meat”

from World Alternative Media:


The World Health Organization Proves Why Censorship is Dangerous


by Joe Martino, The Pulse:

We are continually bumping into the realization that our collective sensemaking processes suck. And with censorship on the rise, and being called for by more and more people, I can’t help but recall my personal experience to illustrate just how absurd what’s happening truly is. (I believe absurdity is necessary though.)

9 ‘Dark Money’ Sources Funding CCDH: A Foreign ‘Digital Hate’ Group Which Used the White House to Quash Free Speech

by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

Ever since a fake grassroots organization from the United Kingdom named the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) was publicly called out by Senator Josh Hawley (R) on July 18th, 2021 for being a “foreign dark money group,” a growing chorus of inquiring voices has been asking for full disclosure on who is funding this foreign influence operation to suppress the constitutionally protected speech of American citizens on matters of life and death significance.

New Docu-Series “REMEDY” To Help Vaxx Injured: The Truth About Vaccines & How To Survive Them

from Stew Peters Network:


We have lost our country. How do we get her back?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

This is from three years, two months ago:  China: The much needed enemy 

From Mike Whitney’s recent column, the situation was worsened.  The US will suffer, not China. 

It is very distressing to watch America’s anti-American intellectual class, with its hold over public schools, universities and their law and medical schools, Democrat governments, and the so-called “security agencies,” destroy our country, all its morals and all its values, even the First Amendment and the Constitution of the United States, dismissed by the Democrat Party and the New York Times as racist.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Poised to Commit Ultimate Act of Election Interference with Trump’s J6 Indictment

by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

Special Counsel Jack Smith is poised to commit one of the greatest acts of election interference in U.S. history.

The Biden hatchetman is set to charge the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, with conspiring against the nation that he once led to peace and prosperity. The J6 indictment against Biden’s chief 2024 adversary is set up to run interference for a hapless sitting president whom the American people increasingly believe is one of the most corrupt the nation has ever witnessed.

What’s in New Anthrax Vaccine? Aluminum, Formaldehyde and Benzethonium Chloride

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

“You can’t make this stuff up,” wrote Meryl Nass, M.D., commenting on the lack of efficacy, toxic ingredients and major side effects associated with Emergent BioSolutions’ new anthrax vaccine that won FDA approval last week.

UPDATE, Body of 45-year-old Black Male, Found in Pond Behind President Obama’s Martha Vineyard Estate

from The Conservative Treehouse:

UPDATE: The body of the unidentified man has been confirmed to be Barack and Michelle Obama’s personal chef, Tafari Campbell, aged 45.

The original age of the victim was incorrect in the initial reporting.  Despite the Obama family vacationing on the island, the Obamas were not at their home in Martha’s Vineyard at the time of the incident.

Doctor call provides even more evidence that vaccines are the leading cause of autism and SIDS


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

If vaccines don’t cause autism or SIDS, then how can we explain what these doctors told me? They also agreed that completely unvaccinated kids are healthier than fully vaccinated kids; no exceptions.

Executive summary

I had a call with over a dozen doctors and holistic practitioners today, all friends of Jason Dean. He chose doctors he knew who would be willing to go on a zoom call; there was no other selection criteria.

68-Year-Old Woman Beaten by Looters Then Fired


from Moonbattery:

A 68-year-old white woman was beaten black and blue by blacks when she attempted to stop them from shoplifting from her employer Lowe’s. What do you suppose happened next? She was fired, of course.

From Georgia:

According to the Rincon Police Department, three people entered the store June 25 and loaded up a shopping cart with about $2,000 worth of items.

Police said as the group was trying to leave without paying a 68-year-old employee named Donna Hansbrough tried to stop them and grabbed their cart.

But that’s when one of the thieves hit her in the face three times.

This left her with a swollen black eye and no job after 13 years of service. Confronting thieves instead of letting them help themselves is a violation of policy.