Friday, September 27, 2024

Something Is Not Right About The Israel/Hamas War — Could It Lead To Genocide, World War Three?

by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post:

On Saturday morning, an ominously quiet region was set alight with rocket fire, gun battles, and declarations of war, the latter threatening to bring in a multitude of other countries on either side. Indeed, the events that took place yesterday in Palestine and Israel could very well be the powder keg that ignites the rest of the world into an open and undeniable Third World War.

David Icke – What’s REALLY Happening in Israel

from AlexandraBruce:


Mel K & Jeremy Brown | First They Came for the J6 Protestors…An Ominous Warning

from The Mel K Show:


Top network issues surreal memo: Don’t refer to Hamas as ‘terrorists’

from WND:

‘If true, this employee, must be fired’

A major broadcaster in North America is reportedly instructing its journalists not to refer to Hamas attackers as “terrorists.”

The media giant in question is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, or CBC, which apparently issued an internal memo over the weekend in the wake of Hamas’ onslaught of killings and kidnappings in Israel, with more than 700 murdered and at least 2,300 wounded.

Netanyahu Tells Gaza Residents To Clear Out, Says IDF “Will Use All Its Strength” To “Destroy” Hamas

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Update (1835ET): Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned residents of Gaza to “leave now, because we will operate forcefully everywhere.”

Hamas wants to murder us all. This is an enemy that murders children and mothers in their homes, in their beds, an enemy that abducts the elderly, children and young women, that slaughters and massacres our citizens, including children, who simply went out to enjoy the holiday.

MUST WATCH: WW3 & ISRAEL EXPLAINED! – The Great Reset Agenda & The BRAINWASHING Of The Masses!

from World Alternative Media:


Biden regime now gaslighting the public, claims they never issued vaccine mandates and it’s only in your imagination

by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

It wasn’t long ago when federal officials were calling for mask mandates, covid-19 test requirements, vaccine mandates and vaccine passport systems that challenged body autonomy rights and threatened our basic right to travel and assemble. These rogue officials sought to segregate “unvaccinated” individuals from society and implemented coercive policies that terminated employees from the workplace and removed service members from the military.

SCENE OF TERROR IN GAZA: Israel Imposes Complete Siege on Gaza, Cuts Off Electricity, Fuel, Food, and Water Ahead of Ground Operation (VIDEOS)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced a “complete siege” on Gaza on Monday. The blockade includes a ban on the admission of food, water, electricity, and fuel. This move is seen as Israel’s retaliation against Hamas following their largest attack on the country in decades.

On Saturday, Israel officially declared a state of war as of 06:30 a.m. local time. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are grappling with an unprecedented level of aggression from Hamas, the militant group based in Gaza.

Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism

by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:

The Democrats are making no effort to hide their totalitarian impulses. Certainly, Hillary Clinton isn’t. In an interview this week with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, she suggested that Trump supporters were part of a cult and needed formal deprogramming.

Whatever the reason, you know, make America great again was a bid for nostalgia to return to a place where people could be in charge of their lives, feel empowered, say what they want, insult whoever came in their way. And that was really attractive to a significant portion of the Republican base. So, it is like a cult.

And somebody has to break that momentum.

Heart Deaths Up 26% on Pre-Pandemic Levels, Official Data Shows

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Experts are raising the alarm as the number of deaths related to heart failure continues to soar way above average.

New official data from the UK government shows that heart-related deaths are currently 26 percent higher than they were before the pandemic.

The latest figures reveal that England recorded 32,130 registered deaths due to heart failure during the 24-week period between March 24 2023 and September 1.

GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Gerald Celente:

from GoldSeek Radio:


Is This One Of The Wars Of The Apocalypse?

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

When I was first told that Israel was at war, I did not believe it.  Even though I had warned my readers over and over again that a major war could erupt in the region at any moment, I literally thought that someone was trying to share some “fake news” with me.  But of course it wasn’t fake news at all.  Israel’s government has invoked Article 40 Aleph and has formally declared war on Hamas.  This is the first time in 50 years that Israel has formally declared war, and the death toll is rising with each passing hour

ISRAEL and TEXAS both under attack by invasion forces as Obama’s evil plans take hold

from Health Ranger Report:



from The Alex Jones Show:


Government-Enforced Racism and Sexism

by Jeff Thomas, Information Liberation:

A half-century ago, the US was the envy of the world – the Land of the Free, where virtually anyone could prosper, if he were willing to roll up his sleeves and work.

America was made great through the immigration of those who wished to pursue the American dream of “work = personal success.” It’s important for us to remember that those who were less ambitious remained in their homelands and helped their countries stagnate, whilst their worker-bee counterparts colonised America for generations.