Friday, September 27, 2024

ASSASSINATION PLOT? Robert Fico’s Shooter May Not Have Acted Alone: Slovakian Minister

by Paul Serran, The Gateway Pundit:

The assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has sent geopolitical ripples across Europe and the world, as the populist leader represented a new force that challenged mainstream EU and NATO views on Ukraine and a whole host of other issues.

Now, it is reported that the suspect in his shooting an may not have been just a ‘lone wolf’ as previously believed.

The Slovakian interior minister stated as much, as their security services try to clarify the circumstances of the attack.

Mel K & Sarah Westall | Beyond the Veil: Mind Control and 5G Warfare

from The Mel K Show:


This Could Change DC Politics (Ep. 2104)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


Klaus Schwab Accused of Sexually Assaulting Multiple Young Staffers

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab sexually assaulted multiple young female staffers, according to a new Wall Street Journal report.

Under Schwab’s leadership, the WEF “has allowed to fester an atmosphere” of sexual harassment and discrimination against women and Black people, the World Street Journal has cited numerous sources, including current and former forum employees, as saying.

Remember the FALLEN! Exposure at all levels, WOKE losing, PRAY!

from And We Know:


Is this really why they hate Putin so much?

from State Of The Nation:

Editor’s Note: There’s only one person on the planet who is more hated than Donald Trump by both the liberal and conservative Anglo-American establishment—Vladimir Putin.
But why do they really detest the immensely popular Russian president?
Because Putin represents everything they are not … and in so being and doing, he makes them all look very, VERY bad!

Episode 3608: Vast Criminal Conspiracy Against Trump And MAGA

from Bannons War Room:


An Ultra-Violent Migrant Gang Is Shooting Police Officers, Trafficking Young Women And Raping Kids

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

The chaos that we are witnessing in the streets is the direct result of the decisions that our politicians have made.  As I discussed yesterday, allowing millions upon millions of migrants that are not being properly screened to come pouring over our wide open borders is not a good idea.  There are certainly many migrants that are coming here because they want to work hard and create a better life for themselves.  But of course there are others that are coming here for other reasons.  Throwing the back door wide open for vast numbers of criminals that intend to cause all sorts of mayhem once they arrive in our major cities is extremely foolish.  We are literally committing national suicide, and many of our leaders don’t seem to care.

Democrats Should Stay 60 Feet Away From Normal People and Wear Masks

from The New American:


Here’s What Happened When Parents Tried to Stop Their Teen From Undergoing ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery

by Madeline Leesman, Townhall:

The parents of a teenager who identifies as “non-binary” failed to prevent their child from have irreversible transgender surgery, according to a report from The Telegraph.

Reportedly, the parents asked the High Court in London, England for an injunction preventing their 17-year-old daughter from having a mastectomy. The court refused to grant the injunction, stating that the child was turning 18 soon and would be able to consent to the experimental, irreversible so-called “gender-affirming” treatment (via The Telegraph):

REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

by Jon Michael Raasch, Daily Mail:

Fauci said he does not know where the six foot social distancing rule came from
He also said that he was unaware of studies recommending masks for kids

Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to ‘protect’ Americans from covid.


from The David Knight Show:


Candace Owens Suspended, Demonetized on YouTube for ‘Hate Speech’ Criticizing Jews

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Conservative commentator Candace Owens was suspended from YouTube on Monday and fully demonetized for sharing an interview with Kanye “Ye” West which contained “claims that Jewish people control the media,” which the social media site said is “hate speech.”

“There will be no show today, or at all this week. That’s because @YouTube has issued me a strike and a one week suspension for my sit down with Kanye,” Owens said Monday on X. “They also removed the interview as ‘hate speech’, as it was mass reported by Zionists. Their tactics never change.”

The indictment over alleged Russian election interference is itself the election interference.

Tens Of Millions Of Americans Are “Trapped” In An Endless Cycle Of Debt That Is Sucking The Life Out Of Them Financially

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Did you know that U.S. households are 17,690,000,000,000 dollars in debt?  Of course household debt is only one part of a much larger story.  The federal government is 34 trillion dollars in debt, state and local governments are absolutely drowning in debt and unfunded liabilities, and corporate debt is at an all-time high.  As a society, we are on the greatest debt binge in the history of the world, and it just gets worse every single year.  Previous generations handed us an economy that provided us with an incredibly high standard of living, but we always had to have more.  So we have been borrowing and spending with no end in sight, and now our day of reckoning is fast approaching.