Friday, October 18, 2024

UK Pathologist Rules 36-Year-Old Mom Most Likely Died From Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

May 2022 – Mother, 36, most likely died from Covid Pfizer vaccine 11 days after dose, inquest told – Pathologist said the mother-of-two may still be alive had she not had the Covid vaccine

A family listened in shock as a pathologist revealed his belief that a 36-year-old mother-of-two died as a result of having a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination.

A post-mortem examination on the body of Dawn Wooldridge had previously proved inconclusive.

But an inquest heard her unexpected death, which happened 11 days after the young mother’s first Covid jab, was probably a result of the vaccination.

Ms Wooldridge was found dead in her home by her brother in June last year (2021), after she failed to collect her five-year-old son from school.

Truth Be Told – Mark Steele & Nicholas Martin

from Vaxxchoice:


Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie Calls For All Elected Officials To Disclose Their Citizenship Status

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie’s victory in the Republican primaries on May 21, 2024 dealt a significant blow against the Israel First lobby as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) dropped over $400,000 in negative advertising to derail Massie’s campaign.

These efforts proved to be futile with Massie cruising to victory. Now, Massie is pushing the envelope by calling for elected officials who obtain and keep citizenship in foreign countries to disclose all of their citizenship details. In a post that he published on X, Massie declared, “If we are going to continue to allow U.S. Congressmen to acquire and retain citizenship in other countries, they should at least be required to disclose all countries of which they consider themselves to be citizens.”

Libertarian CHESS moves, Reagan + BRONX? Free ROSS? Nevada voter ID, FREEDOM, Pray!

from And We Know:


Republican Truck Driver Who Won New Jersey State Senate Seat in Shocking 2021 Victory Now Running for Governor

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

Edward Durr, the working class Republican truck driver from New Jersey who shocked the country by winning a state senate seat race in 2021, is now running for governor in the state.

Durr is a perfect example of what the country needs more of – average working people running for political office.

Considering how close the last race for governor was in New Jersey, a Republican candidate definitely has a shot.

FOX News reports:

‘Wide-open border’: Mexican cartels’ presence in U.S. explodes with Biden

from WND:

DEA veteran: They’re taking over drug distribution from local dealers and gangs

At the heart of the deadliest drug epidemic in American history are two powerful transnational criminal organizations notorious for drug-trafficking and violence – and their influence is growing dramatically under the Biden administration, a veteran Drug Enforcement Administration agent and fentanyl expert tells WND.

Bidenomics Has Made Fast Food a Luxury Item

by Rick Moran, PJ Media:

I grew up about 5 miles from the very first McDonald’s franchise store in Des Plaines, IL. That store opened in 1955, a year after I was born. Alas, I never visited that historic establishment because my mother insisted she could make better hamburgers than McDonald’s and why would anyone who loved food brag about how fast they cooked it?

Gov. Abbott just turned every Texas college, university into a thought police enforcement zone

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Texas Gov. and proud Zionist Greg Abbott is destroying the First Amendment in the Lone Star State, one edict about “antisemitism” at a time.

From now on, anyone who is caught saying the “wrong” things on a Texas college or university campus can be reported to law enforcement for “antisemitic” speech, specifically if they utter the phrase “from the river to the sea.”

Back in March, Abbott signed an executive order (EO) to require “all higher education institutions in Texas” to “review their free speech policies” in order to “establish appropriate punishments for antisemitic rhetoric.” Consequently, school administrators are threatening student protesters with police abuse if they speak out of turn.

Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply
  • Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes (“shedding”) and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines’ mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are other major concerns

The Trust Continuum And Gold’s Role In Preserving Wealth – Peak Prosperity

from Peak Prosperity:


24 Republican governors tell Biden they will resist ‘unconstitutional’ WHO pandemic treaty

by Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite News:

Republican governors in nearly half the states condemned the WHO’s pandemic treaty and International Health Regulations in a letter to Joe Biden, warning that they violate ‘our Constitution’s core principles’ and threaten America’s ‘national sovereignty.’

Almost half the governors in the U.S., all of them Republicans, have signed a letter to President Joe Biden declaring that they will resist any efforts of the World Health Organization (WHO) to control public policy in America through its proposed “Pandemic Agreement” and amended International Health Regulations (IHRs).

America’s Enemies Prepare for Aggression

from Moonbattery:

Nothing provokes aggression like weakness, so considering that Joe Biden has been made Commander in Chief, it should come as no surprise that America’s enemies are preparing to attack. Already our military bases are under siege as they gather preparatory information:

Chinese nationals tried at least 100 times to enter U.S. military bases and related installations last year.

The ChiComs aren’t alone:

Iran, Russia and terrorist groups from the Middle East are also involved Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis., exclusively told in a sit-down interview.

Grothman links the threat to the border that Democrats have opened wide to all comers:

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – Episode 24

from Vigilant News Network:


Why Our Elites Are Unpersuaded by the Evidence of Human Suffering

by Joanna Gray, Daily Sceptic:

Like all of the best ‘quick drink’ catchups, ours ended in the small hours with a drunken row about whether Robespierre regretted his actions. “Surely,” I slurred, “committing 17,000 to Madam Guillotine would have given him pause: think of all those severed heads leering at him.” My friend, the rationalist, laughed, “Oh naïve simpleton, it’s never about the people, it’s always about the idea.” She insisted the Robespierre, top monsieur at the ‘Committee of Public Safety’ went to the block convinced he’d pursued the correct public policy of: “speedy, severe and inflexible justice”.

Definitely Not Suspicious: New Human “Vaccines” Are Already Developed and Stockpiled for a Pandemic Flu That Doesn’t Even Exist Yet

by Lance D. Johnson, The Liberty Daily:

(Natural News)—New vaccines for pandemic bird flu have already been developed and stockpiled by the U.S. government. These new vaccines were not designed for birds and other animals, where the current strain of bird flu is spreading. Even though this strain of bird flu has not even been transmitted from human-to-human, there is already a new supply of H5N1 vaccines and other mRNA “bird flu” vaccines in the works.