Friday, September 6, 2024

US Declines Israel’s Invitation To Start WW3 (For Now)

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

Iran has carried out its long-promised retaliation for Israel’s attack on its consulate building in Damascus, launching a massive barrage of drones and missiles which it claims hit and destroyed Israeli military targets, while Israel says they dealt only superficial damage with a few injuries. The US and its allies reportedly helped shoot down a number of the Iranian projectiles.

Just as we discussed in the lead-up to the strike, the western political-media class are acting as though this was a completely unprovoked attack launched against the innocent, Bambi-eyed victim Israel. Comments from western officials and pundits and headlines from the mass media are omitting the fact that Israel instigated these hostilities with its extreme act of aggression in Syria as much as possible. Here in Australia the Sydney Morning Herald write-up about the strike didn’t get around to informing its readers about the attack on the Iranian consulate until the tenth paragraph of the article, and said only that Iran had “accused” Israel of launching the attack because Israel has never officially confirmed it.


from The Salty Cracker:


“A Declaration Of War”: How The Conflict Between Israel And Iran Fits Into The Bigger Picture

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Iran’s attack on Israel is being called “a declaration of war”, and that is precisely what it was.  Shooting more than 300 drones and missiles at another country is definitely an act of war, and the Iranian parliament was loudly chanting “death to Israel” as it was happening.  Many are shocked that a full-blown war between Israel and Iran is developing, but those that have been following my work are not shocked at all.  In fact, this is precisely what we have been anticipating.  I have been writing about a coming war between Israel and Iran for years, and in my book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” I lay out what will happen in great detail.  So the truth is that we have been waiting for this for a very long time and now it is here.


from NEM721:


INTERVIEW: Roger Stone – Will Dems Swap Biden in 2024?

from 21st Century Wire:

TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with Roger Stone NY Times best-selling author and host of the StoneZone about the current bizarre 2024 US Election cycle and how Joe Biden is sliding rapidly downward in the approval polls, meaning that the Democratic elites could be looking to swap Biden out of his chair in the Oval Office on the even of the DNC convention in August and introduce a new candidate before November. All possibilities are in play, but the key issue is still that US federal agencies have been politicized and weaponized against the American people. Is a second Trump term the antidote for America? Listen:

Reminder whilst everyone is focused on Israel & Iran that YOUR Government is set to surrender its national sovereignty to Bill Gates funded The World Health Organisation next month.

19 Retired Generals, Admirals File Supreme Court Brief Against Trump Immunity Bid

from The Epoch Times:

Signatories include former CIA Director Michael Hayden and more.

More than a dozen former Defense Department officials, generals, and admirals filed a brief with the Supreme Court arguing against former President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity arguments.

It comes as the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on the former president’s assertions that he should enjoy immunity from prosecution for activity that he carried out while he was president. The former president invoked that argument after he was accused by federal prosecutors of attempting to illegally overturn the 2020 election results.

The amicus brief’s signatories include former CIA Director Michael Hayden, retired Admiral Thad Allen, retired Gen. George Casey, retired Gen. Charles Krulak, and more.

Prioritizing Your Exit Plan

by Doug Casey, International Man:

An increasing number of people are coming to the conclusion that their home countries (particularly the US, EU and Canada) are in decline. More and more, such people are deciding to seek greener pastures elsewhere in the world.

Many of them have never “left home” before and are very unsure of how they should prioritize an exit.

Since International Man feature writer Jeff Thomas has for decades been advising those expatriating, we’ve asked him to weigh in on the topic.

New WEF Report Reveals the Global Elites’ Shocking Plan to Enforce Vaccination

from Vigilant News Network:


Are We Witnessing a Tempering of American-Israeli Aggression?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Axios reports that Biden told Netanyahu he won’t support retaliation against Iran.

Washington is reportedly worried about a major escalation fraught with “catastrophic consequences”

For many years Israel has been pushing Washington to attack Iran, and neoconservatives and Congress have been chomping at the bit to do so. If this report on Axios is correct, it suggests that the power of neoconservatives over US Middle East Policy has been broken. I cannot help to be a bit suspicious of the report as it attributes more sense to Biden and his regime than we have previously seen any sign of.

Brazil just days away from collapsing into a North Korea-style police state

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

A near-repeat of what happened right here in the United States with the stolen 2020 election, Brazil is in the throes of a globalist takeover, this after the Brazilian people elected a populist candidate similar to Donald Trump by the name of Jair Bolsonaro.

According to reports, Brazil is well on its way in a matter of days to becoming much like North Korea as the new globalist government cracks down on free speech with a serious vengeance.

PURE EVIL: Biden Administration Reportedly Provided Guidance to Iran in Saturday’s Drone and Missile Strike on Israel

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Boy, the Biden-Obama regime really, really hates Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel!

According to reports coming from Israel and Turkey the Biden Administration provided guidance to Iran in its missile and drone strike against Israel.

This Elon Censorship Fight Could Change EVERYTHING

from Russell Brand:


A brief history of the “biodefence” era and how they convinced nations to give up our rights for “pandemic safety”

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Dr. Meryl Nass outlines the 25-year history of the “biodefence” programme and how they generated the “national will” to give up our civil and human rights in the name of “pandemic safety.”

She also discusses how the World Health Organisation – a specialised agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health – has repeatedly failed to “champion health and a better future for all” over the past 20 years.

Note: “Biodefence” is enclosed in quotation marks because as Dr. Nass noted in a report published last year, under the guise of preparing their defences against biowarfare and pandemics, nations have conducted “dual-use” – both offensive and defensive – research and development, which has led to the creation of more deadly and more transmissible microorganisms. And, employing new verbiage to shield this effort from scrutiny, biological warfare research was renamed as “gain-of-function” research.