Sunday, September 8, 2024

James O’Keefe Releases the “Most Important Story” of His “Entire Career”; Exposes the CIA and Its Illegal Operation Against Trump

by Cactus Williams, The Liberty Daily:

Footage from an undercover operation by O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) reveals shocking claims made by Amjad Fseisi, a project manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA and an NSA contractor with top-secret clearance.

In the footage, Fseisi claims the intelligence agencies withheld information from President Trump, including former CIA Directors Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo, because they believed he was a Russian asset who would leak sensitive information. Fseisi also claims that the agencies used FISA to spy on Trump and his team and continue to monitor him.

Lord of the Flies on Campus

by Ed Thompson, AmericanThinker:

Seventy years ago, William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies, a brutal novel that sent shivers down our collective spines by exposing the raw hate and brutality hiding in the dark corners of our minds. Showing that such evil could be present in a group of young school-age children made the tale all the more harrowing. Today we have a scenario unfolding on university campuses across the U.S. that, while not yet as ghastly violent, threatens to come close.

Celeste Solum – Globalists Preparing for Extreme Violence Against Dissidents?

from mariazeee:


JPMorgan Remains the Second Largest Money Market Fund Manager, Despite Needing Billions in Money Market Bailouts from the Fed in 2020

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

The Office of Financial Research (OFR), the federal agency created after the financial crash of 2008 to keep federal banking regulators on top of threats to financial stability, has posted an interactive chart showing the largest managers of Money Market Mutual Funds in the U.S. Alarmingly, the parent of the largest and riskiest bank in the United States – JPMorgan Chase – is also the second largest Money Market Mutual Fund manager.

According to the OFR, as of March 31, 2024, JPMorgan was managing $657.9 billion in money market funds, second only to Fidelity, which on the same date was managing $1.3 trillion in money market funds. The data comes from Securities and Exchange Commission Form N-MFP2.

Episode 3576: Breaking Up Corrupt Courts And Marxist Justice System

from Bannons War Room:


An Absolutely Enormous Economic Shift Of Historic Proportions Is Now Taking Place Right In Front Of Our Eyes

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Can you feel it too?  Over the past few weeks, I have heard from so many readers that are deeply troubled about economic conditions where they live.  In some cases, sales are way down.  In other cases, it seems almost impossible to find a decent job.  It is almost as if a tremendous chill descended upon the U.S. economy as the second quarter of 2024 began.  Yes, economic conditions have certainly not been good for a few years, but it appears that an absolutely enormous economic shift of historic proportions is now taking place right in front of our eyes.  Other than the early stages of the pandemic, we haven’t seen anything like this since 2008 and 2009.

Banks Warn Collapse of Dollar System Is Near As Elite Prepare To Roll Out CBDCs

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Several top banks in America have warned that the ‘imminent’ collapse of the U.S. dollar will make way for the creation of a CBDC system that will allow the elite to track and control what Americans purchase. reports: World reserve status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Federal Reserve understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods.

Tom Renz Drops Bombshells About the Most Important Member of Trump’s Team

from The JD Rucker Show:


Soros and Rockefellers Fund Pro-Hamas “Revolution” on Campuses

by Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel:

The increasingly violent and lawless pro-Hamas “protests” taking place at leftwing universities across America are being funded by billionaire George Soros and the Rockefeller dynasty. And according to the organizations involved, the goal is ultimately “revolution.”

A number of the key organizations involved in the chaos ripping across academia are on the Soros payroll. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), for instance, which described the October 7 terror attack by Hamas as a “historic win,” has received funding from a network of organizations funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations and others. The group’s members have been seen chanting “We Are All Hamas.”

BREAKING – EXPOSING THE CIA: “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…

Kash Patel – The House Is To Rotten It Must Be Cleaned, Trump Can Drain The Swamp

from X22 Report:


Renowned Scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed ‘Will Die in 3 to 5 Years’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A world-renowned scientist and leading immunology expert has raised the alarm with an explosive warning to the public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

The alert was issued by Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill.

Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development, and automation.

Biden White House considering welcoming Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating Palestinians to America as ‘refugees’

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Up to 800,000 have fled the war zone in Gaza

CBS News is reporting that the Biden White House is considering bringing tens of thousands of Palestinians to America as “refugees.”


This would be done under the Refugee Act of 1980 and include work permits, food stamps, housing assistance, free education for their children, along with a fast-track to U.S. citizenship, which can be accomplished in as little as five years. Refugees that arrive in the U.S. at age 65 or older qualify almost immediately for Social Security, even though they have never worked a day in their lives in this country or paid a dollar in federal income taxes.


from SGT Report:

As the Zionist captured western governments and NATO continue to play a winner takes all game of suicidal chess with Russia, Harley Schlanger joins me to discuss the dire warnings from Russia’s top military officials about a nuclear response. Thanks for tuning in.

Dr. Gundry has THE KEY to losing weight & keeping it OFF!!
Nature’s Morphine? Medical scientist Clint Winters discusses the incredible pain relief effects of 100% Drug Free Conolidine. This changes pain relief FOREVER…

When Delusion Morphs into Lunacy: ‘Permanent War’ Backers Push Mankind to Brink of WWIII

The plot thickens in Trump’s ‘classified docs’ case as WH visitor logs uncover a disturbing twist…

from Revolver News:

President Trump is battling through a string of sham trials, each orchestrated with the hope of landing him behind bars and derailing his 2024 campaign. It’s a blatant attempt at election interference, and most Americans can see right through it. They recognize this for what it is: an unfair political circus designed to take down Trump.