Monday, September 16, 2024


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Trudeau Orders Military To Round Up ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ in Reeducation Camps

from The People’s Voice:


Texas suing border NGO over criminal conduct involving illegal immigration; “Annunciation House” intentionally hid illegals from law enforcement

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Citing systemic criminal conduct in the state of Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Annunciation House, a non-governmental organization (NGO) purportedly helping illegal migrants near the southern border.

Paxton announced the filing of an application for a Temporary Injunction against Annunciation House, which he says is facilitating illegal border crossings and concealing illegally present aliens from law enforcement. All of this is illegal.

Israel, the Protests, and the Title VI Two-Step Part I

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

“Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right…
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”
— Steeler Wheels

Before I delve into what I think is really going on with the Anti-Israeli protests on college campuses I want to make one thing very, very clear:

I don’t agree AT ALL with what Israel has done in response to the October, 7th attack. I don’t agree with what Hamas did as well. Wholesale slaughter of civilians, by they Muslim, Jewish, Ukrainian, Russian, etc. is morally repulsive.

No “Ifs.” No, “Ands…” and certainly no “Buts…”

Mounting Desperation: It’s CYA time for Covid officials and MSM “journalists”

from Peak Prosperity:


What Are GLOBALISTS Hiding? Admiral Richard Byrd Discovered Warm Fresh Water Lakes In Antarctica

from Stew Peters Network:


War Against the Weak: The Chilling Story of America’s Dark Dalliance with Eugenics

by Janet Levy, American Thinker:

Nazi Germany wasn’t the first nation to be enamored with racial purity and a master race.

It was America.

Proponents of eugenics gained immense influence here in the early 20th century.  They hoped to incarcerate millions of “unfit” Americans in colonies, forbid them from marrying, or forcibly sterilize them so that, within several generations, only white Nordics would remain.  For them, this was ultimately a global enterprise.

Historian and prolific author Edwin Black chronicles this dark phase of American history in his extensively researched book War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race.  He charts how dubious scientific studies gained support and led to forced sterilizations, segregation, marriage prohibitions, and immigration restrictions for targeted populations.

Mel K & Karen Kingston | Ties That Bind: Eyes on the China-US Covid Origin Story

from The Mel K Show:


Red Alert! 6 Absolutely Gigantic Geomagnetic Storms Are About To Hit Earth, And Authorities Won’t Know Their True Power Until Friday Night

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

A series of enormous geomagnetic storms is about to start pummeling our planet, and some of the most important technologies that we depend on are potentially at risk.  For the very first time in nearly 20 years, the NOAA has issued a severe geomagnetic storm watch.  We were initially warned that “at least five earth-directed coronal mass ejections” were headed our direction, but now it is at least six.  These coronal mass ejections originated from Sunspot AR3664, which has now become almost as large as the infamous Carrington sunspot of 1859.  It is being reported that Sunspot AR3664 is nearly 200,000 kilometers wide.  That is about 15 times wider than Earth.  Six gigantic coronal mass ejections that have been unleashed by this sunspot will hit our planet over the next few days, but as you will see below, authorities won’t know their true power until Friday night.

FBI Says It Has Restarted Big Tech Censorship Program To Stop Trump Winning 2024

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The FBI has announced plans to restart its censorship program with all the major Big Tech platforms in order to prevent Trump winning the 2024 election.

On Monday, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters that the FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) restarted censorship coordination with Big Tech platforms. According to NextGov/FCW, this coordination will focus on “removing disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears.” Warner claimed these agreements resumed in March, around the same time oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri — which centers on the feds’ censorship efforts — were heard before the U.S. Supreme Court.

WarRoom Battleground EP 532: The Making Of A Banana Republic

from Bannons War Room:


We Told You, The “Old Order” Is Dying

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

Subservience to a rapacious global empire is no longer being tolerated by the majority of the world’s nations.  A choice lies ahead for people in the West: Wait for the inevitable collapse, or join with the Global South to build a new, mutually beneficial order based on cooperation.  Throughout his life, Lyndon LaRouche  fought against the imperial order, and produced voluminous works outlining how a new security and development architecture would serve the interests of all humanity.  Check out our offer for a one-month free trial subscription to the EIR online Daily News, linked here.

James Woods’ Responds as Dr. Birx Reveals Her Treachery

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

You won’t believe this one!

Neil Cavuto wanted Dr. Birx’s take on unvaccinated people not wanting to get vaccinated. You might remember her as scarf lady. Birx was dubbed scarf lady for her penchant for wearing scarfs.

There’s not much time left before SHTF

from Health Ranger Report: