from Health Ranger Report:
by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:
Four researchers at the University of Westminster School of Finance and Accounting in London have taken a hard look at the much-touted Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation in the U.S. that was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010. The voluminous 848-page bill followed the greatest financial crash in the U.S. since the Great Depression. Unfortunately, it was big on word count and short on iron-clad reforms, leaving the implementation of final rules to be negotiated by revolving-door regulators and an army of Wall Street lobbyists and lawyers. (For how that has played out over the ensuing 14 years, see here, here, here and here.)
Tucker Carlson just got a standing ovation at the Trump rally after going on one of the most passionate rants I've ever seen from him
His breakdown of the Democrat party is perfect: "It's the party of weirdos, of envy, of hate, of resentment, of bitterness, of weakness, of a…
— George (@BehizyTweets) October 23, 2024
from Reese Report:
by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:
NATO’s war against Russia in Ukraine and Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza and Lebanon will never produce peace, nor prosperity, except for those corporate and financial cartels of the Military-Industrial-Financial complex. To keep on top of these historic developments, subscribe to the EIR Daily Report (use the link below). And to mobilize support for a sane, productive alternative, share this Daily Update video and reports posted on The Larouche Organization website.
from Your News:
A shocking discovery in Minnesota reveals that 31% of non-citizens at a single apartment complex are registered to vote, sparking concerns about election integrity.
By yourNEWS Media Newsroom
A recent investigation by has uncovered alarming footage showing that non-citizens residing in Minnesota are registered to vote, raising significant concerns about the state’s election process. At one apartment complex in Minnesota, 31% of interviewed residents admitted to being non-citizens yet registered to vote, according to the footage obtained.
by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:
Democrat operative James Carville is the latest to say that, if Trump wins, Americans need to ‘take up arms’ against the government.
It is truly mind blowing how certain elements of our society are ramping up the vitriol ahead of this election. There is apparently nothing to which they won’t stoop in their drive to divide.
Democrat political operative James Carville, who reminds me of the male equivalent of Cruella Deville, says Democrats need to “take up arms” if Trump wins.
by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:
There have been reports in the Alternative Media the past couple of days about a large-scale cybersecurity exercise that is being conducted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), on the same day as the U.S. National elections on November 5th.
I looked into this to find out the source of this information, and it appears the source is U.S. Senator Rand Paul, from Kentucky.
So I am publishing what Senator Rand Paul, the “Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee“, has written about this, and let our readers interpret what they think this means, with no comments from me.
by Ambrose Kane, The Unz Review:
Some of the most amazingly colored reptiles and snakes have the most intriguing shapes and complex patterns on their skin that truly sets them apart from other reptiles. But such eye-popping colors and bright patterns serve a purpose – namely, to keep predators away from them. They are warnings to not attack or eat them. Failure to do so will result in a quick and painful death, and many animals know this instinctively and thus avoid them.
There is a parallel to this in the human-social realm. It can be seen in the modern western woman, primarily among young and middle-aged American women. This is the kind of woman (of which there are plenty!) who is excessively tatted and pierced, who covers her arms, shoulders, chest area, neck, and hands with a seemingly endless number of tattoos. Many of them will even tattoo their face and foreheads. Few of them are embarrassed by it all.
by P.F. Kelly, Jr, All News Pipeline:
The Mel Gibson historical epic Apocalypto is a film about how a powerful culture, like the early 16th-century Mayans portrayed in the movie, can sometimes meet an unexpected end.
One thing about the movie really stood out for me. When the Mayans are confronted with existential threats, like crop failure and disease, the only response their leaders can muster is more of what they’re already doing. They go big. They don’t know how to solve the problems they are facing, so they go all in on more of the same. Already trying to appease their gods with human sacrifice, they sacrifice more. It’s a bloodbath. It’s the only response they are capable of.
by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:
“Neutral like Switzerland” can no longer be a saying as the Swiss government has announced it is joining the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI) to develop a shared missile defense system across Europe. Switzerland is neither an official member of the European Union nor a member of NATO. Yet, the nation forfeited its neutrality stance years ago as Swiss leaders continued to adopt globalist rules.
The ESSI was initially proposed by Germany in 2022 amid the Russia-Ukraine war. The program will integrate with NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) to enhance Europe’s air defenses. The powers that be know war is on the horizon, but they are betting on most of Europe continuing to fight on the same team. Armament chief Urs Loher has signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU), officially making Switzerland the 15th nation to join this coalition.
from NEM721:
by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:
Bank of America has an interesting report on who’s living paycheck to paycheck (PTP). It’s not just the poor. Blame the Fed.
What Does It Mean?
The term ‘living paycheck to paycheck’ is a fairly frequently heard expression but can be somewhat nebulous and is not always clearly defined. Broadly, one can imagine it refers to individuals or households that regularly spend nearly all of their income, leaving little to nothing left over for savings.
By that widely used definition, over 40 percent of respondents agreed or somewhat agreed to living PTP.