Wednesday, January 29, 2025

California Advances Bill To Help Shoplifters Steal

from ZeroHedge:

Shoplifting in California may get a lot easier, after the state Senate passed a controversial bill on May 31 that would make it illegal for store employees to confront thieves.

SB 553, authored by Democrat Senator David Cortese (San Jose), requires employers to maintain violent incident logs, provide active shooter and shoplifter training, and to discard policies requiring workers to confront suspected active shopliftersthe Epoch Times reports.

You Can’t Depend on the State to Maintain Public Order

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

This article was originally published by Tate Fegley at The Mises Institute. 

Although commonly used, Max Weber’s definition of the state—an entity that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force within a given geographical area—can mislead people into thinking that the state is the only or even the primary reason for security and order. This is illustrated in the trends in the nonstate provision of security, as revealed by my Google alert for the phrase “private police.” Lately, incidents of car and bike theft have led individuals to either organize themselves to prevent and respond to it or hire private security to do so.

American Cities are Powder Kegs Ready to Explode with Chaos Fueled by Migrant Policies

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Could we soon see riots breaking out across the U.S. in major urban areas, as we saw in the summer of 2020, or even worse?

With the dramatic influx of migrants crossing the U.S. border from Mexico for the past many months with many of them being transported to large cities, not only are riots and civil unrest likely, they are almost inevitable due to U.S. government policy that is funding this crisis.


from The Salty Cracker:


Biden’s America: Entitled Leftists Battle Asian Grocers Over Shopping Cart Of Food

from InfoWars:

Rampant wholesale shoplifting and robbery have become commonplace with Biden in the White House.

A sight that has become the norm in Biden’s America: Rampant wholesale shoplifting and robbery have become commonplace.

We also see two entitled scummy leftists battling Asian grocery store workers over a shopping cart filled with processed GMO poison.

GLOBAL UPRISING AGAINST WEF! – 200 Cities Protest Against Great Reset! – London Speaks Out!

from World Alternative Media:


If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • The crimewave overtaking Chicago, Illinois, is a perfect example of the moral degradation happening in most metropolitan areas around the U.S. A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country
  • Democrat-controlled cities and states are decriminalizing theft, looting and even violent crime and murder under the banner of fighting systemic racism and inequality. Yet the end result is always the same: More crime and rising lawlessness

You Are Not Alone, Anger Is Building Across The World!

by Bruce Wilds, Bruce Wilds Blogspot:

You are not alone if you are tired of watching your government grow increasingly oppressive and corrupt. Many people across the world share your pain. People continue to voice their anger and discontent, however, this is something the media often chooses not to report for it is owned by those same forces which are attempting to enslave us. Those on the left referred to the right as fascist or Nazi while those on the right refer to the left as communist.

Target on pace to lose $1.2 billion in profits over a two-year period due to organized retail crime (which is only getting worse)

by Arsenio Toledo, Natural News:

Organized retail crime is expected to cost major retailer Target up to $500 million in lost profits this year due to inventory shrinkage, or theft of merchandise. Factoring in the approximately $750 million in profits Target lost last year from inventory shrinkage, the company is on pace to see $1.2 billion in profits go up in smoke over a two-year period due to organized retail crime.

Brian Cornell, Target chairman and CEO, warned that the problem is happening nationwide, getting worse and is affecting most merchandise departments. (Related: Major retailers will keep shutting down their stores until organized retail crime gets under control.)

Argentina’s Left Craters, Opening Presidential Path for Libertarian Populist Javier Milei

by Christian K. Caruso, Breitbart:

Argentine libertarian economist Javier Milei formally debuted his political coalition’s campaign platform on Tuesday, a formal requirement for him to run in the October 2023 presidential elections.

Milei’s La Libertad Avanza (“Liberty Advances”) coalition issued its formal request to join the presidential race as the nation’s ruling leftist Frente de Todos (“Front for All”) coalition flounders in disarray, lacking a presidential candidate after incumbent President Alberto Fernández announced in April that he would not run for reelection. The current vice president, far-left former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has also withdrawn her name from the race, again confirming on Tuesday that she would not run.

America Has Been Invaded

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The end of Title 42 has been an absolute disaster. There is no telling how many migrants entered the border last week. These are not simply women and children seeking a new life. The majority of those entering are military-aged MEN who feel entitled to enter America illegally. These are not struggling individuals. American Door Dash drivers were sending food deliveries to the border as over 60,000 migrants lined up around the immediate border area in anticipation of midnight on May 11.

Let’s Check In And See How The Largest Metropolitian Areas In The United States Are Doing…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Our largest cities are being run by progressive politicians that have been working very hard to implement extremely ambitious progressive agendas.  So how is that working out?  In this article, I am going to check in on the three largest metropolitan areas in the United States to see how they are doing.  Have they been transformed into “liberal utopias” that can serve as examples to show the rest of the world how they should be doing things?  Not exactly.  Instead, conditions have gotten really bad in each one of them and things are getting worse with each passing day.


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Matt is back to cover all of the TREASON and REAL NEWS that’s fit print and that the mainstream CIA mockingbird media tries to coverup or ignore. Thanks for tuning in.

Let the Blue Cities Die

by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

The Democrat cities are urine-soaked hellholes that reek of pot where criminals stalk unmolested while the full fury of what is supposed to be the law hangs over the head of any citizen who dares do something about it, and that’s good. The idiots who live there voted for turning their urban landscapes into petri dishes of social pathologies, and they should enjoy the full benefits of their decisions. We normal people should avoid these socialist wastelands and elect legislators to Congress who will starve them of the federal funds that enable their decline. In red states, our legislators should wage warfare on the blue tumors in their midst lest they metastasize outside the city limits. And we should ruthlessly point to them as the future Democrats want, which they are, a vision of a psychotic hobo taking a dump on the sidewalk out in front of your house forever.


from SGT Report:

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Brad Peters is a tech expert who left his career when Intel tried to force him to take the jab. Brads began moving totally off the grid in 2016-17, and amidst all of Biden’s treason, looming food and energy shortages and open borders, Brad is well positioned to survive the coming collapse. I haven’t had Brad on the show in more than 5 years, but he’s back now for this important update.

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