Saturday, September 7, 2024

Episode 3171: Chaos In Europe


from Bannons War Room:


One U.S. city is so unpleasant, migrants return to tyrannical nation they left!

from WND:

‘We didn’t know things would be this hard’

It’s true that Chicago, run for many years by Democrats, has a horrifyingly high crime rate, worse even than some Third World nations.

And both corporations and residents in recent years have pulled up stakes and moved elsewhere.

Another U.S. Credit Downgrade

by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

Over the past few years, the once-impeccable credit rating of U.S. sovereign debt has been downgraded by several prominent ratings agencies. Only Moody’s stood firm against economic reality and maintained their U.S. credit rating at AAA. However, as of late last week, even this firm has been forced to succumb to the reality of life at the end of The Great Keynesian Experiment.

People Are Fighting Against Socialism, Fake News Begins To Spin Inflation For The [CB]

from X22 Report:


HOLY MOLEY! Video Released Showing Georgia’s Ruby Freeman Saying She Doesn’t Want to Talk with “WHITE GUYS”

by Joe And Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Ruby Freeman, who was one of the individuals who stuck around on Election Night 2020 in Fulton County Georgia’s State Farm Arena and shoved ballots through machines multiple times was caught on video in a racist rant complaining about “white guys.”

Harrison Floyd, the former director Black Voices for Trump, was one of the indicted Trump supporters in Fulton County, Georgia in late August. Floyd and 19 others including President Trump were charged with RICO violations in the Trump et al case, charges usually reserved for violent crimes and criminal enterprises.

The Rise of Evil as the Determinant Force in the Western World

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Normally when there is a school shooter, the media goes on and on about the right-wing gun nut who killed the kids.  We learn all about him and his politically incorrect ideas and associations.  No stone in his life is left unturned.  But if the shooter is not a rightwing gun nut, we hear nothing about it.  Moreover, as Glenn Greenwald points out, the police and the media suppress the information as it doesn’t fit the narrative.

This time the shooter, or rather, murderer, was a trans woman, Audrey Hale, who shot and murdered three teachers and three nine-year olds in a Christian school in Tennessee.  Her motives were political, her ideology was left/liberal, and her victims were white in a private Christian school.

GENOCIDE by STARVATION: Israel’s bombing operations have exhausted the food supply in Gaza


by Belle Carter, Natural News:

Since Israel launched a full siege on Gaza on Oct. 9 as retaliation to the violent Hamas attack two days prior, the blockade it imposed cut off food, water, fuel, electricity and other necessities to the besieged enclave.

Following more than 30 days of non-stop attacks, resources have been exhausted. Generators can no longer function due to lack of fuel and even emergency food supplies are no longer available. Thousands of Palestinian civilians have been trapped in the enclave since then and are facing starvation – which has particularly impacted the elderly, sick and young children. People are becoming frustrated by the lack of food and unsanitary conditions.


from The New American:


Governor Kathy Hochul Says New York Has Started Conducting Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor “Hate”

by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

Controversial speech monitoring.

In response to escalating incidents of harassment, particularly against Jewish and Muslim communities, New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul is today intensifying the state’s counterterrorism measures and is boosting the controversial practice of surveilling social media platforms, and therefore the speech of New Yorkers and other American citizens.

EXPOSED: The Great Reset, AI Revolution & ‘Global Boiling’: Unveiling the Secret Depopulation Plan – YOU are the Carbon Footprint they want to Eliminate


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

A chilling plan has been uncovered that should shock you to your very core.

For decades, global powers have been orchestrating a depopulation strategy, hidden under the guise of public health crises, economic instability, and environmental concerns.

Now, with the dawn of the AI revolution, fondly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, the world faces an unsettling future.

‘Perfectly Healthy’ 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination


by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense:

A 15-month-old girl from Greenwood Lake, New York, died two days after receiving routine vaccinations during a wellness checkup, leaving her family searching for answers.

Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren went into cardiac arrest and died on Oct. 19, after receiving three vaccines — for varicella, DTaP and Hib — at her 15-month wellness visit on Oct. 17 with the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York, according to News12 the Bronx.

Revenge Tour pushed by MSM, 2020 still in play, Internet Shutdown?, Nygard down. Pray!

from And We Know:


UN Report Attacks US, Constitution & God-Given Rights

by Alex Newman, The New American:

A United Nations “human rights” committee investigation into the United States concluded that the U.S. Constitution should be changed and the U.S. government should impose additional infringements on free speech and gun rights to comply with UN agreements, explains The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.

Despite its attacks on America, the UN report praises the Biden administration for promoting abortion, transgenderism, homosexuality, and gun control. However, it argues that much more is needed including constitutional amendments, for the United States to be in compliance with a UN covenant on “civil and political rights.”

Digital IDs, vaccine passports, CBDCS & the next ‘pandemic’ | Reggie Littlejohn

from LSNTV:


Top Heath Official Admits Hospitals Faked Pandemic Deaths

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A top government health official has admitted that hospitals were faking data for causes of death during the pandemic.

A former director of the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) has spoken out to allege that a new system was introduced at the beginning of the Covid panoramic to certify deaths.

Prior to the pandemic, four types of pneumonia were grouped together as the highest cause of death in the United Kingdom.