Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ukraine to U.S.: Give Us MORE!

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

Kuleba said $61 billion is not enough, and warned the West doesn’t yet recognize that the “era of peace in Europe is over.”  This is exactly what western war hawks have been preaching — we need more money for defense, they argue, as we are in an era of Permanent War.  And that is what is wrong, as endless war does not benefit western nations, but fills the coffers of the war industries and the pro-war think tanks and political candidates.  It is time for all citizens to speak up, and organize against the War Hawks.

98% of the World’s Banks Preparing for Programmable Money

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

The globalists have wanted to eliminate cash for a very long time, and it’s about to happen. Billionaire bankers are smacking their lips over the power they are about to have.

As  Slay News reported, a new 83-page white paper from the WEF (World Economic Forum) declares that nations around the world will soon be ready to adopt a central bank digital currency, or CBDC, in place of traditional money.

FDA Study: Covid Shots Caused Heart Failure Surge in Children

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Covid mRNA shots are responsible for surges in heart failure and seizures among children, a new study commissioned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has revealed.

The study was conducted as part of an FDA public health surveillance mandate and published Wednesday in the renowned peer-reviewed medical journal JAMA.

According to the study, large numbers of children have suffered serious health issues after being injected with the Covid mRNA shots.

URGENT: New York’s top court vacates Harvey Weinstein’s rape convictions – in a stunning ruling that may put the judge in Donald Trump’s case on notice

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

The New York State Court of Appeals made clear today: even unpopular defendants are entitled to fair trials. Will Juan Marchan, who is overseeing Trump’s trial, take heed?

In the United States, we prosecute crimes, not people.

Arguably, this rule is the fundamental principle of our justice system. Doesn’t matter if a defendant volunteers every Sunday or has an affair every Tuesday. Defendants are accused of committing specific offenses. Prosecutors must prove their guilt without making the trial a referendum on their character or political views.

Transgender Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century

by John Klar, Granite Grok:

Psychology is a “science” that studies human behavior but is itself morally bankrupt.  That is, psychology is unable to scientifically define normality.  It can’t.  “Normal” depends on what the society (through “norms”) or the patient views as morally correct.

This limitation of psychological study is apparent when addressing transgenderism, until recently labeled a mental illness (“gender dysphoria”) by psychology.  Modern textbooks on transgender (and other paraphilic) disorders observe that they arise from “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs): “Any event sufficiently stressful to threaten a fragile ego” (Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 8th edition, Mary C. Townsend, 2015, p. 615).  But here we face a conundrum: the textbook relates that such people are “unable to use coping mechanisms effectively” and become either “adaptive” (“urges are suppressed and not acted upon”) or “maladaptive” (“urges or behaviors cause significant distress or interfere with social, occupational or other important areas of functioning”).  But if society alters its mores such that a person is rewarded for his paraphilic condition in self, occupation, or even a run for public office, then this textbook is reversed, and what was viewed as adaptive becomes toxic, and what was termed maladaptive is healthy.

Breaking: First Canadian Community Mandates QR Codes for Residents: Echoes of China’s Surveillance State (Video)

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation:

The Canadian community’s proposal, led by its left-wing mayor, to require QR codes for residents exiting the area introduces a level of governmental oversight reminiscent of China’s social credit system, signaling a disturbing shift towards unprecedented surveillance and control, akin to measures seen in authoritarian regimes.

The serene landscape of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, nestled in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, is currently gripped by a contentious debate over a proposed municipal regulation that has sent shockwaves through the community.

Biden has sparked a wildfire.


from SGT Report:

It’s time to tackle the problem of in-fighting and divide & conquer tactics whihc have infiltrated the REAL NEWS space. Researcher Hope and artist Victor Hugo join me to discuss and expose 5th generation warfare, gaslighting and psychological operations.

Get GUT HEALTHY with the FREE video report from Chuck Norris here:
Nature’s Morphine? Medical scientist Clint Winters discusses the incredible pain relief effects of 100% Drug Free Conolidine. This changes pain relief FOREVER:

Get Hope & Tivon’s Orgone products that help to abate EMF damage!

Support Victor & SEE the art HERE:

GET MasterPeace to Get the GRAPHENE & nanotech OUT of your body!!

One of The People Indicted by Arizona’s Far-Left AG is the RNC’s Election Integrity Chief

from The National Pulse:

Christina Bobb, who currently runs the Republican National Committee (RNC) ‘s election integrity unit, was indicted Wednesday night for allegedly attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) announced that Bobb and 17 others are being charged with felony crimes, including fraud, forgery, and conspiracy.

Bobb previously worked as a lawyer for former President Donald Trump and a reporter for One America News Network (OAN) before her appointment to the RNC. Despite the indictment, Bobb expressed her honor in joining the RNC and reiterated her commitment to restoring confidence in the electoral process. “I’m honored to join the RNC and thrilled the new leadership is focused on election integrity. I look forward to working to secure our elections and restore confidence in the process,” Bobb said at the time of her appointment.


from Press For Truth:


70 Years After Operation Wetback, Majority Of Americans Favor Mass Deportation Again After Biden Allows The Invasion Of America By Illegal Aliens

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

The media, on behalf of protecting the Biden regime, continues to claim that illegal immigration does not raise crime rates throughout America, but the fact is that every immigrant that crosses the border illegally, meaning not at a Port of Entry, they are committing a crime.

These crimes are not being counted as crimes, by the “blob” (powers that be), which is why the MSM gets away with making those claims.

There is a law against illegally crossing the border: 8 U.S. Code § 1325 – Improper entry by alien

The U.S. has the world’s most insincere Government.

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

It pretends to be a democracy and a republic, but it actually represents only the richest .1% of the richest 1% — the richest hundred-thousandth — of Americans, and this has been empirically (i.e., scientifically) proven by all of the scientific analyses of the truth or falsehood of that cardinal claim (to being a democracy). So, the U.S. Government is actually an aristocracy (one-dollar-one vote, just like a corporation is, that’s one-share-one-vote), not at all a democracy (a one-person-one-vote Government). The claim that the U.S. regime uses in order to ‘justify’ its attacking, invading, issuing its own illegal sanctions against, and otherwise seeking to “regime-change,” other Governments (such as in Iran 1954, Guatemala 1954, Chile 1973, Iraq 2003, Libya 2011, and at least 60 other U.S.-overthrown-and-replaced Governments after 1945, many of which had been democratically elected but all of which were replaced by fascist regimes that the U.S. regime itself installed) is that the U.S. Government is a democracy. No other Government in the entire world is so hypocritical as to use the lie that it is a democracy as being a ‘justification’ for its overthrowing and replacing (by fascist regimes, no less) any Government that it, in its sheer arrogance, chooses to “regime-change.” Even Hitler wasn’t that insincere: he, instead, condemned, and publicly despised, democracy. The U.S. regime isn’t as honestly despicable.

The Ben Armstrong Show | FDA Concedes They Lied About Ivermectin

from The New American: