Thursday, January 23, 2025

Google Computer Scientist Quits So He Can Warn World Of ‘Scary’ And ‘Dangerous’ AI

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Warns that “bad actors” will attempt to use AI for “bad things”

A Google computer scientist dubbed the ‘Godfather’ of AI has quit the company, stating that he did so in order to warn the world of the dangers that the technology presents as big-tech engages in an AI arms race.

Geoffrey Hinton responded Monday to a New York Times article that insinuated he had quit Google in order to criticise the company, noting that the real reason was he actually wanted to freely talk about the dangers of AI.

As a Digitized Iron Curtain Descends, Spiritual Faith Rises

by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Two trend lines extend into the future.  One tracks government’s increased oppression, surveillance, and social control.  The other tracks people’s rising spiritual faith, desire for personal freedom, and determination that government should leave them alone.  This is our reality.  It also exposes the chink in totalitarianism’s armor.  The greater the government’s coercion, the more convinced a growing share of the population becomes that illegitimate government must go.


from Infowars:


From King Charles’ Coronation to the Birth of Europe’s Fourth Reich

by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

Let us, who walk on two legs and not four, salute those unsung legions who fell to make this knock-off Caesar appear to be great.

Although MI5’s BBC outlet recently gave us a full roadmap to King Charles 111’s Coronation, this article aims to add further to the festivities by discussing its religious hypocrisy, the charlatans who will be in attendance and its wider strategic significance as midwife to Europe’s Fourth Reich.

Epstein Calendar Reveals “Shadow Nobility” Running The World

from AlexandraBruce :


What Could Go Wrong? Robot Dogs Are Getting ChatGPT (AI) “Brains”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

A team of artificial intelligence engineers has equipped a Boston Dynamics robot dog with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Text-to-Speech voice, giving the robot an AI “brain”. This is what creating a real-life Skynet-like robot looks like.

The ruling class has already used these robot dogs to make sure people stay in line and don’t dissent.

NYPD Deploys Robot Dog To Catch “COVID Violators”

So what could possibly go wrong?

Watchdog: IRS has Spent $10M on Weapons, Ammunition, and Combat Gear Since 2020

by Eric Lendrum, AMGreatness:

A new watchdog report reveals that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been stockpiling $10 million worth of weapons, ammunition, and combat gear since 2020.

The New York Post reports that the findings, released by the group OpenTheBooks, show the IRS spending $5 million in 2021 alone as the agency ramped up the militarization of its agents. In the last three years, the IRS has spent a total of $2.3 million on ammunition, $1.2 million on ballistic shields, $474,000 on Smith & Wesson rifles, $463,000 on Beretta tactical shotguns, and $243,000 on body armor.


from SGT Report:

Investigative journalist Liz Crokin returns to SGT Report after a three year hiatus to discuss Pizzagate & Pedogate which has only gotten far worse over the years as the Biden administration is openly working with criminals and cartels to traffic tens of thousands of children, all of whom have vanished.

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