Sunday, January 5, 2025

Catastrophic Borrowing Kills Global Financial System – John Rubino

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino says this time, the so-called debt ceiling fight could end in a systemic failure.  Rubino points out, “In a well-run society, the debt limit would be zero.  Governments should not borrow money in the first place.  The amount of money we are borrowing is catastrophic.  Historians are going to look back at this era, and they are just going to wonder why we allowed it to happen and what were we thinking.  We are destroying the global financial system by allowing governments to borrow this much money.  The debt limit thing is being called a crisis, and if they let it go too far, it will be a crisis. . . . I think this game of chicken will end in the not-too-distant future, and if it doesn’t, they have an ulterior motive.  They want to crash the economy because that achieves something for them.  We can speculate about this.  The party in power wants to crash the economy, and that is a very dark scenario. . . . They are willing to burn down the world around them to get what they want.  Look at Russia-gate and the contents of the Durham Report.

Wildfires Serve Geoengineering Agenda, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


WORLD WAR 3: NATO is Drawing Up Plans to Go to War with Russia for First Time Since Cold War

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

In another dramatic escalation of tensions, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is convening to draw up plans to go to war with Russia for the first time since the Cold War.

Reuters has reported that NATO’s next summit scheduled for July will feature the approval of a secret military plan to go to war with Russia. NATO is claiming that the plans are all defensive in nature but will not let the public know their specifics.

Landmark Class Action Lawsuits Further Expose Startling Corruption In COVID Vaccine Rollout

from Great Game India:

Landmark class-action lawsuits filed, like the one by Brisbane lawyer Natalie Strijland and the one against AstraZeneca in the UK, further expose startling corruption in the COVID vaccine rollout.

In the video below, Joe Rogan interviews cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra about Big Pharma’s control over research. What many don’t realize is that researchers who do peer-review of drug company-sponsored trials do not get access to the raw data. All they get is the drug company’s analysis of that data, which leaves the door wide open for manipulation and obfuscation.

REPORT: Jeffrey Epstein Tried To Blackmail Bill Gates Over Alleged Affair With Russian Bridge Player

by James Lynch, Daily Wire:

Deceased sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein tried to blackmail billionaire and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates with his knowledge of an alleged affair between Gates and a Russian bridge player, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports.

Gates met Russian bridge player Mila Antonova in 2010 when she was in her 20s; Epstein met her in 2013, WSJ reported. Epstein later paid for Antonova to attend coding school and asked Gates to be reimbursed for the cost in a 2017 email, people familiar with the matter told the outlet

The United States of America: Largest Sponsor of State Terrorism in the World

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

A new report has been published this past week that details the United States torture program used primarily by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) called “enhanced interrogation techniques” (EITs) used at Guantanamo Bay and other black sites.

The report contains drawings of Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn aka Abu Zubaydah, a Saudi Arabian man who was the first prisoner brought to Guantanamo from Pakistan and tortured using EITs.

The CIA and FBI now admit that Mr. Zubaydah was the wrong guy they were after, and allegedly even knew that before they tortured him, but did so anyway so they could develop their torture techniques.

Gender Transition Surgery: Dreams Turned to Nightmares

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Children are increasingly lured into “gender-affirming” hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgeries, are never given appropriate informed consent, and they have no idea what they’re getting themselves into. Many adults even underestimate how difficult and painful it will be
  • All it takes for a young girl to start the gender transition process to become a boy is a letter of support from a therapist. Typically, the therapist will write a letter of support after just one or two visits. Next, she’ll be sent to an endocrinologist who, after a single visit, will prescribe her testosterone

Google Is RIGGING Search Results For “Climate Change”

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


THERE’S MORE TO UNCOVER…| Whitney Webb Reveals New Revelations

from Russell Brand:


Food Tyranny Is Here As Government To Track ‘Household Food Consumption’ And ‘Capping’ Red Meat – Endgame Exposed: Biotech To ‘Take Over’ Food Production

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Independent media has been warning readers for years that the “powers that be” were coming for your meat, would attempt to control what you eat and how often you could eat certain foods, while they push the “eat bugs” mentality, claiming insects are a great form of protein, all part of the climate control agenda.

Before detailing the report that made me toss everything I was already working on to the side, a quick point.


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: It’s only because the American people are generally clueless or willfully ignorant of the irrefutable and highly consequential history presented in the following exposé that this Republic is on the verge of total and irreversible collapse.
Of course, we are dealing with the most politically powerful and socially influential tribe of people in world history—the Khazarian Klan.  Their raw power and overwhelming influence has been systematically channeled into conducting the most effective social engineering and mind control programs of this entire era.  Which is why so many Americans are still so ‘blissfully’ unaware that “THE BARBARIANS ARE INSIDE THE GATE”.

Is Your State Protecting Financial Freedom? Get The Full Breakdown Here

by The Sharp Edge, Corey’s Digs:

As the national debt approaches 32 trillion, and the Biden regime commits billions to Ukraine despite reports of embezzled funds, the American financial system is failing.  Already, the 2023 banking collapse is bigger than 2008, with the combined assets of three big banks that failed in 2023 dwarfing the assets of 25 banks that failed in 2008.  Meanwhile, the public is strapped with historic levels of consumer debt and inflation, driven by federal spending, as Americans struggle to make ends meet.  Congress has, so far, failed to restrain the out-of-control federal budget, by passing trillion-dollar packages, continuing the money flow to weaponized agencies riddled with fraud, waste and abuse.  Though this financial debacle may appear on the surface to be a destructive combination of incompetence and circumstance, in reality, the controlled demolition of the financial system as we know it is all part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Financial Reset.

New Democrat Bill Calls For A Federal Agency To Create “Behavioral Codes,” Introduce “Disinformation Experts”

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

On May 18, two US senators introduced the Digital Platform Commission Act of 2023, a bill that seeks to give powers to a new federal agency that will set up a council to regulate AI, in the context of social platforms.

More precisely, the new body – the Federal Digital Platform Commission – would “rule” on what’s termed as enforceable “behavioral codes,” and among those staffing it will be “disinformation experts.”

Clash of the Billionaire Comic-Book Supervillains

by Jim Goad, The Unz Review:

It all started with a simple five-word tweet Monday night in which billionaire tech titan and current owner of Twitter Elon Musk compared another billionaire to a fictional character in the Marvel comic-book universe:

Soros reminds me of Magneto

I’ve pored over these five words countless times, but I don’t see the word “Jews” anywhere. In a follow-up tweet, Musk clarified that Soros “wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity,” so his original tweet seems intended to paint both George Soros and Magneto in a negative light, but the only thing I could honestly glean from Musk’s tweet is that is he is a virulent anti-Sorite and a rabid anti-Magnite.

Proof: U.S. & Norwegian Governments Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipelines

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

The world’s most famous and highly honored investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, on 8 February 2023, headlined at his blog “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline”, and described in remarkable detail not only the Biden Administration’s starting in December 2021 the planning for the operation to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines, but the considerable lead-up to Biden’s decision in December to authorize it. Hersh also described there Biden’s concerns starting in June 2021 which had produced that decision by him. He also described in detail how that operation was carried out, and the crucial involvement of the Norwegian Government — which means also Norway’s King — in assisting that operation.