Friday, October 18, 2024

Chicago Armed Robbers on an Extraordinary Rampage: ‘Everyone Is so Freaked Out’

by Rick Moran, PJ Media:

Chicago’s criminal class is feeling a little left out these days. They’re envious of all the smash-and-grab looters that are operating out west. So Chicago’s criminals decided to go the looters one better.

In a shocking series of armed robberies throughout the city, thieves have developed new tactics that allow them to hit a dozen or more unsuspecting victims on the street and disappear before the police can scoop them up.

Another Democrat Scam Goes Down In Flames (Ep. 2100)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


The Western World Is Now a Tyranny

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

America’s reputation as “the land of the free” is rooted in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition, not in diversity and multiculturalism.  Law as a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of rulers is a British achievement that Britain’s American colonies inherited.  It was the accomplishment of a specific ethnicity known as Anglo-Saxon. Bringing rulers to the same accountability to law as the lowest peasant was a centuries-long process beginning with Alfred the Great in the 9th century and culminating in the Glorious Revolution of 1680.

WARNING: U.S. food supply will soon be contaminated with mRNA vaccine-tainted MEAT – beware the source of your beef, pork and seafood

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Americans will soon be able to add shrimp to the list of high-risk meat products getting slipped into the increasingly toxic United States food supply, thanks to an Israeli company that just raised $8.25 million from a group of venture capitalists to start administering oral, RNA-based “vaccine” drugs to the marine life food chain.

Since shrimp are bottom feeders, everything that eats them, including humans, will end up intaking these RNA chemicals through the muscle tissue, or meat, of these animals. Once ViAqua, as the Israeli venture capital operation calls itself, gets its RNA-based vaccine product into ocean life as planned, Americans and the world will have one less safe meat product to consume.

BREAKING: NEW AIR DELIVERED MRNA VAX! – Yale Develops Latest Eugenics Method!

from World Alternative Media:


Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

In February of this year, The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuovo wrote about a shocking development in the US government’s case against the Proud Boys.

it was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns” document.

The 1776 Returns document is the title of a 9-page paper that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021.

The CDC Awards $260 Million Contract For Disease Surveillance

by Cindy Harper, Reclaim The Net:

Such programs include social media surveillance.

Taking a significant stride towards the surveillance state, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) disclosed its plans to back a colossal health endeavor with a hefty sum of over $260 million. The objective is an unprecedented aggregation of individual and community data leading to a predictive model. However, some critics contend that the initiative entails a serious threat of potential misuse.

Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; suggesting the Triple Vaccinated have developed “AIDS” & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The latest official Covid-19 figures from the Government of Canada are truly terrifying. They show that the double vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability, and the triple vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of unvaccinated people.

Fight Gender Ideology in Schools with THIS Tactic

from AmazingPolly:


We’re in the Middle of a Global Coup — Here’s How We Stop It

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • The World Health Organization’s upcoming pandemic treaty and the International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments are part of a global “soft coup” to strip nations of their sovereignty and people of their bodily autonomy and freedom
  • The WHO wants to put into law a requirement that nations must censor their citizens, so that only public health messages aligned with the WHO’s recommendations can be shared
  • The IHR amendments specify that the WHO will dictate which drugs countries must use, and which they cannot, in the event of a pandemic — and possibly outside of pandemics as well

Sunday Talks – Matt Gaetz is Throwing Atomic Truth Hammers at The UniParty

from The Conservative Treehouse:

This is good stuff. Brutally good stuff.  I’m going to begin by repeating what I said last week.

I do not know if Matt Gaetz is the worthy Ty Cobb of Republican politics or not, but I do know he is currently one of the only people that is not pretending.  That elevates him in my view.   Oh sure, he’ll probably acquiesce to the pressures and sell out just like the rest of them, but right now – in his best form – Matt Gaetz has dropped the pretense, and that has sent the machinery of the DC Republican system into fits of apoplexy.  Good.

Protecting “Safe and Effective” Narrative: Over 277,000 Covid-19 Cases in 2021 Among the “Vaccinated” Hidden by CDC

by Zachary Stieber, Discern Report:

More than 277,000 COVID-19 cases among people who received COVID-19 vaccines were reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2021 but not disclosed to the public, newly obtained files show.

Some 144,349 cases among partially vaccinated people were reported by 32 jurisdictions to the CDC across three months in 2021, according to some of the files, which were acquired by The Epoch Times through the Freedom of Information Act.

Partially vaccinated has been defined by the CDC as a person who received at least one dose of a vaccine. People were described as fully vaccinated if at least 14 days had elapsed since they completed a primary series.

PSYOP-MUSK Activated to Attack PSYOP-19 After Most of the Damage Has Already Been Done

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

As predicted long ago here, many of the prominent useful idiots that pushed the ‘pandemic” scam hardest will eventually be thrown under the proverbial buses, while other puppets will be activated to “expose” the democide:

For anyone that still somehow believes that PSYOP-MUSK is anything but a Deep State asset, here are some of the many receipts:

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a DANGER to society when they spontaneously IGNITE

from Health Ranger Report: