Yep. This is the $18 million bribe to Hillary.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) May 16, 2023
Yep. This is the $18 million bribe to Hillary.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) May 16, 2023
by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:
Author and veteran constitutional attorney John Whitehead is one of my heroes. Why? Because, unlike many commentators, essayists, journalists, etc., Whitehead doesn’t pull his punches. He’s a realist who gives the whole truth about America, not just bits and pieces of truth interspersed with nuggets of false hope about a coming human messiah.
Whitehead understands that one man or woman, even if well-intentioned, isn’t going to turn America around. Not in four years. Not in eight years.
Most of what we see and hear in the media about what is going on in Washington is mere theater meant to keep the masses divided and distracted. Whitehead gives us a strong dose of realism in the article below. While reading it, keep in mind that at the same time the regime in Washington is opening the borders to create more crime and chaos, which it then uses to justify its continued building of an American police state, it is also working around the clock to think up new ways to harass and disarm law-abiding American gun owners. Their ultimate goal is a police state ruling over a disarmed population.
by Pepe Escobar, The Unz Review:
Prof. Michael Hudson’s new book, The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization’s Oligarchic Turning Point is a seminal event in this Year of Living Dangerously when, to paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed.
Prof. Hudson’s main thesis is absolutely devastating: he sets out to prove that economic/financial practices in Ancient Greece and Rome – the pillars of Western Civilization – set the stage for what is happening today right in front of our eyes: an empire reduced to a rentier economy, collapsing from within.
by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:
While joe biden and Democrats continue to wage war upon US Veterans, American citizens nationwide, both men and women, and women in particular, bussing in illegal aliens to take the ‘homes‘ of homeless US Veterans while treating criminals as a ‘protected class, and as Susan Duclos perfectly summed up in this new ANP story, waging all-out-war on REAL women, Americans are fleeing Democrat-run cities in droves according to this new story at the Daily Mail, completely fed up with rampant crime and homelessness and drug addicts doing drugs on the streets, threatening their livelihoods and their lives.
from tracybeanz:
by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:
A huge explosion near the city of Khmelnytskyi in Western Ukraine has been shared widely along with unverified claims that a “depleted uranium” storage facility was hit and reports that radiation levels were “rising” in the aftermath of the strike.
The claims that radiation is spreading have already been dismissed as false by the IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Agency). Additional concerns about the safety of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities, including the Zaporizhzhia power plant currently under Russian control, as well as Moscow’s nuclear saber-rattling, have fueled fears of escalation throughout the 14-month Russia-Ukraine war.
from Infowars:
by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:
One of the most powerful tactics in the left’s arsenal is leveraging the reluctance of conservatives to accept that the foundational reality of our society has changed. We are not a free country in the sense we were just a decade ago – hell, the Durham Report just showed our ruling caste collectively framing a president they disliked and we all know there will be zero consequences. But part of the reason is human nature. The left exploits our normalcy bias, the tendency to assume that things right now are the same as they have always been. Yet, this is not normal. This whole political/cultural morass that America has fallen into is the opposite of normal. And some of us just can’t handle the truth.
from 21st Century Wire:
Techno Fog reports…
Yesterday, we highlighted some of the more important conclusions Special Counsel John Durham reached in his long-awaited report. Today, we do a deeper discussion into Durham’s findings.
And we start with what was omitted: the DNC “hack.”
The Barr Appointment Order and the DNC Hack
US Attorney John Durham was appointed by Attorney General Barr as Special Counsel in October 2020. The appointment order stated Durham was authorized to investigate the intelligence and law enforcement “directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaign, and individuals associated with the administration of President Donald J. Trump, including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III.”
from The Dan Bongino Show: