Friday, September 6, 2024



9/11: Different Angle – LISTEN CAREFULLY


from SettingBrushfires:


How Sad It It Is to Watch America’s Abandonment of Morality and Degeneration into Evil.


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

To be an American today is to collect a basket full of sadness.  We have been at war forever for the profits of the military/security complex, for the hegemonic ideology of the neoconservatives, for Cold War hysteria, and for Israel.  Huge sums of money have been wasted for no benefit to the American people.  Just yesterday I was listening to a deputy sheriff tell me how frustrating it was that he cannot reach the criminal American elite and bring them home to their crimes, but has, instead, to focus on the minor crimes of their lower class victims.  

NIH virus lab in Montana with links to Wuhan Institute of Virology found to be carrying out risky virus research

by Cassie B., Natural News:

Daily Mail has obtained exclusive footage from inside a controversial Montana lab in which risky research is being conducted on animals with funding from the U.S. government.

The videos and images were obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request, and they show researchers carrying out their experiments, sedating animals such as pigs and monkeys and injecting them with viruses. In some of the footage, piglets can be seen being kept in unsanitary and cramped cages.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Mexico Could Run out of Silver by 2026, Worsening Supply Deficit

by Richard (Rick) Mills, Silver Seek:

The world’s largest silver producer could mine all of its existing reserves within two years, throwing silver’s global supply-demand balance even further out of whack than it is currently.

Mexico has regularly outputted 5,600 tons of white metal over the past 10 years, but has seen its reserves dwindle to just 37,000 tons. If mining continues at the current pace, Mexico’s silver reserves will be exhausted by the end of 2026, it was recently reported.

Microsoft CEO Says the Company Is Working To Address Election “Disinformation and Misinformation”

by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

Big Tech is taking a bigger role in monitoring and moderating forms of online speech related to elections.

Concerns are growing over the role of Big Tech companies in moderating “misinformation,” particularly due to the fear that these corporations already wield significant power and influence which could potentially sway political outcomes, including elections.

GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Bill Murphy

from GoldSeek Radio:


Kids in New Jersey Schools Can Win Cash Prizes by Shilling for Vaccine Makers

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The New Jersey Department of Health’s “Protect Me With 3+” contest encourages kids and teens to create posters and videos — using health department talking points — to promote vaccines. Critics called out the contest for using kids to “propagandize other children.”

New Jersey schoolchildren can enter a contest to win cash prizes by creating posters and videos that promote vaccines.

The “Protect Me With 3+” campaign for “educating New Jersey communities” about the “benefits” of vaccines is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) and the Partnership for Maternal & Child Health of Northern New Jersey.

EXCLUSIVE: How a Donald Trump second term could finally end the American Deep State

by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

Dr. Sumantra Maitra, a former National Security Fellow at the U.S. Center for the National Interest, explains to LifeSiteNews how Donald Trump’s second term could be radically more effective than his first.

Shocked headlines appeared last October, warning that Trump was going to “abandon NATO.” Citing the work of a British academic, Dr. Sumantra Maitra, a report in Rolling Stone on his “Dormant NATO” paper[1] claimed his influence had pushed Trump to consider withdrawing from NATO completely. 

Episode 3364: Attacks On US Troops; Big Trouble For Fani Willis

from Bannons War Room:


American Psychological Association: Merit Is Unfair

from Moonbattery:

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Merit is unfair:

A study published in an American Psychological Association journal [is] now claiming that socioeconomic disparities should be the focus when seeking potential employees.

The term “socioeconomic disparities” refers to position of privilege according to Cultural Marxism. Refer to Disney’s Wheel of Wokeness for details.

Jewish Pornographer Donates To AIPAC: Only Fans Owners Funds American Israel Lobby

from Stew Peters Network:


Arizona Election Law May Enable Non-Citizens To Vote In 2024 Presidential Election, Experts Warn

by James Lynch, DailyCaller:

One of the most important states in the 2024 presidential election has a loophole in its election procedures that could allow non-citizens to cast federal election ballots, experts told the Daily Caller.

Democratic Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes crafted the state’s Election Procedures Manual (EPM) to permit individuals whose citizenship cannot be verified to register as a “federal-only” voter and cast ballots in upcoming elections.

NYC to provide illegal alien families with pre-paid credit cards

by Ben Whedon, Just The News:

New York City has witnessed the arrival of more than 110,000 illegals over the past year, in part due to Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott’s policy of bussing new arrivals to sanctuary cities in a bid to highlight the Biden administration’s lax approach to border enforcement.

After warning that a surge in illegal arrivals to the Big Apple would “destroy New York City” and blaming the influx for prompting budget cuts, New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams reportedly plans to provide illegal alien families with pre-paid credit cards.

Global Plant Growth Accelerates Thanks to Higher Carbon Dioxide Levels, New Study Finds

by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

The rate of global greening caused by recent increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide has accelerated during the last two decades, according to important new findings recently published by a group of Chinese scientists. About 55% of global land mass revealed an “accelerated rate” of vegetation growth, compared with only 7.3% showing increased decline or ‘browning’. Global greening due to higher levels of CO2 is an inconvenient fact that is often ignored in mainstream climate science. In fact there have even been attempts to suggest greening has slowed or reversed. Studies showing higher levels of global browning use sources that “should be used with caution”, advise the authors of the new study.