Monday, September 16, 2024




from State Of The Nation:

Putin is being held hostage by……

SOTN Editor’s Note: There is so much wrong with the Russo-Ukrainian War that it begs for a truly objective and independent analysis from start to now.

Cancel Culture Comes For Candace Owens!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:



by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

The CDC was hiding their findings about covid vaccines causing myocarditis in young people. The Epoch Times filed a Freedom of Information Request to force the CDC to reveal their findings. They complied last week with the court order by releasing 148 pages, of which, 148 pages were fully redacted. The arrogance and lawlessness of these petty tyrants is beyond the pale.

The Hertz Meltdown Reveals the Scale of the EV Debacle

from The Epoch Times:

The Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has revealed its ambition: to phase out gas-powered cars in favor of electric vehicles (EVs). Incredibly, this announcement comes as we are flooded with overwhelming evidence that EVs are a market loser.

Indeed, the artificial boom and then meltdown of the EV market is a modern industrial calamity. It was created by government, social media, wild disease frenzy, far-flung thinking, and the irrational chasing of utopia, followed by a rude awakening by facts and reality.

FALSE FLAG ATTACK IN MOSCOW! – Was It The USA & Israel? – They Want WW3!

from World Alternative Media:


Haiti – A Paradise for State Crime. The Unspoken Agenda, Haiti’s Offshore Natural Gas?


    by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

    In his recent article “The Destabilization of Haiti: Anatomy of a Military Coup d’Etat“, Professor Michel Chossudovsky memorizes 29 February 2024 as the 20th anniversary of the coup d’État against Haiti’s elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

    He also describes the military motives for controlling Haiti, namely to destabilize the country and to plunge it into constant chaos. This is precisely what has happened. Haiti is in a constant state of near absolute poverty – by far the poorest country in all Latin America according to official UN / World Bank indices.

    Is there a reason?


    from Dr. Jane Ruby:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Biden’s Big FU to Normal Americans: A Red Flag Center for ‘Dangerous’ Gun Owners (You)

    by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

    Joe Biden apparently thinks he isn’t going to make it to a second term. On Saturday, his attorney general announced a new resource program for Red Flag laws across America that will go on long after Biden is no longer in the White House.

    Congressman Thomas Massie sounded the alarm, asking: “What the hell is this evil? A Federal Red Flag center; We did not authorize this. Announced, of course, just hours after the omnibus passes.”

    Nothing To See Here, Just A Man Waving A Severed Human Leg Around And EATING It

    by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

    Insane person arrested after ‘stealing’ body part from accident scene

    Video footage shot in Wasco, California appears to show a crazed maniac waving around a severed human leg and taking bites out of it before police apprehended him Friday.

    Reports have suggested that the man ‘stole’ the leg from the scene of a train accident, where a person was earlier hit and killed.

    Episode 3485: Deep State Funding In Ukraine; The TechnoReligious Cult

    from Bannons War Room:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    MHRA, Pfizer and UK officials accused of misconduct, fraud and gross negligent manslaughter in new criminal investigation

    by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

    On March 8, 2024, a new criminal investigation was launched against Pfizer, MHRA and UK officials. The investigating officer, Mark Sexton of the Acton Police Station in London, has charged UK officials with misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, fraud by false representation, corporate manslaughter and gross negligent manslaughter. Officer Sexton is backed by a team of lawyers, including Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss and Dr. Sam White.

    Chemical Cooldown, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 23, 2024

    from Dane Wigington:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    The ‘study’ relating fasting and cardiovascular disease (left panel)?

    While you were distracted by the “Where’s Princess Kate Conspiracy”, Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast was confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents

    by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

    For the past month, the internet has been abuzz with absurd rumours surrounding Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales. So much so that the mainstream media is now involved and publishing story after story to heighten the conspiracy.

    A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm controlled by the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation, gained attention in 2020 for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event across the Western World by 2025.

    Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders: War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

    by Leo Hohmann, The Gateway Pundit:

    War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

    Remember, it really is all about depopulation

    The World Economic Forum warned us several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: “You will own nothing and learn to like it“?