Thursday, March 6, 2025



The Shortages Are Coming


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Do you remember in early 2020 when they told us that the shortages that we were experiencing would just be temporary?  Of course some of them were, but then more shortages just kept on erupting.  That wasn’t supposed to happen, and now it appears that our supply chain problems could potentially get a whole lot worse.  In just a few short months, we will be three years away from the beginning of the pandemic in the United States.  But instead of a “return to normal”, more shortages are on the way.  And in some cases, they could even be life threatening.



      from James Red Pills America:

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      Michael Pento: A Hawkish Pivot


        by Michael Pento, Dollar Collapse:

        Guest post by Michael Pento from the Pento Portfolio:

        This latest bear-market bounce was predicated on good seasonality, the hopes for a typical mid-term election boost, and the rumors of a Fed pivot. Wall Street always finds a narrative for rallies in a bear market. But the negative economic and liquidity cycles remain unchanged: The Fed is hiking rates into a recession. Powell may have done his last 75bp rate hike on November 2nd. But another 50bp hike is likely coming in December, and then the regular 25bp variety is coming in February. Meanwhile, $95 billion per month of Quantitative Tightening is rapidly destroying the money supply.

        US State Dept. Giving Passport Application Data to Law Enforcement and Intelligence


          by Jana Winter, Activist Post:

          By Jana Winter

          The State Department is giving law enforcement and intelligence agencies unrestricted access to the personal data of more than 145 million Americans, through information from passport applications that is shared without legal process or any apparent oversight, according to a letter sent from Sen. Ron Wyden to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and obtained by Yahoo News.



            from THE MEL K SHOW:

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            What We Knew In the Early Days


              from Brownstone:

              The claim is now everywhere: we had to lock down because we just didn’t know about this virus. It was all very confusing and we had to play it safe. We had no other option because we just had no clarity about what we were dealing with. The precautionary principle dictated the unprecedented actions.

              Actually, the precautionary principle goes both directions. It also dictates that we not enact policies that we know for sure would wreck lives and liberties. They did it anyway, without sufficient knowledge that the measures would achieve any positive good.

              Undeterred Russia-China Pushing for a New World Order


                by Salman Rafi Sheikh, New Eastern Outlook:

                The start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine was supposed to give the US a hitherto unavailable opportunity to re-unite the Western alliance under its leadership and maintain the US-dominated post-Second World War global order. While the Biden administration has got some success in forcing Europe to renew its allegiance to Washington – and drop its ambitions of strategic autonomy as an independent player in the international arena – it has not really had any powerful impact on Russia and China in terms of deterring them from pushing for their core objective of alternative world order. As it stands, the leading factor is that Washington’s success is itself largely limited to the West – a fact not lost on Russia, China and other countries outside of Europe. Outside of the occident, Washington’s ability to control anti-US forces has considerably decreased. This is especially evident in the Middle East, a region long known for its ‘deep’ alliance with the West but increasingly following a path that does not converge with the US.



                  from welcometheeagle88:

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                  New Poll Shows 44 Percent of U.S. Voters Believe Federal Government is Run by a Secret Cabal


                    by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

                    A recent poll conducted by the Benonson Strategy Group shows that 44 percent of American voters think that the federal government is operated by a secret cabal lurking behind the scenes.

                    The poll shows that 53 percent of Republicans believe this while 41 percent of independents and 37 percent of Democrats believe that a secret cabal is in charge of the feds. This poll surveyed 1,000 registered voters from Oct. 27-30 and was conducted online.

                    The Libs Are Completely Melting Down Before The Elections (Ep. 1889) – The Dan Bongino Show


                      from The Dan Bongino Show:

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                      Kyrie Irving Ordered to Renounce His Religious Beliefs to Play Again For The Brooklyn Nets


                        by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                        Star basketball player Kyrie Irving is being ordered to renounce his sincerely held religious beliefs, undergo “anti-Semitic/anti-hate training” and more in order to be allowed to play again for the Brooklyn Nets in the NBA.

                        Irving was suspended by the Nets on Thursday for failing to apologize profusely enough for sharing a link to an “anti-Semitic” documentary on social media.

                        The Athletic on Saturday shared the following list of “six action items he must complete” in order to play again for his team.

                        HUGE EXPLOSION In Australia Cancer, Ischemic Heart Disease & Cerebrovascular Disease Deaths After Vs


                          from Tim Truth:

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                          THE BILLIONAIRE WHO THINKS HE’S ‘GOD’


                            from WND:

                            How and why George Soros is obsessed with destroying America

                            The name “George Soros” is typically preceded by the words “billionaire philanthropist.” But there’s a problem.

                            Philanthropists donate money and property to needy individuals and institutions for the purpose of advancing human welfare, security and happiness. Indeed, with its anthro root, philanthropy literally means “love of mankind.”

                            How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia”


                              by Manlio Dinucci, Global Research:

                              Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA. With a staff of thousands of experts, Rand presents itself as the world’s most reliable source for Intelligence and political analysis for the leaders of the United States and their allies.

                              The Rand Corp prides itself on having contributed to the elaboration of the long-term strategy which enabled the United States to win the Cold War, by forcing the Soviet Union to consume its own economic resources in the strategic confrontation.

                              Corporatocracy: New Study From Harvard Ph.D. Finds Google “Shifting Votes On a Massive Scale!”


                                by Brian Lupo, The Gateway Pundit:

                                It’s no secret that Google is the world’s largest search engine with more 9 billion searches daily.  YouTube is arguably the second largest search engine (although it’s not technically a “search engine”) with 81% of U.S. adults using it.  Because of this extensive reach, it was reassuring that the company included the term “Don’t be Evil” in its “Code of Conduct” since its inception in 2000.  However, in 2018, that phrase was quietly removed and things have turned ugly.