by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:
In case you haven’t noticed lately, the leadership class of what we loosely call “the West” has gone absolutely insane. Not just a few flies short of a happy meal, not just a little bit around the bend, but absolutely in-geosynchronous-orbit-Beelzebubbish-fly-swarming-nutters. Perhaps I should clarify: “the West” is still there, as a civilization, ragged, patched up, barely chugging along, but there nonetheless. But it’s been overlaid by a cheap varnish called “globalooneyism”, and as Dr. Steve Turley reminds us, globaloney isn’t a civilization, it’s a system. It produces the like of the pasta dish disguised as the President of France who once told an international audience gathered at the First World War battlefield of Verdun, amid thousands of French graves and the massive ossuary commemorating the battle, that there was no such thing as French culture. That takes the kind of brassy chutzpah and disdain of everything except profits that only a globalooneyist can manifest. (And as you can tell, somewhere globaloneyism has veered even more into insanity, and is now globalooney).