Thursday, October 3, 2024



Universal Basic Income Will Be Linked to Your Digital ID Which Will Be Linked to Your Social Credit Score – So Who’s Pushing For it?


    by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

    “A Universal Basic Income (UBI) is where a government pays all individuals a set salary regardless of their means. It guarantees a certain amount of money from the state without any requirement to work”

    In this article, wrote ThreadsIrish, I am not going to dig deep into the economic reasons for it as I am not qualified enough to discuss it from that viewpoint. I will, however, be looking at the countries implementing it and who the people behind the scenes pushing for it are.

    Big Win for Kids: Louisiana Repeals COVID Vaccine Mandate for Schools


      by Robert W. Malone M.D., M.S., Childrens Health Defense:

      This year, parents and guardians stood together in opposition to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for children attending Louisiana schools.

      As a result of their coming together, the Louisiana Department of Health rescinded the mandate — the mandate was repealed on Tuesday.

      In light of this victory for parents and their children, Attorney General Jeff Landry filed a motion to dismiss his lawsuit against Gov. John Bel Edwards (Crews v. Edwards), wherein he sought to have the vaccine mandate enjoined.

      Letter Surfaces of Obama Foundation Admitting in 2018 They Keep Classified Documents in Unsecured Storage at Furniture Warehouse


        from The Conservative Treehouse:

        Hoffman Estates” is a Chicago area location containing an abandoned furniture store and warehouse.  The Obama Foundation leased, then re-upped the lease, to use the facility to store all the paper documents from the Obama administration {Location Link}.

        The Obama administration told the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) they were going to upload the documents into a digital form for use in the Obama library.  The paper documents were, still are, held at the Hoffman Estate warehouse while this digitization process took place.  It should be noted, the Obama Foundation has never digitized the records, hence they renewed the warehouse lease.

        SHORTAGE Documentary LIVE! Vatican Signals Global COLLAPSE, Vaxx DESTROYS Human Reproduction


          from Complete Shows:

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          Explosive report reveals Vanderbilt promoted transgender surgeries to make ‘huge money’


            by Calvin Freiburger, LifeSite News:

            Vanderbilt University Medical Center promoted mutilating “gender transitions” for minors as a “huge money maker” and saw moral objections to participating in the practice as a problem to be punished, according to explosive video uncovered by The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh.

            On Tuesday, Walsh published a Twitter thread highlighting his findings about Vanderbilt’s transgender clinic in Nashville that has seen children as young as 13, the details of which were then compiled and elaborated upon in a Daily Wire report.

            Four Reasons Why Dollar Dominance Won’t Be Permanent


              by Mark Nestmann, Nestmann:

              We periodically read missives to the effect that “the dollar is doomed.” And we’ve been reading them for many years.

              Consider this newsletter promotion from 1985. The headline was a lot like those we see today: “Get Your Dollars Out of the USA Before Uncle Sam Gets Them Out of You.” The copy predicted an imminent collapse in the US dollar’s value, along with hyperinflation.

              Don Lemon Gets a History Lesson


                from WHF Entertainment:

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                America’s Open Wound


                  by Edward Snowden, Edward Snowden Substack:

                  The CIA is not your friend

                  “Better that right counsels be known to enemies than that the evil secrets of tyrants should be concealed from the citizens. They who can treat secretly of the affairs of a nation have it absolutely under their authority; and as they plot against the enemy in time of war, so do they against the citizens in time of peace.”

                  ― Baruch Spinoza

                  Most Adults Should Be Screened For Anxiety, Depression According To US-Funded Panel


                    from ZeroHedge:

                    A panel of experts operating under the Department of Health and Human Services has recommended that all adults under the age of 65 should be screened for anxiety disorders, and all adults regardless of age should be checked for depression amid an uptick in American reporting mental-health issues following the Covid-19 pandemic.

                    The guidance, released Tuesday, marks the first such recommendation regarding adult anxiety disorders from the US Preventative Services Task Force, which issued similar draft guidance several months ago for children and adolescents, the Wall Street Journal reports.

                    Depopulation Is Upon Us: Paul Ehrlich, Dennis Meadows, Club Of Rome, Margaret Sanger Explain Plan


                      from Tim Truth:

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                      They Know That They Are Killing The Economy, But They Are Doing It Anyway…


                        by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

                        They know exactly what they are doing.  The “experts” that run the Federal Reserve know that if they dramatically hike interest rates it will cause countless American workers to lose their jobs and it will absolutely crush the housing market.  And even though those two things are already starting to happen, they just announced another massive rate hike.  If there was a school for central bankers, one of the very first things that they would teach you is that you should never, ever raise rates as an economy is plunging into a recession.  Every Fed official knows what has happened in the past when rates have been hiked at the beginning of an economic slowdown, but they are doing it anyway.  To call this “economic malpractice” would be a major understatement, and the American people should be deeply alarmed about what they are doing to us.

                        Biden’s transhumanist EO calls for natural biology to be programmed like computers


                        by Ramon Tomey, Natural News:

                        An executive order (EO) by President Joe Biden called for natural biology to be programmed “like computers” – a clear push for transhumanism under the guise of public health.

                        On Sept. 12, Biden signed EO 14081 that sought to bolster the U.S. biotechnology industry. It proposed the use of biotechnology to “aid” human health, citing the role of such biotechnologies during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

                        Walmart Currency and Payment App Launched as US Dollar Collapses #cbdc


                          from Zoon Politikon:

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                          Even a Weaponized Dollar Won’t Stop Gold’s Historical Turning Point


                            by Egon Von Greyerz, Gold Switzerland:

                            We have dedicated numerous articles and interviews addressing the dangerous strength of the USD on the heels of a deliberately hawkish Fed hiking rates into what is clearly a recession, official or otherwise.

                            Explaining the Inexplicable: Rising Rates into a Recession?

                            On the surface, such central bank tightening in the face of a tanking economy and increasingly volatile risk asset markets makes little sense, as a strong USD and higher interest expense (i.e., interest rate policy) crushes just about every asset class in its wake, from an empirically broken bond market and grotesquely over-valued stock market to the artificially repressed precious metals space.