Monday, September 30, 2024



Central Bankers Are Gaslighting Us about the “Strong Dollar”


    by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute:

    On February 8, the Japanese yen fell to a 24-year low against the dollar, dropping to 143 yen per dollar. Not much has changed since then with the yen hovering between 142 and 144 per dollar. In September of 2021, one only needed 109 yen to buy a dollar.

    Overall, the yen has dropped 21 percent against the dollar over the past year, yet Japan’s central bank apparently has no plans to change course. Nor should we expect it to do so.  Japan’s debt load has become so immense that any attempt to raise interest rates or otherwise tighten monetary conditions would prove extraordinarily painful.  So, it’s no surprise the BOJ is now positioned to become the world’s last central bank clinging to negative interest rates.

    The International Monetary System Is on the Verge of Collapse… Here’s What Comes Next


      by Nick Giambruno, International Man:

      “It’s possible to have more than one reserve currency.”

      These are the recent words of Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

      It was a stunning admission from the one person with the most control over the US dollar—the world’s reserve currency.

      Reading between the lines, Powell’s remarks are a strong hint that the current international monetary system based on the US dollar is on its way out… and soon.

      Gold Investment Bleeding


        from Silver Doctors:

        Gold has sure been a four-letter word lately, suffering one of its worst bull summers, and the primary culprit was…

        by Adam Hamilton of Zeal LLC

        Gold has sure been a four-letter word lately, suffering one of its worst bull summers.  The primary culprit was heavy gold-futures selling on a parabolic US-dollar surge fueled by extreme Fed hawkishness.  But the resulting gold technical damage really disheartened investors, spawning additional relentless selling from them.  This investment bleeding has certainly exacerbated gold’s downside, but its days are numbered.



          from RichieFromBoston:

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          Woke Fascism: The Disturbing Trend of Banning Books in America


            from 21st Century Wire:

            A shocking new trend is on the move in America: following historic highs last year, renewed efforts to ban books from school libraries across the country are on the rise this school year.

            This latest news was reported in two studies filed by the American Library Association (known as ALA), and free speech advocacy organization, PEN America. Their reports show how numerous books have been targeted by radical leftist activists and groups – demanding that thousands of traditional texts be removed from school libraries due to them being ‘offensive’, ‘racist’, or ‘potentially hateful.’

            Biden Regime Wants More Regulations on Cryptocurrencies


              by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

              On September 16, 2022, the Biden regime announced that  agencies of the United States government must crank up the pressure on the cryptocurrency sector.

              The Biden regime wants agencies to identify holes in cryptocurrency regulation and strengthen “digital asset sector enforcement”, per a Reuters report.

              JOE BIDEN: Boss of the BIDEN CRIME FAMILY | Rudy Giuliani | September 20th 2022 | Ep 273


                from Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense:

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                FBI Whistleblower Says Agency Downgraded Child Sex Abuse Material Investigations to Focus On ‘Domestic Extremists’


                  by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

                  The FBI has downgraded child sex abuse material investigations to focus on prosecuting and inflating the threat of “domestic violent extremists,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

                  From Breitbart, “Whistleblower Alleges FBI Schemed to Distort January 6 Cases into Nationwide ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Epidemic”:

                  A whistleblower has accused the FBI’s Washington Field Office of using cases related to the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot to “overstate” the threat of “domestic violent extremism” in America, according to Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

                  Investigation Reveals How Bill Gates Controlled The Global COVID Response


                    by Joe Martino, The Pulse:

                    The unlikely pairing of Politico and WELT has produced a seven month investigation into Bill Gates’ role in directing global COVID policy. We outline what this investigation concluded in the video below.

                    The evidence is incredibly revealing towards the concept that yes, money, power and influence have incredible impact on public policy. This as opposed to democracy or the thought of doing what’s in the best interesting of the public or world as a whole (nature included.)

                    Edward Down Shares Data Findings By Team Showing Harmful Effects Of COVID Jabs


                      from Bannons War Room:

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                      DOJ Internal Misconduct Shrouded In Veil Of Secrecy


                        by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:

                        One finds a federal lawyer trying to use his position to avoid a drunk driving charge; another finds a government attorney getting drunk and physically belligerent at a meeting with foreign officials; the third, and most disturbing, finds an assistant U.S. attorney exposing his genitals “in a public place,” and sexually assaulting a “civilian” on a date.

                        Who were these federal prosecutors? The summary reports don’t say. A spokesperson for the Office of the Inspector General told RealClearPolitics that it could not release their names. RCP has filed a Freedom of Information Act request asking for their identities.

                        Still on “Crash Watch”


                          by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

                          Through the month of September, we’ve been on “Crash Watch” over concerns that a global equity market drop could lead to a liquidity-driven margin call across all asset classes. The watch continues through this week’s FOMC meeting and then into October.

                          What is “Crash Watch”? It’s sort of like a Tornado Watch for those of us in the American Midwest. A Tornado Watch is issued when atmospheric conditions are supportive of tornado development. Only when an actual tornado develops is a Tornado Warning issued. Or maybe think of it this way:

                          Vatican Orders Massive Money Transfer: Signs Of Global Economic Collapse


                            from Stew Peters Network:

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                            This Should Terrify Every American: DOJ Harasses Citizens for Exercising Their First Amendment Rights


                              by Hans A. Von Spakovsky, PJ Media:

                              The Justice Department has hit the Eagle Forum of Alabama with a voluminous subpoena that violates the organization’s First Amendment rights to speak freely, engage in the political process, and talk to their elected representatives. It’s an intimidation tactic, pure and simple, and shows just how partisan the department has become. This out-of-control behavior should scare every citizen and volunteer organization, no matter where they stand on the political or social spectrum.