Monday, September 9, 2024



Doctors Baffled After 16-Year-Old Football Player and Wrestler Suffers a Stroke and Bloodclot in His Brain


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

A defensive lineman for Mount Pleasant High School in North Carolina who appeared to be in his prime at the age of 16 was found unconscious on the floor of his girlfriend’s house.

Tylin McDowell, a player for the Mt. Pleasant Tigers, played and excelled as a defensive lineman during a match with Maiden Blue Devils for the state playoffs.

UK to outline steps for government-controlled digital currency by the end of the year


    by Tom Parker, Reclaim The Net:

    “We are actively exploring the issuance of a digitally native Pound sterling.”

    The  (UK) will release a consultative report containing the next proposed steps for its potential government-controlled central bank digital currency () by the end of 2022.

    The report will be issued by the Bank of England, a UK government-owned central bank, and the UK Treasury, the government branch that develops and implements financial and economic policy.

    A Major Election Scandal In Maricopa County (Ep. 1900) – The Dan Bongino Show


      from The Dan Bongino Show:

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      BREAKING: Now Another County is Suspending Its Certification of Arizona’s Election Out of ‘Solidarity’


        by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

        Another Arizona county is joining in with Cochise County’s decision to hold off on certifying the state election until November 28.

        “Mohave County has voted to delay certification of election results until Nov. 28,” Garrett Archer reported on Twitter. “BOS member says it is a political statement of solidarity with other counties that have delayed certification.”

        JUST IN – Homes in the UK may suffer “power issues” tonight. National Grid issued a power shortage warning.




            from Smoke&Mirrors:

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            Those involved in Project to Inject World with Experimental Biotechnology are GUILTY of Crimes against Humanity


              by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

              We now confidently know that Covid-19 and mRNA vaccines both came from the same stable – experimental biotechnology laboratories. As the old saying goes two wrongs do not make a right. In our case, they made a disaster which could and should have been confidently predicted by anyone knowledgeable working in the field.

              There is a culprit. There is evidence. They knew what they were doing. They are guilty. They should be stopped.

              ‘Staggering’ Decline in Kids’ Reading, Math Skills, Latest Testing Reveals


                by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Childrens Health Defense:

                The results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, often referred to as the “nation’s report card,” show the largest drop in mathematics scores seen since the initial assessments were given in 1990.

                Story at a glance:

                • The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often referred to as the “nation’s report card,” tests fourth and eighth graders across the U.S. to measure student achievement.
                • The results are in from the 2022 NAEP Mathematics Assessment, which was last given in 2019, before the pandemic.

                Wait, Did THIS Really Happen?


                  from Russell Brand:

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                  Elon Musk is right: Mainstream media journalists are not the arbiters of truth


                    by Andreas Wailzer, LifeSite News:

                    According to media elites, whether or not something is truthful or trustworthy depends more on who is saying it rather than what is being said.

                    You represent the problem: journalists who think they are the only source of legitimate information. That’s the big lie.”

                    That is what Elon Musk wrote on Twitter the other day and it perfectly encapsulates the attitude of mainstream media journalists, who consider themselves the arbiters of truth.

                    Musk’s original Tweet said that “Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That’s our mission,” to which Kyle Grantham replied, “And to do this, I’ll let anyone to gives [sic] me money appear to be a legitimate source of news, rather than just ensuring all legitimate sources of news are confirmed to be who they say they are.”

                    Is Washington’s Dangerous Ukraine Boondoggle Starting to Unravel?


                      by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

                      Last week the world stood on the very edge of a nuclear war, as Ukraine’s US-funded president, Vladimir Zelensky, urged NATO military action over a missile that landed on Polish soil. “This is a Russian missile attack on collective security! This is a really significant escalation. Action is needed,” said Zelensky immediately after the missile landed.

                      But there was a problem. The missile was fired from Ukraine – likely an accident in the fog of war. Was it actually a Russian missile, of course, that might mean World War III. But Zelensky didn’t seem to be bothered by the prospect of the world blown up, judging from his reckless rhetoric.

                      Bill Gates Tells World Leaders ‘Death Panels’ Will Soon Be Required


                        from The People’s Voice:

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                        Woke Balenciaga’s New Ad Campaign Features ‘Virtual Child Porn’ Doc, Kids With ‘Bondage Teddy Bears’


                          by Andrew White, Valiant News:

                          A new ad campaign brought to you by the elite designer brand Balenciaga features images of children holding stuffed animals in bondage and “virtual child pornography” documents.

                          The images have resulted in widespread concerns that Balenciaga is promoting pedophilia on their website.

                          In one photo, a young red-headed girl can be observed standing on a bed while holding a teddy bear donning fishnets and leather straps on its wrists and ankles. In a separate photo, another little girl can be seen holding a purple stuffed animal wearing BDSM-style leather straps.

                          Who Isn’t Involved in the Cover-Up of the Lab Leak and Early Covid Spread?


                            by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

                            wrote recently about the origins of the pandemic and who knew what and when, noting that both the U.S. and China clearly knew about the virus earlier than they have admitted and both are still engaged in a cover-up of what really happened and what they knew.

                            Here, after a brief recap, I want to look more closely at who isn’t involved in the cover-up, or not entirely, and what that tells us.

                            Dissecting a R.I.N.O.


                              from The New American:

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