Friday, July 12, 2024



The Rise of Fauci and the U.S. Biosecurity State — Who Was Behind It?


    by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Childrens Health Defense:

    Dick Cheney, as vice president, was responsible for putting all biodefense research under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, making Fauci the sole decision-maker on biodefence and scientific research.

    Story at a glance:

    • America’s focus on biosecurity began in earnest during the second Bush administration. Dick Cheney, as vice president, was responsible for putting all biodefense research under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

    Politico Co-Founder Says Constitution Must Be Rewritten To Stop Donald Trump


      from ZeroHedge:

      Politico’s new owner may lean right, but the rag’s founding editor, John F. Harris, said in a Thursday column that the Constitution must be rewritten to stop former President Donald Trump – who he calls a “constitutional menace” who exploited the Constitution’s “defects” in order to win the 2016 US election.

      This Cycle Of Retaliation Between The U.S. And Russia Will Ultimately Lead To Nuclear War


        by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

        For the good of humanity, this has got to stop.  The United States and Russia both keep raising the stakes, and if we keep repeating this cycle it will end with a nuclear war that could ultimately result in billions of deaths.  Unfortunately, leaders on both sides do not seem interested in peace at this point.  The votes that Russia just conducted in four disputed territories were inevitably going to raise tensions even higher.  Of course the western powers have been greatly escalating matters themselves.  Over the past couple of months, NATO has gotten far more deeply involved in the conflict in Ukraine, and now the war is starting to spread beyond Ukrainian borders.

        UK Police Department Savaged For Defending Convicted Serial Pedophile Against ‘Hate’


          by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

          Forced to apologise for threatening women who ‘misgendered’ the child rapist

          A police department in the UK has come under fire after it appeared to defend a convicted pedophile, asserting that anyone ‘misgendering’ the individual would not be tolerated.

          Sussex Police responded to posts from women’s rights campaigners who expressed concerns that the 58-year-old transgender pedophile, going by the name of Sally Ann Dixon, could be incarcerated in a women’s prison.

          GOLDCORE TV INTERVIEW: The Real Causes Of The Global Energy Crisis


            by Steve St. Angelo, SRSRocco Report:

            The world is totally unprepared for the implications of the Energy Cliff on the global economy, financial system, and most asset values.  I spoke with Dave at Goldcore TV about the “Real Causes” of the global energy crisis.  While many believe this energy crisis is “temporary,” it’s not… it’s permanent.

            Why?  It has to do with the world oil industry now facing the Red Queen Syndrome.  Thus, the ability of the world’s oil industry to maintain oil production at such a high current level is becoming impossible, soon leading to the ENERGY CLIFF.  This factor is overlooked by government leaders, economists, and the mainstream media.

            Episode 2187: Illegal Migrants Are Granted Better Treatment Than Veterans


              from Bannons War Room:

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              Gates Foundation boosts funding for Digital ID projects


                by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

                The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has increased its investment in digital ID projects through part of a $1.27 billion package to support “global health and development projects.” Part of the funding, $200 million, will go to digital public infrastructure, including civil registry databases and digital ID.

                Swedish study: Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine alters DNA within 6 HOURS


                  by Belle Carter, Natural News:

                  The mRNA used for Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine disrupts cell repair mechanisms and allows SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins to alter a person’s DNA within six hours.

                  A February 2022 study done by researchers from Lund University in Sweden investigated the BNT162b2 vaccine’s effects on human cells, with a view to determining if its encoded spike protein RNA can be reverse-transcribed into human DNA. The aforementioned paper was published in Current Issues in Molecular Biology.

                  So, YouTube Took Our Video Down


                    from Russell Brand:

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                      by Egon Von Greyerz, Gold Switzerland:

                      As the dark years are approaching, the world is now approaching survival mode. Admittedly, if you go to a high class restaurant in New York, London or Zurich,  there are no signs of misery but instead of incredible affluence.

                      What is happening to middle America or England has not yet reached Wall Street or the City of London where exquisite food is plenty and excellent wines are flowing.

                      This is of course no different to the end of eras with major excesses and decadence. It was the same at the peak of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago or in 1929 just before the Dow crashed 90%.

                      Bill Gates Caught Admitting ‘Climate Change Is WEF Scam’ to Inner Circle


                        from The People’s Voice:


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                        Life in a Failed State — Part 1


                          by Larry Romanoff, The Unz Review:


                          In an earlier essay on the 1917 Jewish revolution in Russia,[1]

                           I related this quote: “The [Jews] systematically exterminated the clergy, the wealthy, the business class, the intelligent educated class, all the high-achieving segments of the population, leaving Russia with a population of ignorant workers, peasants, and a powerful Jewish ruling elite.”

                          This is precisely the situation – and the intent – with the US today. The methods are different, but the final result will be the same. It is dispiriting that, while the signs are everywhere to be seen, few seem sufficiently interested or astute to connect the dots. In reading these combined essays on this topic, it will greatly assist your understanding if you keep in mind that the events and circumstances described herein were all deliberately created and implemented. None of what you will be reading about, was an accident of fate or due to “economic circumstances beyond control”. All was contrived for the above transitional purpose, and that transition is perhaps 80% completed in the US today. Read, and form your own judgment.

                          GoldSeek Radio Nugget – Martin Armstrong: All assets decline when the reserve currency rises


                            from GOLDSEEK RADIO:

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