Monday, September 30, 2024



It Starts: Celebrity Calls For The Unvaccinated To Be Caged In Prisons By The Ruling Class


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

62-year-old actor Sean Penn is calling for the unvaccinated, those who refused to be injected with an experimental gene therapy drug, to be imprisoned by the ruling class.  Penn made the outlandish comments during an interview with Extra.

“I really feel that if someone chooses not to be vaccinated, that they should choose to stay home. Not go to work. Not have a job. As long as we’re all paying for these streets, we gotta ride safely on them. And so I’m just hopeful that the mindset will change.”



    from GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney):

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    $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill contains “sinister” depopulation provisions: $575M to be spent on abortions in areas with high population growth


      by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

      If you live somewhere that the globalists believe is extra special but growing too fast in terms of its human population, the latest omnibus spending bill will deal with the “problem” by funding more abortions in your area.

      Of the $1.7 trillion – yes, that is trillion with a T – apportioned for spending next year, no less than $575 million of that is set to go toward “family planning” and “reproductive health” initiatives, specifically “in areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species.”

      Episode 2402: Title 42 To Be Lifted And The Surge Continues


        from Bannons War Room:

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        Hunting Down And Slaughtering ‘Purebloods’ On The Global Eugenicists ‘To Do List’ As They Unveil More Draconian ‘Solutions’ To The ‘Problems’ THEY Created To Usher In Tyranny


        by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

        – Medical Tyrants To Turn ‘Speaking The Truth’ Into An Executable Offense

        While we had hoped that by now, with 2022 coming to a close, we’d be long past reporting on COVID and the globalists rush to impose medical tyranny upon anyone who still has the ability to think for themselves and rejects their ‘mRNA death shot concoctions’ that have been PROVEN to be killing and maiming people while they aren’t stopping anyone from getting COVID nor passing it on to others, nor dying from it, we can’t do that right now with more and more stories that keep popping up showing us the globalists are far from done in their rush towards all-out medical despotism.

        Climate Change – The Big Fraud but Why?


          by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

          What is absolutely astonishing, is that this entire global warming propaganda that they then changed it to climate change because it was not just getting warmer – but colder. The entire premise is that the climate is changing all because of the Industrial Revolution and they REFUSE to address the fact that there are natural cycles to weather since the Earth was born.

          What Could Go Wrong? Startup Releases Particles into The Atmosphere to Stop “Climate Change”


            by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

            The global warming hysteria has now reached such absurd heights that a startup company will now attempt to control the weather via solar geoengineering. Unsurprisingly, such a move could have deadly unintended consequences if widely adopted.

            MIT Technology Review reported Saturday that a company called Make Sunsets has successfully launched weather balloons from Mexico that may have released sulfur particles into the atmosphere. Luke Iseman, the co-founder and CEO, claims that because climate change presents such an imminent threat, bizarre interventions like theirs are necessary:

            CRACKPOTS & PROPAGANDISTS — Dr. Sam Sigoloff



            Patriot and whistleblower Dr. Sam Sigoloff returns to SGT Report to shine the light of TRUTH and FACTS on the YouTube channel of a trial lawyer which CEO Susan Wojcicki probably loves. THIS is the kind of garbage one must spew to not only survive on YouTube, but also to be recommended by its crooked algorithms.

            Support Sam – Get the patch!

            Morris: Twitter Files 9 Shows CIA, Other Security State Involvement in Censorship


              by Emma Jo Morris, Breitbart:

              The CIA was among a number of security state agencies, including the State Department and the Pentagon, involved in censorship at Twitter, according to the ninth tranche of Twitter Files released by Elon Musk, via journalist Matt Taibbi.

              Following the bizarre statement released by the FBI, calling the Twitter Files reporting “misinformation” spread by “conspiracy theorists” with the “sole purpose of discrediting the agency,” Taibbi posted a new tranche revealing much more widespread government involvement in censorship than previously known — adding, “Why stop with one [agency]?”

              Mass Chicken Culling Is An Attack On The Food Supply


                by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                While the mainstream media and ruling class continue to blame “avian influenza” for the merciless culling of chickens and other poultry used for meat, it’s beginning to become apparent that the slaughter of these birds is nothing less than an attack on the food supply.

                Mike Adams of Natural News agrees. He believes it’s a cover story to destroy the food supply and accelerate scarcity in both chicken eggs and chicken meat (as well as turkey meat). Even the Wall Street Journal admits that a single positive test for an infection results in farmers being ordered to carry out a mass culling of their entire flock. From their story:



                  from Infowars:

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                  Emergency Preps from A to Z


                    by Ashley Allen, The Organic Prepper:

                    Emergency preparedness is serious business but not all of our endeavors need to take on the gravity of life and death. This is a fun list, and while the suggestions are solid, it is by no means a list that covers everything you need to be prepared.

                    Without further ado, here’s an alphabetical list of preps that could serve you well.



                      from Tim Truth:

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                      The Financial “Samson Option” and What You Need To Do Before Governments Use It


                        by Nick Giambruno, International Man:

                        In the early ‘90s, legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed the “Samson Option,” a secret Israeli nuclear deterrence strategy.

                        It states that in a scenario where its enemies were about to overrun the country, Israel would respond with massive use of nuclear weapons as a last resort.

                        The concept comes from the biblical figure Samson, who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and the Philistines who had captured him.