Monday, September 30, 2024



UN Seeks to Delete ‘Human Rights’ from World Health Regime


    from Conversations That Matter:

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    Keeping up with the WEF


      by Robert Malone, Who is Robert Malone:

      Davos 2023 in Jan: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”

      Get your tickets now (snark) for DAVOS 2023, held January 16-20, 2023. The event is fast approaching!

      The topic for this year’s event:

      Evil’s Afoot: Scientific Slaughter Of Millions By Well Oiled Killing Machine, Hidden MRNA Sequence?!


        from Tim Truth:

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        When Trust is Lost, America is Truly Broken


          by D.W. Wilber, America Outloud:

          Our system is completely broken down. There is absolute, one hundred percent mistrust of the government. Every branch, every government agency, every politician, not one of them, has the trust of the people they serve. Americans simply do not trust anything, or anyone anymore, that emanates from Washington, D.C. Even worse, Americans don’t trust each other. And that’s the truly scary part.

          Report: The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks Inside Russia


            by Dave DeCamp, Antiwar:

            Investigative journalist Jack Murphy reports that the attacks are being carried out by an unnamed European NATO country’s spy service

            The CIA has been using a European NATO country’s intelligence services to conduct sabotage attacks inside Russia since the February invasion of Ukraine, investigative journalist Jack Murphy reported on Saturday, citing unnamed former US intelligence and military officials.

            The report said that no US personnel are on the ground in Russia but that the operations are being directed by the CIA. The US is using an ally’s intelligence services to add an extra layer of plausible deniability, and a former US special operations official told Murphy that layer was a major factor in President Biden signing off on the attacks.



              from Free Your Mind:

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              Aussie Cops Ask Neighbors To Rat Out ‘Anti-Government, Anti-Police, Or COVID-Vaccine Conspiracy Theorists’


                from ZeroHedge:

                Australian police are using a brutal ambush on two cops to encourage residents to rat out neighbors who are skeptical of the Covid-10 vaccine, or harbor anti-government views.

                On December 12, two Brisbane police officers were gunned down by a family of rural Australians, who opened fire as the two officers approached their home. Constables Rachel McCrow, 29, and Matthew Arnold, 26 died in the attack, while a third officer, Constable Randall Kirk, was shot in the leg but managed to escape. A fourth officer, Keely Brough, fled to safety in the bushes.



                  from The Salty Cracker:

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                  The Twitter Files Have Confirmed (Again) That Conspiracy Theorists Are NOT Crazy


                    by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

                    So…it turns out we crazy conspiracy theorists aren’t so crazy after all. In fact, we can knock “crazy” right off that moniker. Again. Elon Musk has allowed the curtain to be pulled back on Twitter to reveal corruption, collusion, and straight-up propaganda that have changed the course of American history. Musk is catching all sorts of flack for the Twitter Files from the mainstream media, who are somehow trying to defend the indefensible actions that have taken place behind the scenes and paint Musk as the bad guy for exposing it.

                    Report: Startup Releasing Sulfur Particles Into Stratosphere To ‘Ease Global Warming’


                      by Kelen McBreen, InfoWars:

                      Controversial geoengineering project being done in Mexico

                      Weather manipulation technology slowly being introduced to the public despite being in operation for decades

                      MIT Technology Review published an article this weekend highlighting a startup company based in Mexico that is allegedly using hot air balloons to spread sulfur particles into the stratosphere to combat “global warming.”

                      The solar geoengineering project has not been received well by experts in the field who warn of potentially dangerous side effects.

                      It Starts: Celebrity Calls For The Unvaccinated To Be Caged In Prisons By The Ruling Class


                      by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                      62-year-old actor Sean Penn is calling for the unvaccinated, those who refused to be injected with an experimental gene therapy drug, to be imprisoned by the ruling class.  Penn made the outlandish comments during an interview with Extra.

                      “I really feel that if someone chooses not to be vaccinated, that they should choose to stay home. Not go to work. Not have a job. As long as we’re all paying for these streets, we gotta ride safely on them. And so I’m just hopeful that the mindset will change.”

                      WHEN DOES IT HIT THE FAN?


                        from GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney):

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                        $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill contains “sinister” depopulation provisions: $575M to be spent on abortions in areas with high population growth


                          by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

                          If you live somewhere that the globalists believe is extra special but growing too fast in terms of its human population, the latest omnibus spending bill will deal with the “problem” by funding more abortions in your area.

                          Of the $1.7 trillion – yes, that is trillion with a T – apportioned for spending next year, no less than $575 million of that is set to go toward “family planning” and “reproductive health” initiatives, specifically “in areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species.”

                          Episode 2402: Title 42 To Be Lifted And The Surge Continues


                            from Bannons War Room:

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                            Hunting Down And Slaughtering ‘Purebloods’ On The Global Eugenicists ‘To Do List’ As They Unveil More Draconian ‘Solutions’ To The ‘Problems’ THEY Created To Usher In Tyranny


                            by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

                            – Medical Tyrants To Turn ‘Speaking The Truth’ Into An Executable Offense

                            While we had hoped that by now, with 2022 coming to a close, we’d be long past reporting on COVID and the globalists rush to impose medical tyranny upon anyone who still has the ability to think for themselves and rejects their ‘mRNA death shot concoctions’ that have been PROVEN to be killing and maiming people while they aren’t stopping anyone from getting COVID nor passing it on to others, nor dying from it, we can’t do that right now with more and more stories that keep popping up showing us the globalists are far from done in their rush towards all-out medical despotism.