Sunday, September 29, 2024




from State Of The Nation:

…and, remember, we don’t even know if this
latest MCE is a complete and total hoax, a hybrid fake/reality event, or a real Gladio-coordinated MCI.

Submitted by The MCE Monitor
SOTN Exclusive
Oh really, the very day after conservative Freedom Caucus member Mike Johnson is elected Speaker of the House, the homicidal Deep State gun control freaks stage a mass shooting in the independent-voting state of Maine where gun ownership is very common throughout the rural areas. 

Nursing Students Harmed by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and Vaccine Mandates

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

14 students suffering cardiac problems, kidney problems, turbo cancers and sudden deaths in sleep

July 11, 2023 – Inverkip, UK – 25 year old NHS pediatric nurse Kristin Hamill was finishing her pediatric nursing studies (with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine mandate). On June 28, 2022 she developed sepsis, her kidneys failed, she ended up on dialysis and needs a kidney transplant. In July 2023 she was diagnosed with heart failure – all COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine injuries & long term effects.

Owen Shroyer Now A Political Speech Prisoner: 60 Days In Prison For Chanting “1776” In Washington DC

from Stew Peters Network:


POLL: American Voters are Growing Hostile Towards Intelligence Agencies

by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:

According to a Rasmussen poll, 48% of likely United States voters perceive the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) favorably, which includes 17% with a very favorable impression. 41% view the CIA unfavorably, which includes 22% with a very unfavorable opinion. 10% are unsure.

51% currently believe US intelligence agencies have their own political agenda. By contrast, 36% of voters believe the agencies generally behave in an impartial manner. An additional 13% are unsure.

Leftists Desecrate Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee Statue After Transforming Lee Park Into Homeless Camp

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Leftists chose to dramatically desecrate the statue of Confederate war hero Robert E Lee that was torn down from Lee Park in Charlottesville after the Unite the Right rally in 2017.

“Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace,” The Washington Post reported on Thursday. “The divisive Confederate monument, the focus of the deadly ‘Unite the Right’ rally in 2017, was secretly melted down and will become a new piece of public art.”

Episode 3131: K-Street Fears Mike Johnson

from Bannons War Room:


Stanford University ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ Issues Insane List of Demands Including Plane Tickets to Gaza

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

The radical group ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ has chapters at schools all over the country.

At Stanford University in California, the group has issued a list of demands that has to be seen to be believed. One of their demands is that the school provide them with plane tickets to Gaza so that they can go there and grieve properly.

Does The GOP Still Matter? (Ep. 2119)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


Thursday Conversation – Chris Martenson

by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:

Chris Martenson has been a friend for over a decade. Over the years, he has helped us with everything from financial guidance to warnings about Covid. He’s back today to give us the latest on the fading pandemic and the things that concern him most as 2023 begins to blend into 2024.

First of all, if you’re unfamiliar with Chris, his work and his website, you should be sure it check it out. You’ll find that the community there is a lot like TFMR…the primary difference is that the host is a lot smarter!

Patrick Byrne Exposes the NWO Color Revolution Plan to Collapse the Western World

from AlexandraBruce:


Hole opens in Fani Willis’ RICO case against Trump

from WND:

Analysis points out none of 4 deals so far have included key count

An analysis of the Georgia organized crime case being brought against President Donald Trump and a dozen of his close associates during the 2020 election fight has revealed a hole in the case.

So far, among the four defendants who have reached plea agreements, none has ended up with a guilty verdict to the core claim, the RICO organized crime count.

BOMBSHELL: Biden Bribery Allegations Credible, Former Prosecutor Confirms


by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

The House Oversight Committee has been uncovering a trove of evidence against Joe Biden over the past few months, and, like clockwork, Democrats have consistently sought to downplay that evidence. For example, earlier this year we learned that an unclassified FBI document, form FD-1023, detailed how Joe Biden and his son Hunter “coerced” Burisma co-founder and CEO Mykola Zlochevsky to pay them a $10 million bribe. In return, Joe pressured the Ukrainian government to fire Viktor Shokin, the man who was investigating the company for corruption.

BREAKING: Biden vows to go to war against China to defend The Philippines after The Philippines coast guard ship and supply boat were rammed by Chinese vessels at disputed Shoal in the South China Sea.


WW3 BEGINS! AMERICAN TROOPS DEPLOYED TO ISRAEL! – 2 Billion Could Die In This War Cycle Says Expert

from World Alternative Media:


US Warplanes Conduct Major Strikes On ‘Iranian Proxies’ In Syria


from ZeroHedge:

Update(22:25ET): In the overnight and early morning hours in Syria (local time), US forces carried out airstrikes on what it said are Iran-linked militants and installations in eastern Syria. Multiple targets have been hit.

According to a statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, “Today, at President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces conducted self-defense strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups.” The attacks were reportedly done by US warplanes, likely operating out of either the Gulf or Mediterranean areas where new US naval assets have recently been positioned, keeping a watch on fast moving events in Gaza. Fox issued the following breaking detail: