Sunday, September 29, 2024



Hurricane Manipulation, Target Acapulco? Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 28

from Dane Wigington:


There Is No Legitimate Role for Any Government or Rule

by Gary D. Barnett, Lew Rockwell:

“Government is for slaves; free men govern themselves.”

Albert Parsons, Autobiography

Recently I wrote about a “World Gone Mad,” and I now understand that my title was a gross understatement. Madness indicates psychotic behavior, but what is going on today, while most assuredly psychotic, is also intentional, completely planned, and being implemented with full consciousness by evil forces. To make matters worse, the pathetic masses are taking sides, fomenting hate, supporting their chosen masters, and tearing apart all that is right; thus allowing this insane tyranny and carnage to continue unabated. If one was to step aside, and take stock of this insanity, he would at once be faced with the reality of the heinous agendas being pursued, but few are willing to take that step. Most all continue to look toward the complicit and abhorrent State to save them from the premeditated and monstrous policies being pursued by all governments at the behest of their controlling overlords.

Assange Approaches Five Years Of Incarceration Without Trial

from Activist Post:

(People’s Dispatch) Famed publisher and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is approaching five years of imprisonment without conviction for his role in exposing information regarding war crimes committed by the United States government. Currently held in a small cell within London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison—once referred to by the BBC as the British Guantanamo Bay—Assange and his supporters are endlessly fighting the British courts’ decision to allow his extradition to the United States.

Episode 3135: Elite Focusing Attention On The New Forever War

from Bannons War Room:




by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

It’s the same old story every time. Our overlords create and fund those they want us to believe are enemies that must be stopped. The U.S. funded and supported Sadaam Hussein when he was fighting our enemy Iran, who was our enemy because we overthrew their president in the 1950’s and installed the Shah as dictator. When he stopped playing ball with our Deep State, they “saved” Kuwait over a border dispute and falsely claimed he was involved in 9/11 and had WMDs, so they could kill him and steal Iraq’s oil.



from State Of The Nation:

Christian Russia vs. Zionist Khazaria

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé provides the most relevant historical background for what is transpiring around the world today. For every major move and maneuver now rapidly occurring across the entire global political chessboard is being driven by what the Bloody Brits euphemistically memed ‘The Great Game’.

Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: “You have to be brave now”.

COVID mRNA Vaccine-induced Fever Unmasks Deadly Brugada Syndrome

by Dr. Peter McCullough, Global Research:

Brugada syndrome is a rare but potentially life-threatening inherited disease that predisposes patients to fatal cardiac arrhythmias. The syndrome is characterized by the ECG findings of a right bundle branch block and ST-segment elevations in the right precordial leads (V1-V3). More than 400 mutations in the cardiac SCN5A gene have been identified in people with Brugada syndrome, which is characterized by risk of cardiac arrest, particularly in the setting of fever.

Uncensored: Israel Was An Inside Job? Alan Hashem DESTROYS the Narrative, Calls For Unity

from Stew Peters Network:


Elon Musk Announces Starlink Will Service International Aid Orgs in Gaza After Israel Severs All Telecommunications [UPDATE]

by Chris Menahan, Global Research:

In the wake of Israel severing all telecommunications in Gaza through a relentless bombing campaign, X owner Elon Musk announced that Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in the besieged strip.

“Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza,” Musk said. “We will support the UN and other internationally recognized aid groups.”

CRITICAL INTEL: Patrick Byrne Exposes the NWO Color Revolution

from The Alex Jones Show:


Strategist James Carville Claims Top Democrats Are Telling Him to Shut Up About Biden’s Dismal Polling Numbers


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Democrat strategist James Carville, also known as the Ragin’ Cajun, was part of the team that helped Bill Clinton win the presidency twice.

You may not agree with his politics, but he definitely knows the business of elections and how to win.

Carville is trying to sound the alarm to members of his party about Joe Biden’s awful poll numbers but claims he is being told by top Dems to shut up about it.

Amazon’s Alexa: The 2020 Election Was Stolen


by Matt Vespa, Townhall:

Even Amazon is in on the story for those who feel there was funny business during the 2020 election. When asked, ‘Alexa’ essentially said that the 2020 election was stolen. It triggered The Washington Post earlier this month, whose article framed this incident as a potential new battle in the information age amid the push to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence. It’s something the Left supports, viewing it as a vehicle to erase the working class, specifically the rural white working class. Now, there are questions because this device went off script about the 2020 election (via WaPo):

GoldSeek Radio Nugget – Martin Armstrong:

from GoldSeek Radio:


SHOCK Statistic: 4.1% of Deaths in Canada Due to Government Euthanasia (MAID)


by Ben Bartee, PJ Media:

I and others at PJ Media have written extensively about the Canadian government depopulation scheme draped in the auspices of the liberal and loving state mercy-killing of the hopeless mentally and physically ill.

The government markets its killing program as “Medical Assistance in Dying,” or MAID for short.

It’s classic Hitlerian eugenics but with a shiny liberal sheen.