Sunday, September 29, 2024



INTERVIEW: Matt Taibbi on Israel-Gaza Censorship, New Govt “Disinfo” Schemes, & More | SYSTEM UPDATE

from Glenn Greenwald:


Switzerland Mails Iodine Tablets to 5 Million Residents in Case of Nuclear Disaster: Take ‘at Request of Authorities’

Starvation as a weapon: Zionist Israel wages Holodomor against Gaza


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

In the New Testament, God tells His people in Christ Jesus to care for the widow and the poor, and to treat one’s enemies as oneself, turning the other cheek when infringed. Self-chosen Israeli Zionists, on the other hand, routinely use the force of violence to get their way, including by starving out their enemies as coercion.

This is exactly what Israel’s Zionist government is doing to Gaza right now, by the way. The Palestinian people are being deprived of fuel, electricity, water, and food in retaliation for the Hamas false flag attack on October 7 that quite clearly was some kind of inside job in that the Israeli military was told to stand down and allow it to happen as a pretext for war.

Tedros the Terrorist urges parliamentarians to support WHO’s IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty process

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In a newly released video statement, the World Health Organisation (WHO”) Dictator General urged nations to support their efforts to bring the amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”) and the Pandemic Treaty to a timely conclusion.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian terrorist and human rights abuser, laid out the world’s problems as he sees them and then the solution.

The problem is the covid pandemic didn’t go as well as hoped.  The solution is the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty, which he calls a Pandemic Accord.

Moonstone’s Take On The MOON!

from RoadtoRoota:


A woman in England was interrogated before being issued a penalty for praying silently outside an abortion clinic.

U.K. Children Grilled ‘Every Term’ About Their Gender by ‘Activist Teachers’, Say Parents – As 11 Year-Old Pupils Given Detention for ‘Misgendering’ Staff

by Richard Eldred, Daily Sceptic:

Children in the U.K. are reportedly experiencing confusion due to frequent questioning by their teachers about gender identity and facing potential consequences for ‘accidentally misgendering’ others. The Mail has the story.

Parents and former teachers speaking at the LGB Alliance conference in Central London spoke out about “activist teachers” who are promoting gender ideology in schools.

One parent from Brighton claimed a young woman thought she was a boy at school because teachers questioned pupils at least once a term to ask if they were confused about their gender.

Uncensored: Israel Was An Inside Job? Alan Hashem DESTROYS the Narrative, Calls For Unity

from Stew Peters Network:


‘Appalling’: Watch Enraged Muslim Mob Storm Airport Hunting for Jews [MULTIPLE VIDEOS]

by Joe Kovacs, The Liberty Daily:

(WND)—“Appalling videos” emerging from Russia show a large mob storming the Dagestan airport Sunday, as Muslim men chant “Allah Akbar” while hunting for Jews believed to be on a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel.

State-run media reports indicate the airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the majority-Muslim southeastern region of Russia, was closed due the situation and riot police have been deployed.

Drawing the US Into What They Hope Turns Into a Global War

by Prof. Pedro Blas González, America Outloud:

Wars. Violence. Murder.

A corrosive and pervasive cultural war, and moral/spiritual corruption of the human person, these are but a few of the driving forces of the postmodern world. A mishmash of pathologically confused people ⏤ failed institutions, perverse media, and totalitarian ideologies that lack any semblance of a moral compass.

This is the foundation of postmodernity: objectivity and truth do not exist, everything is relative, and violence is accepted as long as it benefits the denizens of postmodern nihilism. Why? Totalitarian elites today, more than ever before, continue to pray at the altar of ‘the end justifies the means.’

MEP Christine Anderson To Global Tyrants: Go To Hell

from SettingBrushfires:


Are Deepfakes and AI Believable Enough to Undermine Trust in Voting?

by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D., The New American:

Artificial intelligence and deepfake technology are threatening to further erode public trust in the electoral process, The Epoch Times reported October 27.

The Times article defines deepfakes as “highly convincing and deceptive digital media—typically videos, audio recordings, or images—increasingly generated using artificial intelligence, and often for misleading or fraudulent purposes.”

The Death of Democrat Jewish Innocence


by Sally Zelikovsky, American Thinker:

Jewish conservatives, while considered a bit of an oddity despite growing numbers, are commonly asked Why are so many Jews liberals?

From conservative luminaries like Norman Podhoretz and Dennis Prager to B-team influencers like me, Jewish conservatives have struggled to provide a satisfactory answer. Like any other group, we do not march in lockstep, certainly not when it comes to our religion and definitely not politically. Still, Jewish conservatives readily acknowledge that, like Black Americans, most of us tend to be liberal if not downright progressive and, regrettably, sometimes Marxist.

WW3 DECLARED: Netanyahu Calls For DEAD KIDS! – Demands Prophesy Be Fulfilled!

from World Alternative Media:


Internet Censorship: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once


by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

It used to be a truth universally acknowledged by citizens of democratic nations that freedom of speech was the basis not just of democracy, but of all human rights.

When a person or group can censor the speech of others, there is – by definition – an imbalance of power. Those exercising the power can decide what information and which opinions are allowed, and which should be suppressed. In order to maintain their power, they will naturally suppress information and views that challenge their position.