Friday, September 6, 2024



Making Sense of The Israel & Hamas Conflict


by Joe Martino, The Pulse:

Over the last 5 days since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7, 2023, we have been asked many times to share our thoughts on the issue at hand and what’s going on.

I have been tracking this situation with some attention but not my full attention primarily because I am heavily focused on a project at the moment.

In this piece I will:

Photo 1 is the original draft from Lord Rothschild to the British Govt

Medical Journal DISAPPEARS New Study Tying Covid Vaxx To Deaths

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Amazon’s Alexa says 2020 elections were STOLEN

by Ramon Tomey, DC Clothesline:

Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is now under the spotlight after claiming that the 2020 elections, which put President Joe Biden into the White House, were stolen from former President Donald Trump.

The National Pulse‘s Jake Welch reported on the development, citing an article from the Washington Post (WaPo) – which is also owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. The virtual assistant cited Rumble and Substack, two platforms that refuse to bow to establishment censorship, as its sources.

REAL plan of Hamas: ‘Kill every Jew and every Christian’ on Earth

from WND:

Franklin Graham: ‘If you think what is happening in Israel is limited to Israel, think again’

Christian evangelist Franklin Graham is warning Jews and Christians around the globe to be aware of Hamas’ real plans, to “Kill every Jew and every Christian” on Earth.

The warning comes just days after Hamas terrorists attacked innocent civilians in Israel, in villages and at a music festival, killing an estimated 900, including babies who were decapitated by the violent radicals.

Episode 3097: Pushing The Country To The Edge Of The Abyss


from Bannons War Room:


What Comes as No Surprise


by Richard C. Lyons, PJ Media:

Some things occur that are surprising. Other things occur that are no surprise.

On October 7, it came as a surprise that an attack was made upon Israel through underground tunnels between Israel and Gaza, through the skies via hand gliders, over Israeli military barriers, and even by way of the sea, in a terrorist invasion that swept through 20 towns and cities. It was a surprise that terrorists could overrun a police station and an army base. It was a surprise that hundreds of rockets were suddenly launched, without provocation, on civilian targets to coincide with the invasion…

Perhaps My Speculation Was on the Mark

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

On October 9, 2023, I posted this: 

What follows purports to be a description of the impenetrable  Israeli security barrier around Gaza written by a former commander of a section of the fence.  Whether it is or not, the description of the security barrier provided can be checked.  It seems impossible that Hamas could have succeeded in a surprise attack:

Here’s what  commander of the Kerem Shalom Battalion, who knows the area in detail, wrote…

Mike Adams – Israel & Hamas: What the HECK is Wrong With Our People?


from mariazeee:


Hamas was created by Israeli and US intelligence services to counteract Yasser Arafat, Ron Paul explains


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The recent terror attack on Israel by Hamas is a senseless tragedy that we can already see is going to have lasting repercussions on world affairs, especially in the Middle East. Why, then, did the United States and Israel itself create Hamas back in the 1970s?

Before Hamas was what it is today, it was just a fringe group of Palestinian Muslims with no real power. Today, Hamas rules Gaza with an iron fist, and all because of the U.S. and Israel, according to former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul.

John Fetterman Speaks Truth


from Moonbattery:

Very little that cognitively disabled mental patient John Fetterman has to say is coherent, much less true. But he hit the nail on the head with this quote:

“America is not sending their best and brightest you know to Washington, DC.”

For proof, Fetterman presents himself in his usual senatorial attire:

Lara Logan’s Rest of the Story Docuseries: The Brunson Brothers


from Bannons War Room:


Adobe Releases Tool, Developed With the BBC, To Combat “Misinformation” in Images

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

The rise of the meme stamp.

The “granddaddy of all that can be made visually astonishing fake” – i.e., the Photoshop developer and owner Adobe – has officially joined the battle against, no less, than images that convey “misinformation.”

But wouldn’t that be pretty much every image, ever edited with Photoshop – that sadly omnipresent proprietary photo editor? Yet things are not exactly, and are they ever, as clear-cut and reasonable as they may seem at first.

So – did Adobe – of all “people” have to jump on this particular bandwagon? Sure it did, because it’s not of the people – it’s of corporations.

FDA Stonewalls CHD’s Request for Analysis of COVID Vaccine Safety Data — Again

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Children’s Health Defense on Wednesday filed a memo opposing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s request that a federal judge give the agency at least 18 more months to provide key analyses, conducted in 2021 and 2022, of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, database.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is asking a federal judge to let it wait at least 18 more months before providing key analyses, conducted in 2021 and 2022, of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.

The Brunson brothers are still battling in the highest court in the land.
