Tuesday, October 15, 2024



Media Summoned By President’s Team To Tell Them How To Report On Biden Admin

by Niamh Harris, The Peoples Voice:

The Biden campaign has launched rreeducation camps for the media

Biden and his reelection team are reportedly summoning media people to visit their HQ in Wilmington, Delaware, in order to tell them how to report on the Biden administration during the election year.

TGP reports: It just one more reminder that the vast majority of the media acts like the public relations arm of the Democrat party.

Excess Deaths coming in 2024 w/ Ed Dowd

from Sarah Westall:

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“We Need to Find Ways to Suppress Douglas Murray and Joe Rogan”: Inside a Counter-Terrorism Course for U.K. Civil Servants

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

A former civil servant, Anna Stanley reports on a counter-terrorism course she attended which she found a deeply, existentially depressing experience. She argues that ‘prestigious’ educational institutions are delivering politically biased, anti-Government training, amounting to indoctrination and that extremism and terrorism are misunderstood by civil servants to the point of being a national security risk.

I recently attended a Kings College course called ‘Issues in Countering Terrorism’. Organised by the Centre for Defence Studies, it was designed for civil servants and professionals in counter-terrorism. Staff from the Foreign Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defence and Home Office attended. Facilitating this relatively new three-day course were senior lecturers from the Security Studies Department.

Inside Florida’s Billionaires Bunkers Island

from Great Game India:

Indian Creek in Florida has earned the moniker ‘Billionaire Bunkers Island’ due to its seclusion and the presence of a private security team.

Even wealthy people can no longer afford to live on the island because residents are being priced out by people like Jeff Bezos of Amazon, a local historian told Bloomberg.

Vivek FLIPS script on Reporters, leaving media STUNNED by simply asking:

Millions of Germans Rise Up Against Fascist WEF Agenda – Media Blackout

from The People’s Voice:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Canada Backs WHO’s Push for Global ‘Climate Lockdown’ Powers

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Canada has thrown its full support behind the World Health Organization’s (WHO) power grab that seeks to gain control over sovereign nations under its new “Global Pandemic Treaty.”

Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government is now lobbying other nations to also back changes to the WHO’s treaty to expand the definition of a pandemic to include “climate change.”

If approved, the move would grant the WHO sweeping global powers to override the laws of individual nations to enforce “climate lockdowns,” travel limits, bans on private car ownership and use, and restrictions on meat and dairy consumption.

Globalist-occupied Canadian government no longer tolerates press questions it doesn’t wish to answer: Reporter assaulted and arrested by thuggish cops doing the bidding of Justin Trudeau

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Klaus Schwab told us more than two years ago that agents of his globalist organization, the World Economic Forum, had “infiltrated” the cabinets of multiple Western nations including that of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Schwab bragged that “more than half” of Trudeau’s cabinet was under the control of the WEF. Watch the clip below.

Epstein’s List – The HIDDEN Truth That NOBODY’S TALKING ABOUT


from Russell Brand:

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Does the Entire World Now View the U.S. as a Dying Empire? New BRICS Alliance Takes on the Global Food Cartel by Eliminating the U.S. Dollar

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

The WW III “hot war” is continuing to escalate this week, as the regional conflict between Israel and Hezbollah (who some believe has 10x the military power that Hamas has) escalates, as does the Naval War in the Red Sea.

US Warship Directly Targeted In ‘Largest Ever’ Houthi Red Sea Missile Attack

The US Navy shot down nearly two dozen missiles and drones in a major new Red Sea incident, US Central Command (CENTCOM) has confirmed. Given it included at least 21 Houthi missiles and drones launched from Yemen, it marks one of the single largest attacks to take place there since Oct. 7. The Associated Press dubbed it the “largest-ever barrage of drones and missiles targeting shipping in the Red Sea.”

NEW EVIDENCE REVEALED… GBI Strategies Employee Who Turned In Fraudulent Muskegon Voter Registrations Gives STUNNING Interview — Lists Urban Cities Where Organization Operates In Michigan and Nationwide [VIDEO]

by Patty McMurray, The Gateway Pundit:

In August, The Gateway Pundit shared a bombshell report that was taken completely by an up-to-then-buried Michigan State Police report. The report, which outlined a statewide investigation that turned into a nationwide investigation of a potentially massive voter registration scheme, was shared with us by the MIGOP Director of Election Integrity, Phil O’Halloran.

After publishing the report that exposed a massive cover-up by Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson of an explosive, statewide investigation by the MI State Police, Muskegon, MI Police Department, we began to receive tips from individuals who read our story and wanted to help us close the gaps in the highly redacted MI State Police report.



    Whistleblower Nurse Drops COVID Truth Bomb With Intel From Inside the Hospitals

    from Vigilant News Network:

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Texas GOP Moves to Support Gold

    by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

    This March, Republican primary voters in Texas won’t just be choosing which candidates to represent their party in November – they will also be voting on a series of ballot propositions that while not legally binding offer a way for voters to guide their leaders.

    Here’s why what is happening in Texas matters and what it says about the future of gold.

    Among the ballot propositions is one for the Texas government to have the Texas State Comptroller’s office start a program to “administer access to gold and silver through the Texas Bullion Depository for use as legal tender.” Texas already has a state-run depository for precious metals that began operations in 2018.

    The Only School Shootings Corporate Media Don’t Hype Are By Gender-Fluid Murderers


    by Jordan Boyd, The Federalist:

    Only five days have passed since a 17-year-old shot up his school in Perry, Iowa, killing one and injuring five. Yet anyone looking for updates about the tragedy would be hard-pressed to find it on the front pages of any corporate outlet, unusual given the media’s typical amplification of such tragedies.