Friday, September 6, 2024



Norm Eisen’s Notorious Lawfare Outfit Has Fingerprints All Over Colorado Decision to Remove Trump From Ballot

from Revolver News:

The corrupt regime has violated every basic principle of decency, every premise of self-government, and every standard of justice for so long and so often that the public has become largely inured to the latest outrage. And yet the Colorado Supreme Court’s recent decision to exclude Trump—the front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, mind you—from the ballot stands out for its stupidity, shortsightedness, and maliciousness even in this environment.

Australian Doctors Call for a Pause in Covid-19 Vaccines

from The New American:


Colorado Decision is Flat Outright Illegal

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

There is such a thing in the Federal Constitution known as the Supremacy Clause. No state statute can overrule the Constitution. These four judges have actually violated their oath of office, and this could easily rise to the level of Treason. I find it curious that the new Civil War film talks about war with the West, including Colorado. They really should separate, for they do not support the very fabric of what the Constitution stood for.

JFK, Aliens/Demons, Nephilim, Northwood, Earth, Bush Fam, Colorado BOOM! Rabbit holes, Pray!

from And We Know:


Trumpism in France, Le Pen Claims ‘Ideological Victory’, What’s Going On?

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

French president Emmanuel Macron passes hardline immigration bill supported by Marine le Pen. She declares victory. Macron’s Health Minister resigns causing a political crisis.

France Political Crisis

Please note France Passes Controversial Immigration Bill Amid Deep Division in Macron’s Party.

World’s First Fully Autonomous AI-Powered Restaurant ‘CaliExpress By Flippy’ Is Set to Open in Southern California Featuring Robotically Prepared Meals

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

CaliExpress: World’s First Fully Autonomous AI-Powered Restaurant Is Set to Open in Southern California

For many years now, tech billionaires have been quietly, but furiously, working away in secret labs to perfect autonomous AI, and when it’s done it will seem like it came from nowhere all at once. It will be everywhere all at once, in everything, and for a moment it will seem like a blessing. But Artificial Intelligence is the opposite of that, it is coming to take over. CaliExpress by Flippy is just the opening salvo, a tasty tech appetizer if you’ll pardon the pun.

Bills Filed in Oklahoma and Missouri Would Eliminate Capital Gains Tax on the Sale of Gold and Silver

by Michael Maharrey, Schiff Gold:

Bills filed in the Oklahoma and Missouri legislatures for the 2024 legislative session would eliminate state capital gains taxes on the sale of gold and silver. The legislation would also take other steps to treat gold and silver as money instead of as commodities.

In Missouri, Rep Doug Richey filed HB1867 on Dec. 11. Rep. Bill Hardwick filed HB1955 on Dec. 15. The bills are companions to SB735 filed in the Senate by Sen. William Eigel earlier this month.

Kremlin Warns of Consequences Over West’s Scheme to Use Frozen Russian Assets For Kiev Aid

from Sputnik News:

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Any possible moves by Western countries to use Russia’s frozen assets to assit Ukraine will undoubtedly have consequences, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.
On Thursday, media reported, citing US and European officials, that Washington and its European allies had renewed discussions to seize $300 billion in frozen Russian assets to help fund Ukraine.

Silicon Valley Sickos: Study Reveals AI Image Generators Trained on Child Pornography

by Lucas Nolan, Breitbart:

A recent report has uncovered a concerning trend in the development of artificial intelligence image generators, revealing the use of explicit photos of children in their training datasets.

The Associated Press reports that The Stanford Internet Observatory, in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection and other anti-abuse charities, conducted a study that found more than 3,200 images of suspected child sexual abuse in the AI database LAION. LAION, an index of online images and captions, has been instrumental in training leading AI image-makers such as Stable Diffusion.



    from SGT Report:

    The demonRats have crossed the Rubicon in a most unprecedented way, and if they get away with it our banana republic will become entirely ungovernable as the plebs lose what shred of confidence we have left in our utterly criminal state and federal governments. Bob Kudla joins me to discuss.

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    Reminder/NOTE: Use ‘newyears’ for the coupon code not ‘holiday’.

    Bill Gates Funds Needle-Free mRNA “Vaccine”


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    As public support for injections of mRNA technology wanes, the sociopaths need to find new and inventive ways to make sure the human livestock are altered to their liking. Bill Gates has funded research that would enable the delivery of mRNA “vaccine” technology via a needle-less wafer.

    This new research is to prepare for “Disease X,” according to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). Bill Gates, along with tyrant Dr. Anthony Fauci have also funded research claiming bird flu will be the next plandemic and there’s an mRNA injection for that stockpiled and waiting to be used on humans. 

    Judge Pronounced Trump Guilty Before Trial Began!

    from The Jimmy Dore Show:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    What We Can Learn About Survival from the Hobo Subculture

    by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

    Around 100-150 years ago, the name “hobo” was used to describe a homeless or nomadic person, usually a man, who would hop on freight trains to get from place to place, often to find work. In the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, hobos were a well-known subculture, particularly during the Great Depression.

    They wandered from town to town, searching for transitory employment, food, and shelter, leading a nomadic lifestyle. Even though they lived on the periphery of society, hobos upheld values that encouraged independence and respect for one another and the community they worked in.

    Episode 3265: Taking On America’s Mayor To Get To Trump

    from Bannons War Room:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    New Declassified Documents Reveal FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover Greenlighted Surveillance Program In Hawaii Just 2 Months Before Pearl Harbor Attack

    by Anthony Scott, The Gateway Pundit:

    On December 18th, the FBI discreetly declassified 48 pages in a document file titled, “Pearl Harbor Attack December 7, 1941 Part 01.”

    In the documents, it was revealed FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover greenlighted a surveillance program in Hawaii just two months before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

    On page 8 of the newly declassified documents, the Head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office in Honolulu, Robert Shivers, wrote to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on August 23rd, 1941, asking him to enact a surveillance program to spy on Japanese communications from Hawaii to Japan.