France Issuing A Draconian ‘Invasion Guide’ To Citizens As President Emmanuel Macron Warns Europe Must Begin Preparing For Imminent Global War


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

France issuing its citizens an invasion guide – including how to survive a nuclear attack – after Emmanuel Macron warned Europe must begin preparing for war

France is called the City of Lights for its romantic beauty, we all have seen the pictures of beautiful sidewalk cafes in Paris where croissant and espresso are elegantly consumed in leisurely fashion. But we have all also seen the haunting, gut-wrenching images of the Nazi tanks rolling down the Champs Elysée, the French forces and people cowering in utter terror. Perhaps this is what went through the mind of Emmanuel Macron as France released its 20-page ‘Invasion Guide’ to World War 3.


Macron’s ‘Invasion Guide’ is broken up into three different parts:

  • ‘Protecting yourself’ – a section intended to raise solidarity when it comes to protecting oneself and neighbours. This first part also lists the survival kit to have at home in the event of a serious crisis. The kit includes at least six litres of bottled water, ten canned goods, batteries and a flashlight in case of a power cut.
  • ‘What to do in the event of an alert’ – a part detailing the actions one must take in the event of an imminent threat. This chapter lists emergency numbers, radio frequencies, as well as tips like closing all doors in the event of a nuclear accident.
  • ‘Get involved’ – this final section explains how to sign up to a reserve force, whether military or communal. source

You don’t have to be a YouTube prophet to this war coming, your King James Bible tells you that this period of time is all about wars and rumours of wars, and so it is. WWI prepared the land for the Jews, WWII prepared the Jews for the land, and WWIII will prepare the Jews for the time of Jacob’s trouble. When war happens, you sure won’t be able to say we didn’t warn you. That’s the memo.

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