“Architect of the JFK Assassination” revealed……


from State Of The Nation:

…but is no where to be found in the new Kennedy file release of unredacted classified documents—Why not?

Fired CIA Director Allen Dulles selected this high-level spook as the “Architect of the JFK Assassination” after…..

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

…the hit was ordered by Israel’s top-ranking Zionist leadership because President Kennedy refused to share nuclear weapon technology with Tel Aviv and even threatened the apartheid state with total isolation unless inspectors were allowed into the Nuclear Research Center in Dimona. Israeli President David Ben-Gurion was so livid about JFK’s uncompromising position that he abruptly resigned (most likely so that he would not be associated in anyway with the Zionist-commanded assassination plot). Furthermore, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy was demanding that AIPAC register as a foreign agent which the Zionists here or there would never agree to since that powerful espionage organization was specifically set up to turn the U.S. Federal Government into a full-blown ZOG (which it has succeeded in doing).

ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government

As for super-spook James Jesus Angleton, he was educated and trained, mentored and mind-controlled over decades to vigorously promote the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Because President Kennedy frequently went around, under or over the US Intel Community in his communications with the Soviet leadership (especially in his dealings with Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev) because he did not trust Langley, high-level CIA operatives like Angleton were easy to convince that Kennedy was a communist sympathizer and therefore expendable. As a matter of historical fact, Angleton went so far as to profoundly denigrate JFK’s reputation throughout Dallas — just prior to the Nov. 22nd assassination — by widely circulating the following flyer:

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