by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:
Mad scientists are creating all sorts of bizarre hybrid creatures in secret labs all over the planet, and most people in the general population have no idea what is really going on behind closed doors. I am about to share some things with you that are deeply disturbing. I fully understand that. But the only chance we have of ending this evil is to expose it.
For decades, scientists have been mixing one species of animal with another. This has become so common that hardly anyone ever gets upset about it anymore.
So now they are pushing the envelope even farther.
For example, a team of scientists in Japan has created a “plant-animal hybrid” that utilizes “solar-powered tissues”…
A group of researchers in Japan have made quite the breakthrough. According to a new study published in the Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, these scientists have created solar-powered tissues that could revolutionize the production of lab-grown meat and organs.
The cells driving the tissue are a plant-animal hybrid that can gain energy from sunlight in the same way that plants do, the researchers explain in the study. Both animals and plants derive energy using different methods. Plants use photosynthesis, while animals rely on mitochondria.
Researchers hoped that they would be able to take plant cells and combine them with animal cells—in this case, cells taken from hamsters. The goal here was to isolate chloroplasts from plants and then cultivate them with the hamster cells so that they would become hybrid cells and hopefully grow into solar-powered tissue.
Creating plant-animal hybrids is wrong.
But they are doing it anyway.
In other cases, researchers are creating human-animal hybrids.
Shockingly, a team of scientists in the state of Texas was recently able to create “a humanized mouse with a fully developed and functional human immune system”…
The aim of the multi-year project, which appears in the August 2024 issue of Nature Immunology, was to overcome limitations of currently available in vivo human models by creating a humanized mouse with a fully developed and functional human immune system.
Reading that should make you sick.
The researchers are calling this new form of hybrid life “TruHuX”…
Casali’s team began with injecting immunodeficient NSG W41 mutant mice intracardiacally (left ventricle) with human stem cells they purified from umbilical cord blood. After a few weeks, once the graft has been established, the mice are hormonally conditioned with 17b-estradiol (E2), the most potent and abundant form of estrogen in the body. Hormonal conditioning by estrogen was prompted by previous research by Casali and others suggesting that estrogen boosts the survival of human stem cells, boosts B lymphocyte differentiation and production of antibodies to viruses and bacteria.
The resulting humanized mice, called TruHuX (for truly human, or THX), possess a fully developed and fully functional human immune system, including lymph nodes, germinal centers, thymus human epithelial cells, human T and B lymphocytes, memory B lymphocytes, and plasma cells making highly specific antibody and autoantibodies identical to those of humans.
Sadly, even more horrifying “research” is being conducted on the other side of the planet.
In Australia, a company known as Cortical Labs has developed the very first “biological computer” in the world. We are being told that it “fuses human brain cells with silicon hardware”…
An Australian tech company has released what it is calling the world’s first “biological computer” that fuses human brain cells with silicon hardware.
Cortical Labs, a company out of Melbourne, Australia, is led by CEO Hon Weng Chong and a team of researchers. Cortical Labs is boasting the release of the CL1, which is touted as a dynamic, sustainable, and energy-efficient computer that is better than any current artificial intelligence.
That is perhaps because the company says it uses human brain cells that are grown on a silicon “chip” and used as an organic computer. The technology, known as synthetic biological intelligence, allegedly outpaces silicon-based AI chips in terms of training language models, also commonly referred to as chatbots.
Would you like to use a computer that is powered by enslaved human brain cells?
Just the thought of that makes me feel ill.
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