Now Would Be A Great Time Do Declare Your Firm Opposition To mRNA Vaccines So You’re Not Confused Later When Stargate Forces Them On You


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Moderna (MRNA) stock surged Wednesday after Oracle (ORCL) Chairman Larry Ellison praised the potential of artificial intelligence in developing mRNA cancer vaccines in the new Stargate entity

On November 5th I voted for Donald Trump for the third time, I am glad I did and I am glad he is the president and not Kamala Harris. He is off to a very quick start, and I am in favor of most of the things he has set for his second term agenda. But there are a couple of things that are bad, and one main thing that is not just bad but evil. The mRNA vaccine. I will never, ever take it and neither should you.


Donald Trump on Tuesday excitedly announced the formation of the AI entity that will be known as Stargate, and tapped Oracle founder Larry Ellison to tell us what one of their projects will be. When I heard him utter the words “mRNA vaccines powered by Artificial Intelligence”, a cold, wet chill went down my spine. I don’t care who promotes it or who releases it, mRNA vaccines are a deadly DNA-altering, genetic-tampering nightmare that will wreck your health and possible drop you dead where you stand. Just ask Jummai Nache in Minnesota how well the mRNA vaccine worked out for her. As a Bible believer, I understand that AI is demonic, and is part of the end times deception we are now living in. As someone who used to work in the pharmaceutical industry, I understand the clear and present danger that mRNA vaccines represent. Put those two things together, and you have the perfect storm. This article will serve to put everyone connected with Stargate on record that we will actively oppose any and all plans to bring AI-powered mRNA vaccines to market, by whatever means necessary. That’s the memo.

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