A Happy Day, but Evil Never Gives Up


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Today is a happy day for the majority of Americans. Patriotic Americans hope that today is the beginning of the rehabilitation  of the Constitution and a rule of law, of accountable government, the protection of our borders, of patriotism without punishment, of sexual normality, of equal rights for white heterosexual men, and disengagement from American hegemony that has kept us in unjustified wars for the past quarter of a century, killing innocent people and wasting resources that Americans needed and America’s reputation.

Americans are looking to President Trump to fulfill his promise.  No wavering, no bending, no compromise with evil.  

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In conversation with Michael Farris, Gary Heavin explains that we have reasons to be hopeful as long as we remember that the dark forces of the Deep State have not given up, are busy creating division, and will pounce on any perceived weakness.  https://rumble.com/v6atg5p-coffee-and-a-mike-gary-heavin-american-patriot-relief-for-jan-6th.html 

 Evil never gives up. There is no compromise with evil. Evil has to be wiped out. Exterminated. 

Just as it was difficult for Americans to win their independence, it is going to be difficult for us to recover our independence. It is going to require all of us.  We cannot simply dump the task in Trump’s lap and leave all the work to him.  

America is far gone. This is not apparent to younger generations, because they have no experience of what we once were.  Many Americans have grown up accustomed to the absence of privacy, to privileges based on race, gender, and sexual preference, to adhering to false narratives and  believing in orchestrated threats that serve secret agendas.  There are liberals who believe “government knows best.” There are even people who trust CNN, NPR, the NY Times, and the FBI.

A country with a sizable percentage of its population indoctrinated and brainwashed against the country and its principles has a long hard fight ahead. Trump and his government will be under unrelenting pressure to comprise with the Establishment and to become rich by joining it. 

MAGA Americans must hold Trump to his tasks, and Trump must hold his appointees to their tasks, standing by them when they do and replacing them when they falter.  

The renewal of America cannot be done halfway. The Deep State has to be 100 percent eliminated.  This includes the operatives in the universities and local school boards and school administrations.  

Read More @ PaulCraigRoberts.org