CNN Poll Finds Democrat Party at Lowest Ratings in More Than 30 Years


by Cassandra MacDonald, The Gateway Pundit:

A new CNN poll has found that the Democrat Party is facing its lowest ratings in more than three decades.

The poll, conducted for CNN by SSRS Opinion Panel, also found that the majority of people on the right believe supporting President Donald Trump is central to being a Republican.

A 58 percent majority of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents reported believing the Democrat Party needs “major changes, or to be completely reformed.” This is up from just 34 percent who said the same after the 2022 midterm elections.


“Over that time, the share of Republicans and Republican leaners who feel the same way about the GOP has ticked downward, from 38% to 28%,” CNN reports.

The report adds:

Only 49% of Democratic-aligned adults say they expect their party’s congressional representatives to be even somewhat effective at resisting GOP policies, while more than 9 in 10 Republican-aligned adults expect their party’s congressional representatives — who now control both chambers of Congress — to be at least somewhat effective at passing new laws to enact their agenda.

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