Transparently Predictable – Lawfare Operative Mary McCord Testifies During Senate Confirmation Hearing that AG Nominee Pam Bondi Should Recuse Herself from Investigating Trump Targeting Operation


from The Conservative Treehouse:

Sometimes DC is a fishbowl, and they don’t realize the background of what we know, when they are speaking.  Testimony today is a case study of one bubble within that fishbowl.

Former House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff organized the first impeachment effort against President Donald Trump.  Schiff is now a Senator.  Schiff’s former lead staff in the impeachment investigation was Mary McCord.

Today, during the question session for AG Pam Bondi’s nomination, Adam Schiff asked Mary McCord about whether AG Bondi should recuse herself from investigating Adam Schiff and Mary McCord. It’s a little funny if you understand the background.


I prompted the video to the part at 01:36:14 when Schiff asks McCord, and Mrs. McCord responds with “yes, Pam Bondi should recuse.” WATCH:

Mary McCord says Pam Bondi must recuse herself from any investigative outcome related to the first impeachment effort. Who was the lead staff working for Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler on the first impeachment effort? Mary McCord.

Now, triggering that first impeachment effort… Who worked with ICIG Michael Atkinson to change the CIA whistleblower regulations permitting an anonymous complaint? Yep, that would be the same Mary McCord.

In essence, the woman who organized, structured, led and coordinated the first impeachment effort, says Pam Bondi must recuse herself from investigating the organization, structure, leadership and coordination of the first impeachment effort.

You just cannot make this stuff up.


Obviously, doing their ‘pretending not to know routine,” every republican sat on their hands when Mary McCord was testifying about all the terrible attributes and conflicts that surround Pam Bondi.  Do not fool yourself, every republican on the judiciary committee knows exactly who Mary McCord is, and her deeply rooted Intelligence Community connections to the Deep State.

It’s a fun intellectual exercise to remind yourself just who Mary McCord is, and how deeply enmeshed in the stop Trump operation she is.  Remember, Mary McCord openly said she is currently working with a group to “bring lawsuits” against President Trump in his second term as soon as he takes office:

[…] “We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look. (more)

So, even if the Trump administration officials do not confront Mary McCord, which they likely will not do – because they genuinely appear to be afraid of her, Mary McCord is going to target them.

The Lawfare operation that Mary McCord represents is going to try and block President Trump, and the Senate is just sitting there listening to Mary McCord speak today, while pretending they don’t know this.  Good grief, it’s frustrating to watch.

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