Scientists Advance Bill Gates’ Plan to Stop ‘Global Warming’ by Blocking Sun


by David Lindfield, Slay News:

Scientists around the world are advancing efforts to fulfill Bill Gates’ plan to supposedly stop “global warming” by blocking out light and heat from the Sun.

Silicon Valley elites are throwing their financial weight behind a controversial scheme to fight “climate change” — worldwide weather modification.

One of the new VC-funded start-ups, Make Sunsets, has already launched balloons over Baja, Mexico.

The balloons are releasing sunlight-reflecting aerosols into Earth’s stratosphere.


The firm’s concept is to cool Earth by reflecting sunlight back into space via sulfate aerosols.

However, the plan is not new.

In fact, it’s one of many exotic ideas now actively funded by Microsoft co-founder Gates, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, and others in Big Tech.

However, Make Sunsets’ solar geoengineering, which they hope to fund by selling “cooling credits” to green agenda companies, is causing leading experts to raise the alarm.

Researchers across academia, government, and even global insurance agencies have warned of unintended consequences of weather modification.

They warn that it could trigger regional droughts, crop failures, and shifts to the Atlantic jet stream, which could drag hurricanes and tropical diseases north.

Mexico’s environmental ministry blasted Make Sunsets last year for conducting their rogue experiments within their nation’s borders.

Officials accused the company of operating “without prior notice and without the consent of the Mexican government and the surrounding communities.”

But many of these concerns are premised on the idea that such small independent companies like Make Sunsets can manage to work in concert or be effective at all.

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