Movie Theaters Get Multiculturally Enriched Too


from Moonbattery:

It isn’t only conventional theaters like Gaîté Lyrique in Paris that are undergoing multicultural enrichment through the Great Replacement. Iranian migrant Hassan A. enriched a movie theater in Germany:

This hardcore criminal set fire to the Cinemaxx theater at Krefeld main train station last year, resulting in police shooting the man. He caused only a minor fire and smoke in the theater, but it forced an evacuation and could have easily killed many theatergoers if it had not been spotted in time.


Luck stepped in to protect the theater patrons where the authorities would not. They were well aware that Hasan A. has posed a threat to the European public since entering Germany illegally back in 2002. Yet even now,

“Repatriation to Iran is currently.. not an option,” said North Rhine-Westphalia Refugee Minister Josefine Paul, who is a Green Party politician.

Hasan A. has also enriched France:

He committed serious crimes while there, spending four years and six months in prison starting in 2010 for previous bodily harm, attempted rape, property damage, and resisting arrest.

Despite being sentenced to “23 prison terms” in France, he still made it back into Germany, according to the NRW interior ministry.

Rather than return him to his home country, German authorities are trying to send him back to France, which for some reason doesn’t want him.

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