January 20 – A New Independence Day


by Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker:

Independence Day, observed annually on July 4, is a national holiday that honors the ratification of the Declaration of Independence. This pivotal document marked the founding of the United States of America and its liberation from British tyranny and oppression.

In the mid-1990s, a song with the same title was awarded Country Music Song of the Year. Performed by Martina McBride, it celebrates a woman’s liberation from her abusive husband.

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What are the commonalities? Oppression and abuse. Is anyone else sensing a strong stench of these in America, what used to be a shining city on a hill?

Could January 20, which is less than a week away, become another Independence Day for Americans who strive for freedom against a tyrannical federal government?


Tyranny begins gradually before escalating rapidly. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Benjamin Franklin responded to the inquiry, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” by saying, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Where is America since the days of the Founding Fathers?

In the last twenty years, tyranny has intensified as America underwent a “fundamental change,” as promised by a former U.S. President. America’s government and administrative state are now all-consuming.

Many wars have been waged, wasting American lives and resources, frequently started under false pretenses to benefit the military-industrial complex, politicians, and their donors.

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