by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

You may be wondering why I’ve put a blog about an article that, in turn, is about a radiation-eating fungus and mold under the heading of “Cosmic War,” but patience, we’ll get back to that.  I knew, however, when I saw this article that was shared by T.S. (with out gratitude), that I’d be blogging about it.  In fact, I even created a special temporary folder just for the email from T.S. that contained the article, because I wanted to be sure to remember to blog about it.  It concerns a radiation-eating fungus being studied by Ukrainian bio-physicists in the burned out reactors from the Chernobyl disaster. Needless to say, there are quite a few implications to this story, and those implications will be spelled out in today’s high octane speculation. But first, the story itself:


Eating gamma radiation for breakfast

The story begins with the discovery that mold was not only actually growing in high high radiation environment of the Chernobyl reactors, but that it was thriving in that environment:

In the late 1980s Ukrainian scientists studying the dark, dangerous interior of Chernobyl’s destroyed Reactor 4 found that a black, mould-like fungus was growing across the walls and in pools of radioactive water. The fungus was not just surviving the immense radiation levels in the reactor building, but seemed to be thriving – even growing towards the very highest levels of gamma radiation.

Over the next 15 years thousands of strains of hundreds of different species of microfungi were isolated from in and around the Chernobyl disaster site[1]. In tests many of them grew towards strong sources of ionising radiation and some even appeared able to digest so-called ‘hot particles’ – immensely radioactive graphite from the reactor core itself.

Now hold on to your hats, because this is where it gets extremely intriguing. Scientists investigating the phenomenon figured out that what was enabling this bizarre behavior was a change in metabolism brought about by melanin, the pigment found in various types of skin, including in black people:

After the initial observational studies by Ukrainian scientists, Professor Ekaterina Dadachova and colleagues at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York decided to investigate these remarkable fungal species in more detail in a series of laboratory experiments. They found that cells of fungi such as Wangiella dermatitidis (now Exophiala dermatitidis) and Cryptococcus neoformans grew significantly faster and accumulated more biomass during exposure to high levels of radiation than when exposed to background levels of radiation[2]. The fungi’s transcriptome and metabolism were significantly altered under the high-radiation conditions[3].

The key to it all seemed to be melanin – the ubiquitous group of pigments found in many types of eukaryote that protect against UV radiation. Dadachova and her colleagues found that when the radiotrophic fungal strains were engineered to have no or little melanin (known as albino mutants) they did not grow better in the presence of ionising radiation.

Now here’s the kicker:

In the species found in the Chernobyl reactors, the heavy pigment forms multiple concentric layers that build into a dark spherical shell. Eroding the other cell material away with strong chemicals leaves dark melanin ‘ghosts’ in the shape of the parent cell[4].

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